
Failure is always an option.

MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories.

Genre: Documentary,


Creator: Peter Rees,

Country: Australia, United States of America, Ireland,

Type: tv

Season: 16

Episode: N/A

Duration: 43 minutes

Release: 2003-01-23

Rating: 7.805

Season 1 - MythBusters
Can a '67 Chevy turn into a 350-mile-per-hour road warrior? Are Pop Rocks candy and soda a recipe for disaster?
Can a person get stuck to an airline toilet while it's in flight? Is there such a thing as a biscuit bazooka?
Can a poppy-seed bagel tilt the results of a drug test? Can balloons carry a lawn chair? If you cover your body in gold paint, will you be able to breathe? Or could you die from it?
Can you explode a toilet by flushing flammables down the bowl then lighting a match? Do you get wetter running or walking in the rain? Can you really make a "magic bullet" that will not leave evidence behind in its victim?
Can chatting on a cell phone while pumping gas cause the pump to blow up? Will silicone breast implants burst under pressure? Can high-speed CD-ROM players really shatter a CD?
Is it dangerous to pee on the electrified third rail of a train track? Can an eel-skin wallet erase the information on your credit cards? Can a 500-pound barrel of bricks really hit the pulley holder?
Can a penny dropped from a skyscraper kill a person below? Is it possible to "bake yourself" on a tanning bed? Did Lucille Ball expose a spy ring by hearing radio signals from her tooth fillings?
Could a person survive a leap from a bridge by throwing a hammer in the water first? Is it possible to survive being buried alive? Can cola really remove bloodstains, clean rust or cook a steak?
Is it possible to make a cannon out of a tree? Could a drunk person really fool a Breathalyzer test? Can Adam's tongue piercing withstand the electric force of a lightning bolt?
Is the myth of the stinky car true? Is the "raccoon in the drain" myth true? Will our MythBusters become human cannonballs?
Could prisoners really have escaped Alcatraz without a trace? Does a duck's quack echo? Can a stud finder really prove if human beings have been guinea pigs in mind-control experiments.

Season 2 - MythBusters
Can firing a bullet into the shell of an aircraft cause explosive decompression? Can a loaded .22-caliber gun cartridge be used as a replacement fuse in a car's ignition? Can a car be ripped off its rear axle?
Will launching a chicken at an airplane disrupt its flight, or will the bird be blown away? Is it possible for a woman to swallow an octopus egg -- and then give birth to an eight-legged offspring? Could a man be fatally assaulted and killed by his dirty laundry and washing machine?
Will a college rowing team be able to pull Jamie up on water skis? Can the rhythm of soldiers marching together cause a bridge to collapse? Does the bacteria from a toilet settle in your toothbrush?
Will a sinking ship suck you down as it goes under? Are goldfish bored or just plain stupid? Will throwing a lit firecracker down the neck of a trombone make your music sweeter?
Will Jamie and Adam find Jimmy Hoffa, who is allegedly buried in concrete? Can the power and force of a 737 launch a taxicab 75 feet in the air? Is the daddy longlegs the most venomous spider?
Can someone get electrocuted peeing on an electrified fence? Did Adam apply enough pressure to test the exploding implants? And are cell phones dangerous at gas stations?
Can a SCUBA diver be sucked out of the water by a fire-fighting helicopter and get spit out in the middle of a forest fire? Will a banana in a car's tailpipe make it stall?
Did the Greek scientist Archimedes set fire to a Roman fleet of ships using only mirrors and sunlight? Willl a bulletproof shield really stop a direct hit from a bullet?
If an elevator suddenly falls, can you save yourself in the nick of time by jumping just before it hits bottom? Will the MythBusters be able to create a homemade levitation machine?
Will a piece of plywood save a construction worker swept off a building? Can hanging a disco ball from your rearview mirror or painting your car a flat-black color deflect a cop's radar laser beams?
Can you really murder someone by dropping an electrical appliance into a bathtub? Does a tattoo react with an MRI's rays? Will killer quicksand take down the MythBusters?
Is it possible to throw a regular playing card fast enough to inflict bodily harm? Can a heated jawbreaker explode in your mouth. Can a sandblasted PVC pipe become a deadly cannon?
Is it possible to lift a sunken boat from the ocean floor using only pingpong balls? How many does it take to lift a 3-year-old child off the ground?
Will Buster overcome the raw power of a 30,000-pound piece of machinery, or will the boom-lift turn into the ultimate medieval catapult? What is the most fuel-efficient way to keep cool in the car?
Just how hard is it to find a needle in a haystack? Are the toxic fumes of roach foggers and bug bombs really an explosive combination? Will talking to your plants really help them grow?
Will Buster survive an explosive launch into space? Will a stunt double lose his head at the hands of a killer fan, as the MythBusters search for a source of free energy?
Did the viewers vote for Stinky Car? Or will Pop Rocks and Coke win? Will putting a silver spoon in a champagne bottle keep it fizzy? Does a snowman melt faster with its clothes on or off?

