In a world of noise, Clarence is a jar of sunshine, pure and simple. He sees the world only in his favorite colors: goofy grape and neon green. Clarence values his friends Jeff and Sumo and his mother Mary more than gold. No matter what happens, good or bad, nothing brings Clarence down.
Type: tv
Season: 3
Episode: N/A
Duration: 11 minutes
Release: 2014-04-14
Rating: 7.905
Season 1 - Clarence
Clarence's Mom treats Clarence, Jeff and Sumo to an afternoon at Rough Riders Chicken, a fast food restaurant with a play emporium. When Clarence and Sumo steal Jeff's fries, Jeff is forced to confront his germ phobias head-on in the restaurant's seemingly unsanitary play area.
Clarence and Amy get caught up in a "pinecone war" while on a hunt for a monster-sized rock.
Can Clarence, Jeff and Sumo manage to have a good time at "Pizza Swamp" Arcade with only one dollar to spend between them? Yes.
During a trip to the supermarket with his mom, Clarence discovers produce adventure and coupon intrigue in aisle five... and every other aisle.
When Clarence realizes the classroom "buddy star" system is leaving some kids behind, he creates his own form of currency called "Clarence Dollars." The new reward system promptly turns the entire school upside down.
When Clarence is asked out on a date by Ashley, he realizes he doesn't know the first thing about having a girlfriend! Clarence enlists Sumo and Jeff to transform himself into the perfect gentleman just in time for his big date.
Jeff wants to keep his new, flying "Wrath Hover Ginsbot" toy in its box. Clarence is desperate to play with the toy. And poor Sumo is caught in the middle.
When Clarence's mom takes Clarence to a stuffy dinner party, Clarence embarks on a quest for fun wherever it can be found.
Seeking to improve his communication skills, Clarence turns to a squeeze horn. It's really annoying.
Clarence hosts a fun game to meet new friends. But things go awry when Clarence accidentally buries the money his Mom gave him to buy refreshments for her book club meeting.
Clarence and Belson make a true odd couple when they're paired up during a field trip to the zoo and find themselves locked inside after hours.
A glimpse at the wild, secret adventures Clarence undertakes each day before the rest of us, and the sun, get up.
Clarence's first night home alone spirals out of control, forcing Clarence and his pals to wage war against their own home security measures.
A nap in mud seals Clarence's eyes and leaves him sightless, potentially dooming his team's chances in the school's ill-conceived "Vision Bee."
Sumo devotes himself to the Sisyphean task of building a boat, defying the expectations of everyone in his life, including himself.
Clarence struggles to make a connection at an all-girls slumber party, leaving Sumo and Jeff at odds without Clarence as their "friendship buffer."
Clarence, Sumo and Jeff's nature hike veers off course courtesy of their under qualified, overwhelmed guide Josh, prompting Clarence to take the lead.
Jeff suffers an identity crisis when a standardized test lands him in the lesser of the classes academic groupings.
Clarence and Sumo chase a lizard to unexpected rewards as Jeff jockeys for playing time on Belson's spectacular new gaming system.
After Clarence and his indecisive classmate Brady are left behind at school, Brady is forced to tag along on Clarence's adventure home.
Clarence is so troubled by the sight of his teacher in a social setting outside of school, he can't stop himself from intruding on her doomed blind date.
Belson invites Clarence and friends to a sleepover party, with a catch: whoever can survive the night's pranks and scares will win Belson's old Acedia game system!
Clarence's innocent attempt to ingratiate Chelsea, a girl, into a boys only tree fort puts Sumo in charge of an effort to gross Chelsea out and preserve the status quo.
Clarence, Sumo, and Jeff reminisce about the day they first met - although a few of the details are foggy.
Clarence must somehow navigate the mind-numbing boredom of a doctor's office waiting room to earn the ultimate prize - candy from the reception desk candy jar.
When a corporate sponsorship of Clarence's school turns into an ominous corporate takeover, Clarence must stand up to the the man, no matter how tasty the chicken may be.
Clarence and Sumo look to throw together some quick cash so they can invest in Chad and Sumo’s dad’s new business venture, a boutique sculpture shop.
After a nasty spill lands Belson in a full body cast, Clarence pays his bedridden friend a visit at the hospital, but what Clarence thinks will cheer him up might actually drive Belson totally crazy!
Jeff enlists Clarence to help him prepare for the big Aberdale cook-off. Will Jeff keep his cool or freak out and toss his dish away like in years past?
