Death Battle!

Pop culture's deadliest characters fight to the death! Experts Wiz and Boomstick analyze the fighters' weapons, armor, and skills to find the decisive, unquestionable winner. It's your dream match-ups come to life!

Type: tv

Season: 11

Episode: N/A

Duration: N/A minutes

Release: 2010-12-06

Rating: 7.6

Season 1 - Death Battle!
Two of the most well known space bounty hunters square off in an all out battle to the death using their unique skill-sets and weaponry. Who will reign supreme in the Death Battle - Star Wars Legend, Boba Fett or the First Lady of Video Games, Samus Aran?
Akuma, the most powerful Street Fighter, takes on Mortal Kombat's deadly sorcerer, Shang Tsung! Using their unique skill-sets, it's a no-holds-barred duel to the death! Who will win? Who will die?
X-Men's toughest babe takes on the near-invincible Wonder Woman, and only one will survive! Which skill-sets and weapons will these brutal beauties use? Who will win? Who will die?
The brainless, limbless Goomba battles the dim-witted Koopa in the most unnecessarily epic fight of all time! It's a duel to determine the best of the basic, but this brawl has some strange surprises in store...
Capcom's greatest rivals finally meet! Final Fight's Mike Haggar battles Street Fighter's Zengief, Russia's Red Cyclone, in a brutal fight to the death! Which Double Lariat and Spinning Pile Driver will reign supreme?
Four heroes in half-shells duel to the death! Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael have won many a battle with their unrivaled teamwork, but when going solo which Ninja Turtle is deadliest?
The deadliest ninja turtle faces his ultimate rival: Zitz, the leader of the mighty Battletoads! Can the 'Toad's brute force overpower the brawl, or will Leonardo's strategic style prevail once again?
Who has the biggest appetite for battle? Will Yoshi, the adorable eating machine, survive a battle with Killer Instinct's genetically engineered killer dinosaur, Riptor? Or will ferocity win the day?
Darkstalkers VS Blazblue! It's an all-out, no-holds-barred cat fight! Felicia, the feline pop-star, takes on the goofy vigilante, Taokaka! Which cat will reign supreme? And which will be left in pieces?
God of War vs Todd McFarlane's Spawn! Kratos, the demigod who brought down Olympus, faces Spawn, the demon-warrior who conquered Hell itself. Which God-killing warrior will rise to the top?
White Bomber VS Taizo Hori! Two retro masters of terrain and ultimate destruction battle it out!
Dragon Ball Z VS Sonic the Hedgehog's rival! Which super-powered anti-hero will dominate the battlefield? Featuring the voices of Nick "Lanipator" Lanids and Curtis "Takahata101" Arnott from Team Four Star!
Plumber VS Hedgehog! After over two decades, this fierce rivalry finally comes to a head in a brutal duel to the death! Will Mario's raw strength and power up arsenal trump Sonic's lightning speed and buzz-saw spines? Who will win? Who will die?
The most famous teen pop star ever meets the YouTube sensation behind the worst song ever made! Logically, they must fight to the death! It's Bieber VS Black in one of the most brutal DEATH BATTLE match-ups, yet!
Star Wars VS J.K. Rowling! Can a Wizard from Hogwarts take on a Jedi Master in a one-on-one duel to the death? Two heroes from two generations enter the ring, and only one will survive.
Street Fighter VS King of Fighters! Thighs VS boobs! The legendary Chun-Li duels the voluptuous Mai of SNK's Fatal Fury to end the arcade era's sexiest rivalry!
My Little Pony VS Transformers! Which of these two high-speed Hasbro toys will dominate the skies and win this epic duel? Can a tiny pony really stand up to a giant robot warrior?
Halo VS Doom! The original FPS space marine takes on his modern-day successor in a brutal duel to the death! Can Master Chief survive a fight with Doomguy, the man who forced Hell itself to its knees? Who will win? Who will die?
Sonic the Hedgehog VS Mega Man! The greatest mad geniuses of mechanized villainy command their vast armies of robotic warriors in an all-out war!
Super Mario Bros. VS The Legend of Zelda! Two classic damsels in distress enter the ring! But with no heroic rescuer in sight, which princess will survive the brutal battle to the death?
Marvel VS Mortal Kombat! Who is the ultimate god of thunder? The mightiest Asgardian battles Earthrealm's cunning defender! Who will win? Who will die?
Legend of Zelda VS Final Fantasy VII! Two heroic swordsmen enter the arena, but only one will leave alive. Does the Hero of Hyrule and his vast arsenal stand a chance against the superhuman might of Cloud Strife?
DC Comics VS Marvel! The dark knight battles the web crawler in a duel to the finish! Who will win? Who will die?
Pokemon VS Street Fighter! A bestial battle of electric power! Can the quick-footed mouse take down the ferocious man-beast of Brazil?
This is it! The ultimate answer to the ultimate question! Two alien saviours battle to the death! One will win. One will die.