Season 3 - MythBusters
Will Adam be able to withstand subsonic frequencies, or will adult diapers be his only hope with the Brown Note? Is a constant drip of water falling on your head really unbearable torture?
Adam and Jamie go head to head in a madcap Mexican jailbreak as they taste-test the theory of the Salsa Escape. Can you use dynamite to remove cement build-up from a mixer's barrel?
Can a person receive third-degree burns if he or she lights a cigarette inside a port-a-potty? Will a broken drive shaft on the front joint of a car vault cause a car to pole vault after it hits a pothole?
Can a yawn, like a cold, truly be caught? Does toast really fall buttered-side down? Could a toy car beat a real car (in this case, a Dodge Viper) in a gravity slope race?
The MythBusters use ice, water, refrigerators, freezers and fire to test the fastest way to cool a six-pack. Then the team builds a new crash-test dummy ... and drops it 60 feet from a crane.
Did a bullet shot through a Civil War soldier's groin really impregnate a woman nearby? Is it dangerous to use the telephone or shower during a thunderstorm?
Can a singer break glass with just his or her voice? Is it possible to build an explosive jet engine out of vacuum-cleaner parts? Does a rolling stone truly gather no moss?
Adam and Jamie create their own personal flying machine from scratch. Is the ancient secret to mummification ... the shape of the pyramid?
Is talking on your cell phone while driving more dangerous than driving drunk? The MythBusters test the efficacy of that familiar brace position that airlines outline in their safety procedures.
How deep must you dive to survive a gunshot? If you push hard enough, can you get a swing to go all the way around the swing-set bar?
Could a real shark be as strong as Spielberg's Jaws? Will punching a shark save your skin? Will a bullet blow a scuba tank sky high?
Can illegal immigrants fire themselves 200 yards across the border and into the United States with a slingshot so accurate that it can land the human projectiles safely on a carefully placed mattress?
In a car crash, could the tissues kept on the rear shelf of your car be propelled forward with enough force to crush your skull?
Could an airline's emergency life raft be used as a parachute? Is it possible for oxygen, an electrical spark and hair cream to result in a deadly cocktail? Can a human survive a terminal velocity fall?
Adam and Jamie take their detractors head on as they revisit some of their favorite myths. They're going to answer them once and for all and forever silence their critics!
Is an ancient Chinese text alluding to a subterranean sonar system that could apparently detect and intercept an invasion from below true? Is the five-second rule for food really safe to eat?
The American Civil War was fought with bayonets, muskets and cannons. But was that all? Not according to the MythBusters.
Can a pair of trucks in a high-speed, head-on collision be fused together sealing the drivers between them? Also, Kari hosts some urban legends about Russia's national drink, vodka.
Are steel-toed boots more dangerous than the regular variety? Did an Aussie worker's boots really turn into toe cutters after a heavy weight fell on them?
From electric shock therapy to homeopathic tongue tinglers, can the MythBusters find a cure to seasickness? Does driving with your pickup's tailgate down save gas and, hence, money?

