In love with her boyfriend Anderson, Janaína is a heroine full of love to give. She does not hold on to insults, which is why she doesn’t think twice about taking justice into her own hands.
Rosa is a young writer and host of a television show about sex, which has a huge audience. The one person who doesn’t like her fame is the television host Pablo, her competitor. Determined to take her down, he gets involved with Rosa to discover more about her personal life, but ends up falling into his own trap.
While Raquel is beautiful and sweet, she is also disorganized and clumsy. Chaos in the form of a woman, she manages to plague the lives of those around her when the topic is getting ready to go out. Nevertheless, she forces herself to change her fumbling ways.
Rita is a bimbo who loves gossip. Paying so much attention to other people’s conversations, leads her to hear a rumor about her own husband. Ironically, she persecutes the people who spread the gossip and, finally, arrives at the truth.
In love with her husband, Monique is the type of woman who cannot breathe alone without her partner. Surprised to discover that he is betraying her with another woman, Monique spares no effort to get her man back, even if it makes her do some strange things.
Gigi is a vain millionaire who lives with her eyes on the store Windows and likes to take care of her body working out at the gym. Egocentric, she will not allow Maria Eduarda to use the same dress as her at a party and, for this, she solicits the help of her husband Edemar.
Gabriela is an angry woman, with a strong personality who sees herself as modern. Olinda’s daughter, she can’t believe that her mother would leave her life as a widow to become involved with another woman. Since the two live in a small city, the news spreads quickly, upsetting Gabriela’s life.
Liliane is a beautiful, rich and successful woman, who had everything for being happy. Being the wife of a politician, and having a troublesome schedule, she ends up suffering from insomnia. To resolve her problem, she counts on help from her friend Helena.
Ângela Cristina is a mother who is present, caring and who sometimes makes her daughter Malu go through some embarrassing situations. To protect the teenager, she is capable of giving up anything.
Despite her girlish way, Shirly needs to be strong at work, since her boss, Loureiro, is constantly harassing her and does not take his eyes off her thighs. Serious, yet at the same time romantic, she believes that somewhere out there is a nice guy for her. Upon becoming involved in a sizeable amount of turmoil, she ends up meeting Fernando, who may be the love she has been waiting for.
Ana is a valient warrior, with a thirst for justice. As a hired assassin, she tames the northeastern wilderness to carry out her missions. When Ana ends up falling in love with godson of one of her victims, she discovers a new passion which may compromise her work.
Esplendor was born during Carnival and dreams of shining on the Avenue. To realize her dream of becoming the featured dancer at a samba school, the young woman gets involved in a number of problems and falls for the rascal Sivaldo.
Cleonice is a domestic servant who is a dreamer and dedicated to her work. As an employee at an office for self-help books, she gets involved in a fairytale and falls in love with Fernando. What she doesn’t imagine is that the new romance may change her future.
Different from some starts that are born bright, Mary has never managed to achieve the stardom that she has so dreamed of. Full of hope, she becomes nostalgic with the realization that it is never too late and goes after something more. The actress returns to television to revive her career and ends up finding a new love.