Season 2 - Death Battle!
Masters of the Universe VS ThunderCats! It's a classic battle of muscular 80's icons! Will He-Man smash his way to victory with his herculean strength, or will Lion-O's all-powerful Sword of Omens strike the finishing blow?
Mortal Kombat VS Street Fighter! The ultimate showdown between final bosses! Can Shao Kahn's tenacity outmatch M. Bison's raw power?
Ninja Gaiden VS Strider! The duel to see who is gaming's deadliest ninja!
Soulcalibur VS Killer Instinct! The ultimate battle to decide who has the most powerful boobs in gaming! Yes, you read that right.
Star Fox VS Bucky O'Hare! Which anthropomorphic space mammal has the hops to outfox the other in deadly mano-a-mano combat? Experts Wiz and Boomstick have the answer!
Skynet VS OCP! It's the robot battle to end all robot battles! These machine-men will need everything they have to fight to the bitter end, no matter what it takes!
Nintendo VS Sega! The trusty sidekicks of Mario and Sonic raise their dukes to see who is the deadliest Player 2!
Charizard VS Blastoise VS Venusaur! Did you choose the strongest starter Pokemon all those years ago?
Killer Instinct VS Mortal Kombat! Two brutal cyborg assassins enter... only one survives. Is Fulgore metal enough to beat the robo-ninja Sektor?
Kaiju fight! The monster fight half a century in the making! While Godzilla and Gamera have been box office rivals for years, they have never met in battle. Until now!
DC vs Marvel! Two peak-condition human beings who fight for justice, now in a fight to the death! Who will win?
Power Rangers VS Gundam Wing! The ultimate 'David and Goliath' of giant robot fights! Two killer robots with pilots duped by evil, but only one will survive this battle.
Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat! Two rival fighting game icons now vie for true superiority!
Marvel VS DC! It's the Merc with a Mouth against the Terminator! Whose killing skills outmatch the other? The copycat or the original?
Nintendo VS Dragon Ball Z! Which puffy pink powerhouse is the ultimate harbinger of doom?
Which warrior of the earth will crush the other?
It's the battle of spies with Metal Gear vs Splinter Cell! The perfect soldier against the ultimate predator! Can Snake's intensity defeat Sam's unmatched stealth?
The rematch of legends begins now. Hold on to your seat.
They're the greatest fighters in the history of the world! ... Or so they say. Which of these wimpy warriors will walk away the winner?

Season 3 - Death Battle!

Season 4 - Death Battle!
Take a Bite out of this ultimate battle of mascots!
It’s a Marvel vs DC in a gargantuan battle to the death! Between the mighty god of thunder and the tenacious Amazon princess, who will survive?
It’s naruto vs bleach in our biggest fight ever!
A futuristic twist on a classic match between bat and spider!
Which grim silver haired swordsman will be victorious?

Season 5 - Death Battle!
The dark Knight returns! To face the king of Wakanda!
The leaders of 3D hash it out!
The purest of hearts try to stab out each other’s.
Two zombie slayers, two hundred undead… only one winner!
There can only be one sorcerer supreme! Who will win this strange fated magical duel?
It’s Street Fighter versus Tekken as two classic fighting game icons dude it out!
These Two Masters of the Samurai style cross blades in DEATH BATTLE!
Two scary tendril using monsters of our violence fight
Two classic giant robots, the first of their kind come together for a Mecha-Sized duel!
Thanks to Ismahawk for the first ever live action battle!
Which World conquering Mecha-Menace deserves to be scrapped?
Two powerful, prolific and weirdly perverted masters of martial arts Battle it out!

Season 6 - Death Battle!
The kings of the high sea shall see who deserves the title more.
All five iterations of the blue bomber shall take each other on
Two of the worlds deadliest assassins will fight with fists and bullets and poisons, oh my!
Fists will fly between a duel of Captain Marvel and… Captain Marvel
Nintendo’s fat slobs get off their asses
Gifted with alien technology of unlimited potential, two guardians of the galaxy will battle
Two ice cold swordswomen clash blades
Two of the strongest celebrities take their fists out of the cameras view, and in to each others face.
The elements make up the world, now they will make this fight a spectacle.
Bikers. That’s it.
Two mechanical dragons. What more do you fucking need?
Demonic anime swordsmen. A title that applies to a lot. But none can match these two other then another.
The dark lords of gaming finally meet.
The psychics of ONE’s mind.
Wiz and Boomstick rake in the strongest god they have so they can finally be rid of the merc with the mouth.
The mightiest of nice guys fight all night!