Season 4 - MythBusters
Is it possible to make a deadly weapon out of nothing more dangerous than newspaper and underwear? Grant, Kari and Tory unscrew the cap on some more vodka myths.
Is the photo of a light plane, with precise, clean tears on the side, genuine? Was it the work of the jilted lover, who took to her ex's plane with a chainsaw and a taste for vengeance?
Challenged from fan mailbags to retest the "Archimedes Death Ray," Adam and Jamie accept. In turn, fans and a M.I.T. team were invited to perform this challenge.
This time around, Adam and Jamie test a myth that footballs filled with helium will fly farther and hang longer than ones filled with regulation air. Are teeth strong enough to withstand the force of a bullet?
The build team attempts to discover electricity by flying a kite in a thunderstorm. Do innocuous legumes really increase gas? Is it possible to break wind so much that you can suffocate to death?
If you fill a normal raft with helium can you fly? Tory and Kari tackle a conspiracy theory familiar to many frequent flyers. Can your cell phone interfere with a plane's instruments?
Can celebratory gunfire kill when the bullets fall back to Earth? Grant, Tory and Kari quench their thirst with another round of "Vodka Myths."
The team revisits myths explored from "Split Arrow," "Confederate Rocket," and "Bulletproof Water."
Adam and Jamie do a little painting and detonating when they try to blow open a home-improvement myth. Grant, Tory and Kari explore if it is possible to manipulate someone's mind remotely.
Tory, Kari and Grant investigate the spontaneous trouser combustion. Do gas companies and car manufacturers deliberately conspire to make gas-guzzling cars so that they can split the cash?
Are Hollywood break-ins complete hocus pocus? The team tries to tiptoe their way around a laser system before facing the mother of all safes.
Did Archimedes build the world's first "supergun," a cannon powered by steam? Adam's mom thinks a typical modern breakfast cereal has less nutritional value than the box it comes in. Is Mom right?
Somewhere on Earth is there a massive whirlpool sucking whole ships and their hapless crews to a watery grave? Can a passing wintery road sweeper displace so much air that it flips an oncoming car?
Adam and Jamie try to figure out the theory behind the chaos when diet cola and Mentos mix. Can posting a postage stamp on the rotor blades send a helicopter into a tailspin?
The guys find out if the bass from a car stereo can destroy an automobile. Also, Grant, Kari and Tory hit the road to take on two tall tales from our mates down under.
It's "lights, camera, action!" time again for the MythBusters, as they test more Hollywood heists. This time, our cat burglars Adam and Jamie go cold as they try to beat a heat-detecting alarm sensor.
Adam and Jamie take on one of the greatest scientist/inventor and myth creator legends of all time: Nikolai Tesla and his Earthquake Machine. Tory and Kari investigate a lethal lava lamp.
Can the wind in a tropical hurricane get so strong that it can blow a piece of straw through a palm-tree trunk? Can a hurricane blow the feathers off a chicken?
Can you use awnings to cushion your fall? Is there really such a thing as a car ejector seat? Can you chop a sword with another sword Is it possible to shoot through a door lock?
If a cable at high tension snaps, can it slice a person clean in two? Does ancient pottery contain sounds from the past that can be played back and listened to today, just like a record?
Can a ruptured cylinder -- carefully aimed --really cause the massive damage some people claim? Meanwhile, Tory, Grant and Kari go back in time to test some prototypes from the past.
"Myths Revisited" offers Jamie and Adam the chance to clear their names. Watch as they repeat past experiments to see if their original answer was genuine or bogus.
Jamie and Adam find out if a small, disposable butane lighter can suddenly ignite with the force of several sticks of dynamite. The "Magnificent Three" try and shoot down some popular gunslinger myths.
Adam and Jamie test the old engineering challenge that you can't make a concrete glider fly. Kari, Grant and Tory find out just how dangerous it is to stand too close to the edge of a train platform.
Could a criminal's bullet have hit and jammed the empty chamber of a policeman's revolver? Could two bullets colliding mid-air fuse together? Is a hammer more dangerous than you think?
Could leaving Christmas lights on your tree overnight cause it to burst into flames? Is Anti-gravity science or science fiction? Can vodka cure the pain of a jellyfish sting?
Can six reindeer run fast enough to launch an ultralite glider? Does one burn more calories jogging Naked in the snow or by putting on an Airtight jogging suit and running in a hot desert?
Is it possible to survive a 22,000 foot fall using the blast from a 1,000 pound bomb to break the fall? Is electricity saved by switching off the lights when leaving a room?

