Mons has his first date, and he feels like he is nothing compared to the lady he shall meet. Joachim tries to boost his Mons' self-esteem, and helps him with what he shall wear and talk about on the date. Mons concentrates hard and manages a smooth entrance. But even with all the preparation he gets a huge surprise at Den lille café.
Mons has hit an embarrassing wall with the ladies, while Joachim thinks he has a chance with two. Merethe with the boobs, and Merethe without.
At the same time the boys agrees that the tone must be sharpened considerably if the shall reach their goal, to not be some unappetizing adolescents that no one likes.
Mons and Sara have been dancing together for years, but now Mons have withdrawn just a couple of days before the Norwegian youth Championship. Sara of course were disappointed, and Mons is frozen out by everyone at school.
Mons and Joachim ran away to Copenhagen, and are going to live their lives as long as possible. Now is the time to do everything they didn't manage to get done in Norway, and it is of course the more shady environments that are enticing to the two boys.
Mons and Joachim have had a small trip in Copenhagen. But they had to go home with their tail between their legs after all their money was stolen. A big clean up is waiting at home, and Mons thinks his mother is an infidel, but does he dare tell that to his father?