Clarence and Sumo hit the jackpot when they get suspended for a week, learning all sorts of different facts they’d never learn in class, but after a few days the suspension takes its toll, boredom sets in and the boys want to go back.
While reading a confusing text message in class, Ms. Baker assigns a weekend project on turtle hats, and the kids struggle to figure out exactly what that entails. When presentation time comes, Clarence, Jeff and Sumo are left to improvise.
While at the park, Clarence happily feeds some birds his sandwich, imagining himself as their king. He has a great time until one persistent goose will not leave him alone!
Clarence buys a goldfish, but when the goldfish bag breaks before he can get home, Clarence must keep his new friend out of harms way and get him back into water before it’s too late.
While playing in the woods the boys befriend a wild dog, bring it home and name it Chimney. When the boys find themselves trapped in a well, the new pup is their only hope for escape.
In an escalating series of dares, Clarence eats five hundred hard-boiled eggs, delighting the kids around him. As Clarence grows sicker and sicker, the kids get more and more grossed out until they want nothing to do with him.
As punishment for making a huge mess in their house, Belson’s mom makes Belson clean up, offering their usual maid service to Mary and Clarence. Embarrassed of their messy house, Mary and Clarence hurry to clean up before the maid arrives.
Things in the Wendle household are turned upside down when Mary’s mom Dyllis comes to visit, butting her way into every corner of Clarence, Mary and Chad’s life.
It’s time for the Aberdale Greased Pig Chase and everyone’s excited except Clarence. He feels bad for Butterscotch that he takes her place in the pig chase, running from townsfolk eager to take home the prized barrel full of hot dogs!
After Clarence discovers that Mr. Reese falls asleep during detention when given a doughnut, it becomes the spot to be during recess. When Jeff gets wind of it he transforms it from a fun hang out spot to a too-cool-for-school club.
It’s time for Clarence’s first summer job helping out his mom at Hip Clipz Salon School, but when a rude customer bosses around Mary and her staff, Clarence gives her a haircut she’ll never forget.
After playing a bit too aggressively with his Lil Buddy doll, Clarence gets timeout and his worst nightmare comes true. He misses the entire recess!
While Clarence spends Saturday playing an adventure game, Dragon’s Cusp, Mary asks him to return some mail to the guy across the street Chalmers Santiago, whom they’ve never seen. Clarence makes it his mission to befriend the neighbor.
Jeff is set to go to bed so he can wake up for the morning meteor shower when Clarence suggests they stay up all night. As they struggle to stay awake, their reality slips away as deprivation induced hallucinations play tricks with them.
The trio heads to Squirty’s Moist Mountain water park, and as Clarence learns the truth about his idol Squirty, Jeff and Sumo wait in line for the reopening of the parks tallest slide, The Curd Churner.
Chad takes Clarence out to the woods for some camping but Clarence is disappointed at the cushy set up. To make it a more rugged adventure, Clarence ditches Chad’s wallet, cell phone and all their food.
Clarence and Sumo are psyched to play their pirate-themed board game until they learn Jeff has invited boring old Breehn along. After Breehn gets frustrated and leaves, it’s up to the three scallywags to rescue Breehn from an intense flood.
Jeff has everything in place for his birthday at Papa Petey’s Pins and Pies but Gilben is also having his party there, stealing Jeff’s thunder. Jeff gets even more upset when the kids suggest they merge their parities for a double birthday.
An argument between Jeff and Sumo escalates until they vow never to speak to each other again. At first Clarence enjoys the separation, he’s got someone to play with but he becomes exhausted and must scheme to get the guys to be friends.
While watching a TV show about dreams, Clarence dozes off and enters the dreamscape that hovers above Aberdale. Clarence can see other people’s dreams. When things turn nightmarish, Clarence must find a way to escape back to reality.
Ms. Baker introduces a new student, a short little kid with a hook for a hand named Balance. Clarence is pumped to have a new friend, despite Balance’s gruff attitude and snarky jibes at the other kids.
After Clarence leads a few neighborhood kids through his homemade haunted house, Chelsea suggests they go to the high school kids haunted house for some real scares.
Season 2 - Clarence
After Mr. Reese discovers his precious car smeared with meatball sauce, he pulls out his officer’s cap and enlists Clarence to help his investigation to nab the culprit.