Season 5 - MythBusters
Did hydrogen really cause the Hindenburg fire? Meanwhile Kari, Tory and Grant test the saying: "If you're being chased by a crocodile, run in a zig-zag, because crocs can't turn corners at speed."
Are cannonballs more deadly than the splinters sprayed from a mighty broadside blast? Why would a pirate wear a patch over a perfectly good eye?
Can you escape a submerged car? Is it possible to fold an 8"x11" piece of paper in half more than seven times? On the flip side, can the team create a piece of paper that's the size of a football field?
Can a driver beat a speed camera by speeding faster than they can click? How about using license plate protectors or changing lanes? Can a defibrillator's volts shock more than a heart?
Is it possible to teach an old dog new tricks? Can a burglar really "beat the guard dog"? Will running a zig-zag pattern and doubling back really throw off a bloodhound's legendary nose?
The MythBusters tackle a few myths that left you peeved, like "Exploding Trombone," "Sniper Scope," "Finger in the Barrel" and "Coke and Mentos."
Is it possible to put out a fire using only your voice? Adam and Jamie put this myth to the test. Meanwhile, Grant, Tory and Kari go deeper ... deeper ... deeper into the world of hypnosis.
If birds in a truck take flight do they lighten the load? Grant, Tory and Kari investigate if a photo found on the Net showing a speedboat impaled on a channel marker, almost neatly split in half, is real.
Can ninjas run on water as movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon would have us believe? Kari, Tory and Grant try to find out if a ninja could really stop a samurai sword with his bare hands?
Adam and Jamie saddle up for some Western myths. Kari, Tory and Grant test the modern marvel of airbags. You've got it all: past and present; horses and cars; guns and explosions.
In "Exploding Tire of Death," Adam and Jamie try to find out if an exploding truck tire can kill. Meanwhile, Kari, Tory and Grant investigate another fuel efficiency fable.
Adam and Jamie test whether jumping on a grenade would save everyone in the vicinity.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! It's all about pure powder and the MythBusters team is ready to tear up those classic movie myths on everything snow.
Can filling a baseball bat with cork inject more spring into your swing? Does wearing black under the eyes really reduce glare? Is it possible to hit a ball so hard that the cover flies off it?
Can you sneeze with your eyes open? And if you do will your eyeballs pop out of their sockets? Can you stop a speeding car by putting it into reverse? Could a tennis ball with a hole cut in it pick a lock?
Does the color red drive a bull toward psychopathy? The team tests the saying: 'bull in a china shop.' And. if someone put their gun in the stove and turned it on would the results be lethal?
The MythBusters are wearing their underpants on the outside. And why? Because this is Superhero Hour! The MythBusters test the Batmobile's 90-degree turn, the grappling hook, and ring punch.
In RFID Tags, Kari, Tory and Grant are putting the latest RFID conspiracy theorists to the test. Meanwhile Adam and Jamie are testing a myth about weapons.
Adam and Jamie get on the trail of some flammable Hollywood fables (i.e. firing a bullet at a gas tank) while Kari, Grant and Tory see if a defibrilator will burn up an underwire bra.
Can an ordinary water heater build up so much pressure that it rockets through the roof and into the atmosphere? Meanwhile, Tory, Grant, and Kari try on some all-American myths about blue jeans.
In this supersized special, the MythBusters take on new great white shark myths, ramp up classic myths about jet taxis and rocket cars, and try to waterski behind a cruise ship.
The MythBusters test the truth behind some time-honored sayings and conventional wisdom. Is shooting fish in a barrel really as easy as the proverb says? Are elephants scared of mice? What is the most effective cure for pain caused by hot chili peppers?
Is it possible to survive an overturned boat by breathing the trapped air? Can you escape being buried up to your neck in sand? If no ammo was available, could pirates use cutlery, glass and nails?
Jamie and Adam take on a steam-powered machine gun rumored to fire 400 rounds a minute at a 300-yard range. Kari, Grant, and Tory use their lying skills to test ways to beat a lie detector.
Jamie and Adam take wing to test if a person with no flight training can safely land an airplane. Tory, Grant, and Kari jump on some Hollywood-inspired skydiving myths.