Season 7 - Death Battle!
These two electric power charged teens will hop the multiverse to protect those they love. And that’s caused them to meet and now fight!
Two black clad Warner bros females are about to engage one another in battle!
It’s the battle of all our childhoods, so brag your cereal as these two team leaders clash blades
These two are the living proof that heroes aren’t born, they’re made!
These two ice conjurors with lots of revealed skin shall clash!
These two monstrous four armed fighters with a lust for the arena are finally meeting the match!
Ones a gritty badass, ones a comedic dumbass. But either way they both surf the timelines so it’s about TIME they fight!
These two wise cracking masters greatest failures led to their worlds greatest threats. When motivated by this tragedy, can they beat the other
These two cartoon superheroes are blessed with the ability to morph into powerful fantasy creatures!
After all these years, Wonder Woman returns to duel with fellow Princess of power, She-Ra! Sparks will fly as blades collide!
These 2 egotistical planet shatterers that spawn from the most classic of anime are battling! May god have mercy on our universe!
A scar near his eye caused by hot tea, fire powers and daddy issues! Those are the recipe for our two combatants today!
The Flash fights Sonic! But we’re turning up the heat with the two iterations that shatter reality through their sheer speed!
These two gunslinging side kicks have returned from the dead! Now they brawl to put the other down again
These 2 are bounded with a pitch black symbiotic reluctant “ally.” Now they do a tag team match against one another!
These two fighting game werewolves shall tear each other apart
It’s about time these two stopped standing around and finally found out who wins!
The female counterparts of Batman and Spider-Man square off in the batcave!
The consumer fights the chef in a classic One Piece vs Naruto duel
Temper shall rise as the brutal battle of burly behemoths shall be fuled by it.

Season 8 - Death Battle!
The force duels the light as two pint-sized grandmasters go head-to-head!
The duel of ultimate hybrid alien life forms (with similar fashion sense)
Megalomaniacal supervillains fight to rule the world!
Two bad bosses and even badder dads go head-to-head!
These high flying monster slayers are destined to clash swords!
Two high flying masters of kung fu are ready to prove who the real dragon warrior is!
These two magical cartoon superstars are going at it!
Zelda meets Final Fantasy in a duel of iconic swordsmen!
It’s a duel of marvel and dc’s millionaire tech based superheroes. Batman, the hero Gotham needs but not the one it deserves. And Iron Man, the proof heroes aren’t born, they’re made. Who will win?
The two cruel reflections of iconic heroes of manga and comic shall brawl till one is left gory across the ground. Reverse Flash, DC Comics massive prick duplicate that comes from the future. And Goku Black, The identity thieving bring of death and destruction. Who will win?
OH YEAH! That’s the phrase these expressive commercial mascots say and they are about to fight. Randy Savage, The macho man. And The Kool Aid Man, The… well Kool Aid Man. Who Will Win.
Two British vampires of cursed bloodlines crave for each others blood splattered across the floor. DIO Brando, the continuous vampire blight on the Joestar Lineage. Alucard, the British, demonic vampire killer of the hellsing organisation.
Ever since they bludgeoned the second in command, people have desired to see the heads of the mortal kombat and street fighter food chains square off. Shoa Khan, The killer tournament champion of Mortal Kombat. And Akuma, Street Fighter’s raging demon. Who will win?
The elements. Their something you can’t control. You could be on your morning job and suddenly be hit by lightning. But these two can. Korra, The latest avatar! And Storm, the weather manipulating member of the X-Men! Who Will Win?
The illusion making master manipulators of the Naruto and Bleach universes shall duel!
Strength is one of the fundamentals of this show. And these two are so strong that it makes all other factors irrelevant. Saitama, The one punch man. And Popeye, The Sailor Man. Who Will Win?

Season 9 - Death Battle!
Two maidens of mayhem and arcane blow up this DEATH BATTLE!
Magic is in the air! Which witch will win this duel?
An honourable duel of monster slaying swordsmen!
The saiyan prince battles the god of thunder! Who will win?
The ultimate slugfest between two superman wannabes! Who will win?
It’s a face off of the two evolutionary revolutionaries in this DEATH BATTLE! Who wields the superior psychic abilities?
Two interstellar bounty hunters enter DEATH BATTLE!
Two cybernetic swordsman clash at super speed in this sponsored bonus episode.
John Wick finds himself in the crosshairs of the worlds greatest spy. Who is he? Bond, James Bond
Apocalypse finds somewhere new to conquer. In his way stands one person. Black Adam.
The fight for their futures cause them to face off!
Hold on to your barnacles as these two goofy goobers go toe to toe!
The icons of horror fight… but how can you tell when one dies?
Two of the the most iconic metal clad villainous fantasy kings are against each other.
My Heri Academia’s Quirkless hero goes up against Black Clover’s magic-less Mage in a underdog battle for the ages!
The fusions of Goku and Vegeta face off!

Season 10 - Death Battle!
The smallest Avenger fights the Justice League brainiac!
The Last Dovahkiin and the champion of Lordran cross blades!
Thunderbolts and railguns collide in this electrifying match!
No Avengers or Disney Princess here, just adorably tragic experiments fighting it out.
Jedi turned Sith battles the fallen ninja. Who will win?
X-Men versus Teen Titans! Who would win?
A fight of brutal avengers! Dragon Slayer faces the Blue Lion!
Space is far from their final frontier!
Chaos battles weirdness in this insane animation!
Our channel members voted for it, and now it’s here!
Who wins? It’s goku’s Nemesis vs Optimus Prime’s rival!
Who will win this cursed match-up?
Two Powerful pups! Who wins this Crazy crossover?
The Time Lord duels the Rickest Rick!
East vs West? More like Battle of the Best! Who wins this Legendary fight?
Who wins this epic animation of cosmic giants!

Season 11 - Death Battle!
The Doomed Saiyan fights the lone Viltrumite in a father of the year contest!
So many characters in one fight!
Can you guess the imposter