When Aberdale Elementary's beloved playground equipment is replaced with safe, boring alternatives, Clarence and the gang seek out their old playground equipment in the legendary lost playground yard.
Sumo discovers an injured roadrunner, names him Hot Sauce, and nurses him back to health. The two become inseparable pals, but Sumo learns that a wild animal can’t be contained.
Clarence draws a comic for the school paper and it becomes a huge hit with the kids. When angry parents step in and censor the comic’s crass humor, Clarence must stand up for his artistic vision.
Clarence is all excited visit his grandma when he learns that Chad has never been on a plane. Clarence makes it his mission to help Chad get through a hectic flight.
When Clarence accidentally breaks a local arcade game Jeff has become obsessed with, Clarence puts together his own real-life version of the game at home, encouraging Jeff to act out his fantasy in levels created exclusively by Clarence.
Clarence and his pals venture to the Aberdale Renaissance Faire. Clarence confuses a medieval play for reality, and vows to stop the evil black knight from getting the princess.
When Clarence is convinced he has the power to manipulate time he vows to only use his abilities for good. A day at school puts his morals to the test when he’s given the ultimate choice to help his friends or pause time in the name of fun.
After creating an unapproved mural on a wall at Aberdale Elementary, Clarence, Jeff and Sumo are forced to come to school on a Saturday to clean up as punishment.
Clarence, Jeff and Sumo investigate a high school party down the street, which they mistake for an alien invasion.
After a pit stop bathroom break during a school field trip, Clarence returns to the parking lot and accidentally gets on the wrong school bus - which takes him to a different school!
Clarence enlists the help of his eccentric neighbor Larry to take the trio out for ice cream and the ride of their lives!
When Clarence loses the ball during a soccer game, he ends up following it into an office building, where he’s mistaken for the boss’s kid and given free reign to wander around.
After Clarence and Sumo cause a power outage in Sumo’s family home, they’re sent off in the hot desert with Sumo’s older brother to retrieve a generator part. Will they survive the trek or will Sumo’s sibling rivalry boil over?
After reading a book about a mystical animal society in class, Clarence is inspired to round up local animals and recreate an animal world of his own to cheer up his friend Percy. But will Percy take the game too far?
Clarence and other students find the crusty old journal of Coogan filled with clues leading to a mysterious treasure. Clarence spearheads the team of treasure hunters to journey through the perils of Aberdale seeking the lost Eye of Coogan.
After missing out on a chance to see the premiere of the Robofrog trailer, the trio devises a plan to sneak into the theater and catch a glimpse before anyone else. However, when they damage the reel, they’re forced to fix it or fess up!
While shopping with his Mom, Clarence discovers Breehn hiding in a clothes rack. Under the guise of trying on new clothes for their moms, they sneak out to find a local gameshow being hosted inside the Aberdale Mall.
As Sumo and Clarence are playing outside, Chelsea and Rita skate by on their new skateboards. Enthralled, Sumo decides to build his own and join their skating team, while Clarence seems to have other ideas.
After Clarence and pals call random numbers as a prank, Clarence ends up connecting with a girl and they strike up a friendship. But will this long distance phone pal last?
After Ms. Baker takes a personal day, she is replaced by a substitute that has a hard time handling the classroom. Soon, the school day devolves into chaos and it is up to Clarence to get Mrs. Baker back to where she belongs, the classroom.
Over the course of a single day in Ms. Baker’s class, we see how Clarence and his classmates deal with their individual trials during the school day.
Burned out from having so many adventures, Clarence struggles to sit around and do nothing.
When Clarence discovers a new quirk about his friend, Jeff begs Clarence not to tell. Can Clarence resist the urge to expose Jeff’s secret to the whole school?
With Clarence distracted by the mysterious power of the moon, his class competes to build the highest-flying rocket. Will Sumo’s homemade bucket of bolts beat Belson’s store-bought rocket?
When Ms. Baker pairs up the kids to act as parents for a sprout, Sumo and Clarence learn all about good parenting. Jeff buys toys instead of fertilizer and Chelsea and Kimby get to know each other.
After Clarence learns Sumo’s in the school musical, he joins up and enthusiastically promotes the show. On opening night with a packed house, stage fright takes hold of Sumo and he runs off leaving Clarence to go on alone.
After his mom gets a worm bin, Jeff deals with the gross reality that he has a tub of bugs living in his kitchen, and Clarence obsesses over feeding the worms.