Season 6 - MythBusters
Can an electromagnetic watch really deflect a bullet? Would a round from Bond's gun pierce a propane cylinder? Could a boat survive driving up the bank of a river intact?
Can Adam and Jamie get a lead balloon to fly? Is it possible to drop a couple sticks of dynamite into a lake and create ideal surfing conditions?
The team takes a crash-course in remote controlled airplane flying, bug-out by testing the "cockroach survival" theory, then return to fraternity pranks with exploding cans of shaving cream.
Is it possible for a pen-sized bomb to blow a crash-test dummy clean in half? Can Oddjob's sartorial weapon slice the head off a statue?
Why would ancient man go to all the trouble of making stone arrowheads when sharpening a stick would have done the same job? Could machine gunfire mow down a tree?
Jamie and Adam try to blow a hole in a wall using pure sodium metal dropped in a water bottle. The build team tries building an ultralight airplane with raw bamboo, a small stolen engine, and duct tape.
Adam and Jamie test the theory of cabin fever. Can a solitary stick of dynamite really sink a pickup parked on a frozen lake? The build team takes on the myth of car vs. moose.
Do dogs and injured "flapping" fish attract sharks? Will Robo-Shark eat Tory?
We test two myths suggested by the fans: alternate steak tenderizing methods and road rage.
Adam and Jamie investigate if the U.S. government shot the footage of the astronauts in a studio. The build team takes on claims that footage of footprints and flags flapping have to be faked.
Can a car be blasted 15 feet in the air with the water pressure from 10 fire hoses? Can ordinary sawdust when airblasted through a flame explode into a catastrophic fireball? Do goats really faint?
If you interweave the pages of two phone books, are they impossible to pull apart? Can the build team dispell five mini-myths from the movie Deep Blue Sea?
Is an electronic stun gun mixed with water a possible weapon for crowd control? Can a fire extinguisher caught in a fire actually blow up? Is walking over hot coals just mind over matter?
Is it really possible to drive a car completely blind? Do metal cleats on golf shoes really attract lightning. Can a huge underground explosion really cause a ball to drop from the lip into the hole?
Can an arrow be caught in midair? Is there really a punching technique that can floor an opponent with only a 1-inch lead in? Can an underwater blowpipe be stealthily used to fell an opponent?
Is there such thing as "beer goggles"? Can running on a treadmill or slapping someone's face help to sober up a drunk person? Can an ancient medieval weapon really fire 200 arrows over 500 yards?
Can a flagpole in the front wheel of a motorcycle create a head-over-handlebars flip? Kari, Grant and Tory test whether or not it is possible to break out of jail using bed sheets, hair and toilet paper.
The team tests what is really bulletproof. Then, they test whether is is possible to escape if you are buried alive inside a coffin.
Is it really true that you can't polish dung? Is hitting the ground at speed really faster than a standing start? Then, Adam and Jamie test another classic - is it really best to end with a bang?

Season 7 - MythBusters
Is the movie Speed just fake film physics? Will a car dropped from 4,000 feet fall faster than a speeding car? Is the compact conundrum of a two-truck head-on collision a myth?
Is Pykrete really tougher than concrete? Is it durable enough to make a boat out of? Can a V-shaped snowplow really split a car in two?
Can a banana peel really cause one to slip? Does double dipping cause germ warfare? And can the build team really make a homemade diamond?
Can match heads alone fire a homemade cannon? Can a 7-foot ball of Legos become a rolling weapon of mass destruction?
Is it possible to swim as fast in syrup as in water? Could MacGyver have blown off a cargo-ship steel door with only gun powder and a gun handle?
Can car bumpers become deadly and explode? Is it true that Hungarian archers got twice the penetration shooting a bow from a galloping horse?
Could a sky diver whose parachute failed to open hit a playground seesaw and send a small girl flying seven stories high?
See what happens when you combine thermite, a chemical that burns at almost 2,000 degrees, with ice. And can a stereo set off a rifle with its vibrations?
Is it possible to cling to the roof of a speeding, swerving car like in the movies? Can jailbirds use dental floss to cut through solid steel bars?
Can a sonic shock wave shatter glass? Is it possible for bullets to bend around obstacles with a side arm flick of the wrist?
If you're out for a spin in the rain in your convertible, can you stay dry by driving faster? Can popcorn be cooked by a laser or an explosion?
If one bullet is fired and another is dropped simultaneously from the same height, will they hit the ground at the same time? Is it possible to knock someone out of their socks?
Can duct tape really be used to lift a car in the air? Will duct tape keep your boat afloat? Can you make a boat completely out of duct tape?
Does a dirty car get better gas mileage than a clean one? Is the adage, "Stick to beer you're in the clear; beer then liquor ever sicker" true?
What happens when you mix water, oil and fire? Can cheese be used as cannon fodder? Can a C-4 explosive be set off in a microwave?
In a hurricane, would a house suffer less damage if the windows were left open? Can liquid nitrogen really shatter a head or explode a frozen tree?
Does a car always explode as it plunges off a cliff? Can a huge rocket launch a cage holding a human and would the person survive?
This fan favorites episode revisits the water-heater rocket, car-roof cling, curving bullets, liquid nitrogen and snowplow split myths.
Can a person leap from several stories into a dumpster, then be able to run away? Can a diving suit flaw force a diver's entire body into his helmet?
The MythBusters see if antacids can break you out of jail, and how far a criminal can get when making a break for it in the dark.
Adam and Jamie tackle a quick draw gun-slinging story, while Grant, Tory and Jessi hop on board the Mythbus for another myth from the movie Speed.
Are soda cans contaminated by rat pee? Does your cell phone have more germs than a toilet? Can a sports car skip across a lake a la The Cannonball Run?
Six fan-requested fables are put to the test, including whether an engraved coconut can be sent through the mail and whether a match can be lit with a bullet.

Season 8 - MythBusters
Were trees really used to launch diseased bodies over medieval walls? What happens when you shoot a bullet at a frying pan?
Jamie and Adam explore whether a cup of soda thrown from a car can kill, while Jessi, Tory and Grant see how long a good guy can hang by his fingertips.
Can a deep dive really save you from an explosion? Can a car be bulletproofed using... phone books?
Adam and Jamie try ways to lose a tail in a car chase, as Kari, Grant and Tory see if an object fired backward from a vehicle moving forward simply falls to the ground.
What's worse, having an empty beer bottle smashed over your head, or a full one? Could ancient armies have truly used animal hides to build their cannons?
Are some types of people (women, for example) more tolerant to pain? Then see if a BBQ propane tank can heat up enough in a fire to launch through a garage roof like a rocket.
In response to fan criticism, Kari, Grant and Tory retest "Knock Your Socks Off," while Jamie and Adam take on "Compact Compact"... again.
Duct tape is put to the test again. Can it really be used to build bridges and fix cars?
Jamie and Adam take on a wild viral video, while Kari, Grant and Tory test whether taking only right turns can save you gas.
Does pepper spray + flannel shirt + stun gun = massive fireball, per CSI? Can fireworks really launch a person over a lake? (Watch the show! Don't try it at home!).
Jamie, Adam, Kari, Grant and Tory take on snot, sneezes and decapitation by tornado.
Can a sniffer dog be thrown off the scent using household items?
Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman put tornados to the test alongside Storm Chasers Reed Timmer and Sean Casey.
When you get cold feet, do your feet actually get cold? And what actually happens when the poop hits the fan?
Can a motorcycle pull a tablecloth out from under a setting for a banquet? Do humans really only use 10% of their brain?
Jamie and Adam attempt to build an arrow machine gun, while Kari, Grant and Tory test what's more dangerous: driving tipsy or tired.
Could your laptop save you from a speeding bullet? Is it easy to take candy from a baby?
Jamie and Adam test whether a '70s sport car is as aerodynamic backward as forward, while Grant, Tory and Kari take a surfboard scene from Lethal Weapon 2 to task.
Adam attempts to escape from an upside-down underwater car, while Kari, Grant and Tory take on Kiss the Girls.
Can a collision with a bug kill a biker? Can flies really lift a laptop? Does water repel flies?
President Obama challenges Jamie and Adam to retest the Archimedes Death Ray myth again, while Kari, Grant and Tory take on Hellboy.
Seth Rogen joins the MythBusters for two blockbusting stories from his film, The Green Hornet: Elevator Car Cut and Explosive Escape.
Adam and Jamie weigh in on a famous assassination attempt; Kari, Grant and Tory try to determine if one can really can “slap some sense” into someone.