On a school trip to the Aberdale Natural History Museum, Clarence and Sumo check out the displays, goof around with the exhibits and even remove a tooth from the T-Rex display.
Jeff and Sumo expect no one to show at Clarence’s birthday party, just like last year. When dozens of kids arrive, the boys struggle to get face time with Clarence, the popular party host.
Clarence, Jeff and Sumo make it their mission to climb a really tall tree before it’s set to be chopped down. As they scale higher and higher their reality begins to slip away.
Everything is on the line when Clarence and friends play the biggest game of capture the flag yet! Everyone wants to take home the crown, and the power to control the neighborhood’s juice boxes.
When Clarence befriends an aging woman at the local retirement home, he’s determined to remind her of her old self in order to convert the grumpy granny to his fun loving ways.
Mel learns Chad has never taken Clarence fishing and decides to remedy this with a bonding trip for all the boys! Split into two groups, Mel and Clarence learn a bit about each other while Chad struggles with the ins and outs of fishing.
After an accidental backpack swap, Clarence discovers that Belson is hiding an artistic side and attempts to foster Belson’s creativity.
Following an insect mishap Clarence’s house needs to be fumigated forcing Mary, Chad, and Clarence into a motel. In the meantime, Clarence and Chad learn a bit about responsibility while Mary contemplates a life of letting go.
It’s wintertime in Aberdale and Clarence is convinced his winter wish for snow in Arizona will come true! However, his classmate Belson along with his grumpy cousin Gary Mooch are a little tougher to convince.
It’s the end of the school year, and Papa Marianio is slated to dish out his famous pizza along with a spectacle of song and dance. As the kids wait in excitement, they share memories about times with Papa.
Season 3 - Clarence
Clarence learns his best friend Sumo may transfer to another school! It’s up to Clarence to protest, petition and rally to convince everyone to let Sumo stay – or face losing his closest school pal!
When Clarence notices Ms. Baker is the only one in class left without a Valentine, he decides to enlist the help of Sumo to set her up with Sumo’s teacher, Mr. Mozer! Will sparks fly or will the boy’s naive view of romance backfire?
It’s school election time at Aberdale Elementary, and Jeff is once again determined to become Class President. He’s unsuccessful in connecting with other kid. That is until he sees a shoe-in puppet President, the lovable Clarence!
Chad’s band Dogmon, plays a show for the first time in years, giving Clarence and Mary a chance to really rock out.
Clarence is determined to throw the sleepover to end all sleepovers, his biggest party yet! There’s only one thing missing, guests! Clarence sets out to invite all his friends in town, but finds that they might need some convincing.
Mary and Chad are relieved to have a quiet day with Clarence’s friend Jeff. Unlike Clarence, Jeff is polite, organized, and clean. However, they soon suspect there’s something Jeff is hiding from them!
As Sumo’s dad Mel prepares the family for over-the-top doomsday scenarios, Sumo struggles to convince his family to let him keep a new pet.
Stuck in detention with Mr. Reese, an annoyed Belson is forced to go along with Mr. Reese’s latest makeshift detective mystery.
An ever-cheerful Clarence attempts to improvise a sleepover party with some of Aberdale’s townsfolk in an unusual location – while everyone else panics.
Our stories come to a head as Aberdale tensions rise. The residents must act quickly to work together, or accept their impending doom.
The boys go to the Aberdale Community Pool for a day of wet fun! While Jeff slowly wades in the shallow end, Sumo tries to conquer the diving board, and Clarence sneaks past the lifeguards into the hot tub for a boiling surprise.
Chad takes Clarence to his first game! Clarence takes it all in - the crack of the bat, the touchdown dances, the slam-dunks and of course, hotdogs and popcorn! Will Clarence get to fulfill his dream of meeting Aberdale’s beloved mascot?
Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo stumble upon a mysterious box. After they open it, some strange things begin to happen. Convinced they’ve unlocked a curse, they become determined to reverse it!
After surprising Clarence with Martial Arts classes, Mary gets talked into joining the class herself. She loves the lessons in discipline and control, but Clarence just wants to have fun! Can Mary convince Clarence to stick with the class?
When Clarence discovers that one of his neighbors is the grumpy school recess proctor Ms. Shoop – he decides the only things she’s missing are some friends. Clarence sets out on a mission to match Shoop with some new pals!
After listening to public radio, Clarence is inspired to record an interview featuring Sumo. When Ms. Baker hears the interview, she gets Clarence a spot on Aberdale Public Radio! The search is on – to find the perfect interview subject.
When Chad realizes his lazy habits might be rubbing off on Clarence, he decides to participate in the Aberdale Marathon. However, Chad doesn’t know the first thing about being a runner and must enlist the help of Clarence.
Pieces of Mr. Reese’s past are revealed when his old partner on the police force, Officer Moody, visits Aberdale Elementary.
Gilben’s newly sprouted peach fuzz sparks a discussion about puberty that ultimately convinces Clarence to act more like an adult.
When Clarence meets JT, he finds a friend who shows him some cool new music, a new outlook on life and a rat-tail! Clarence leans into the rat tail lifestyle, discovering a whole side of Aberdale he never knew existed.
As Mary runs errands, Clarence waits in the car and struggles to fight boredom.
When Chelsea accidentally lets her cat Crumbles out, the cat goes missing! Reluctant to ask for help, she struggles to find the cat before anyone realizes it’s gone. It’s up to cat whisperer Clarence to interject and find Crumbles!
After stumbling upon a new kid in their neighborhood , Clarence, Jeff and Sumo decide to take the kid out on the town showing him the fun of junk food, arcades and soda! However, this lifestyle may be more then the new kid bargained for.
With Jeff on vacation, Sumo and Clarence egg each other on in a series of increasingly absurd and extreme dares. But will one of them put a stop to this dare day, before it goes too far?
After accidentally trading away Chad’s favorite baseball card, Clarence has to trade it back! Determined to become an expert, Clarence transforms himself into a slick salesman, before facing the ultimate deal.
In this Halloween adventure, Clarence uses a special jack-o-lantern to enter the world of people’s dreams. He discovers that something mysterious is causing his friends to have nightmares, and Clarence needs to stop it!
Clarence is excited for Thanksgiving Dinner with Chad's parents, but Chad is worried that their unusually laid back demeanor and bizarre customs will make him look irresponsible by association.
When Jeff realizes Sumo’s new classes have been rubbing off on Sumo, he attempts to further foster this newfound intellectual Sumo! But will Clarence’s lowbrow antics reverse Jeff’s hard work?
Clarence feels the call of the wild – and decides to live a life free of the hustle and bustle of the modern world. He sets out to find a place to live his feral life, but soon realizes he lacks some basic survival skills.
After Clarence accidentally knocks Belson’s new video game down a storm drain, Belson enters the large underground sewer tunnel to retrieve it. When Belson doesn’t return, Clarence must decide whether or not to go in after him.
Clarence throws a big talent show in his yard to showcase all the fun hidden talents of his friends. But when Brady claims he’s talentless, Clarence sets out to prove that everyone has something special to share!
Clarence spends a day outside with his toy RC Car, which he names Carla. Eventually convinced Carla has a mind of her own, he decides to follow her to new adventures.
When Clarence’s neighbor Gale recruits him to dog sit for her, he knows it will be a breeze. However, Gale’s dog proves to be a little more challenging than he expects!
Mary buys a new trampoline for the family, but an accident lands her on the couch for a while. Determined to fight the boredom of being stuck indoors, she discovers her neighbor may be hiding something exciting.
When Clarence starts to play around with his home video camera, he becomes drawn into the world of filmmaking. From talking toys, to real actors, to documentary subjects, Clarence is determined to find the right style to tell his story!
Clarence is in disbelief when he learns his best friend Belson has a new girlfriend named Pipi. But when he observes their less than romantic behavior, he decides that he needs to teach them the ways of love to help keep their fling afloat!
After a marathon of classic sitcom episodes, Clarence becomes stuck as alter-ego "Clarry," an obnoxiously overacting sitcom version of himself. It's up to his friends and family to help him snap out of it, or face life with a new Clarence.
Clarence submits a short story into a writing contest. He's overjoyed when he learns he's accepted as a finalist! When Jeff finds out Clarence has to attend a formal dinner, he fixates on transforming the messy Clarence into a gentleman.
Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo visit their local video store to rent a movie, but discover it’s all rented out! Each of them have a different idea of what tape to bring home, and must enlist the help of a tie breaker to figure it out.
When Clarence realizes Sumo has made a new group of friends at his new school, he becomes jealous and confused. Will Clarence accept a school life void of Sumo, or scheme his way into making their friendship work?