Season 9 - MythBusters
Can realistic facial masks be used to bypass security measures as shown in the Mission: Impossible? Is it possible to start a merry-go-round spinning by shooting bullets at it, as depicted in Shoot 'Em Up? Is it possible to knock a dropped gun out of reach by hitting it with bullets fired from another one?
Can a magazine and toaster be used to blow up a room full of flammable gas, as depicted in The Bourne Supremacy? Can the contents of an airplane toilet leak out mid-flight and freeze into a lethal projectile?
Adam and Jamie take on a viral video, while Kari, Grant, and Tory explore which common items can be bombproof.
The MythBusters see whether it's possible to stay afloat in bubbly water, and whether an arrow packed with explosives can split a tree in two.
Did the world's first torpedo really strike a boat with a deadly payload at 800 feet? Can corks in wine bottles be turned into projectiles if exposed to enough pressure?
Adam and Jamie put Hollywood sound effects up against reality, and Kari, Grant and Tory find out if you are adrift on a sailboat with no wind, can you propel your boat with a fan?
Can you really shoot accurately with guns mounted on the hood of a car? Will a bullet just spin if shot at a frozen lake?
Adam and Jamie test if you can jump out of the way of a bullet, while Kari, Grant and Tory find out if hitting the water is just like hitting pavement after a fall.
How do you fix a flat when you don't have a spare tire? Can a fast fish cause your reel to catch fire?
The MythBusters count down -- and give you insight into -- their favorite transportation moments.
Jamie and Adam take on The Mummy, while Kari, Grant and Tory try to stop an out-of-control car without another car.
Adam and Jamie explore the physics of shock waves in water, while Kari, Grant and Tory find out if paper battle armor can compare to steel.
Adam and Jamie test the myth that a motorcycle is a greener and cleaner machine than a car, while Kari, Tory, and Grant unleash the first RPG in MythBusters history to see if a bullet could take out a bazooka.
Jamie and Adam test a viral video that supersizes Newton's cradle using wrecking balls, while Kari, Grant, and Tory tackle whether a bird landing on your hood is enough to tip your car off a cliff.
Is it impossible for humans (without a point of reference) to walk in a straight line, such as when they're blindfolded? Will binary explosives, well, explode in the case of a fender bender? The MythBusters are on the case.
Adam and Jamie test three viral videos featuring the extraordinary excavator: Can it really row a barge? Be used to go wakeboarding? Perform seemingly impossible feats of acrobatics? Then -- using only duct tape -- Kari, Grant, and Tory attempt to patch up a plane that's had an unfortunate encounter with a bear.
Jamie and Adam explore whether it's safe to use the explosive C4 as a cooking fuel as long as you don't drop anything on it, while Kari, Grant, and Tory put a Chinese martial-arts myth to the test.
Find out whether a sewer drain full of combustible gas, when ignited, will turn an innocent manhole cover into a missile, and whether truck bedliners are truly bite, crash, and bomb proof.
When it comes to H2O, the MythBusters are never shy about putting their bodies on the line, riding the world's biggest waterslide, deep-sea diving in a suit of armor and swimming in syrup. Go behind the scenes of the 12 wettest myths of all time.
By spinning the Wheel of Mythfortune, the MythBusters find themselves taking on five random viewer-suggested myths with titles like the "Monty Hall Paradox," "Lumber Car," "Firearm Fashion," "Hit the Deck" and "Flaming Tire." Keep those ideas coming!
Adam and Jamie tackle a blockbuster bathroom bomb (from Lethal Weapon), while Kari, Tory, and Grant take to the skies to find out if flying in V-formation works for airplanes as well as it does for birds.

Season 10 - MythBusters
Abandoned on a Hawaiian island, Jamie and Adam find themselves armed with nothing but the sticky silver adhesive. Can they use it to source water, find food, build shelter, and even escape?
Adam and Jamie tackle an internet sensation about an epic duel between a flamethrower and a CO2 fire extinguisher, while Kari, Tory and Grant get high-tech find out if a dust cloud created by a foursome of 4x4s can really blind the all-seeing eye of the latest military spy drone.
Adam and Jamie test whether, after a certain speed, the ride in a car with square wheels is just as smooth as with round ones, while in Date Night Car, Tory, Kari and Grant tackle a tandem driving myth from the movie Date Night.
The Hyneman and Captain Redbeard take a swing at a Pirates of the Caribbean myth, while Kari, Tory and Grant roll out the barrel for a turbo-charged go-cart.
CONTROVERSY! The MythBusters pit men against women in grilling, packing the car, driving and reading non-verbal cues. WHO will WIN the GENDER WARS?
Spike heels and platforms may be the height of fashion, but does fancy footwear put you at risk on the road? Don't miss Jamie and Adam's attempt to find out. Then, in Super Glue Heroics, Tory, Grant and Kari test whether it's possible to glue a roomful of furniture to a hotel-room ceiling as well as to substitute super glue for a seat-belt in a head-on car crash.
The MythBusters take fan-favorite myths -- including Bird Balance, Exploding Water Heater, Fireworks Man and Viral Excavator -- to another level in the ultimate experimental ramp-up.
Adam and Jamie take aim at a ricochet myth from the TV show Burn Notice while Kari, Tory and Grant test the Hollywood myth that if you jump when running away from an explosion, you can surf the shockwave.
This fan-correspondence catch-up includes both question-answering and taking mini-myth requests such as whether you can eat a spoonful of cinnamon without drinking water.
The Internet and Hollywood are put on the hot seat as Adam and Jamie test whether survival is possible if you jump from a building wrapped in bubble packaging, and Kari, Grant, and Tory experiment with a James Bond ejector seat.
While Adam and Jamie test that first rule of modern warfare -- "never bring a knife to a gunfight" -- Kari, Grant, and Tory find out if a two-stage missile known as the fire-breathing dragon ever really existed.
The MythBusters bust out with guns blazing to take aim at eight Hollywood firearms fables, including never-ending ammo, lethal nail guns and deadly silver bullets.
Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman have put themselves in some pretty hair-raising scenarios to bust the biggest shark myths over the years, and now they count down their top 25 of all time. The duo also takes on new myths, shows never-seen-before footage and reveals the number-one shark myth that will quite literally blow people away.
Adam and Jamie team up with Titanic movie director James Cameron to tackle the most requested myth in MythBuster history, while Kari, Grant and Tory ride a rocket-powered surfboard.
The guys fire up a myth from World War One - testing if a trench corner can slow down a shockwave and save a soldier. Tory, Kari and Grant crash clown cars to see if balloons can protect you in a crash.
Adam and Jamie take on bridge physics from the action movie Cliffhanger, while Kari, Grant and Tory test if giant hail can really sink a fishing boat.
In this Halloween special, the MythBusters take on haunted hums and the smell of fear. Adam and Jamie see if certain sound frequencies can convince people of paranormal activity. Kari, Grant and Tory find out if the smell of fear really exists.
The team mixes it up with a medley of viewer requested myths and hit a home run with baseball legend Matt Cain. The guys test an underwater bike ride, if you really can "know it like the back of your hand," and the potty dance.
Adam and Jamie test whether a mattress can really cushion a watery wipeout. Meanwhile, Kari, Tory and Grant tackle a blast from the past as they test if cannonballs made of stone can really cause carnage.
Celebrity chef Alton Brown helps the team discover if it can cook lasagna in a dishwasher or a meal beneath the hood of a car.

Season 11 - MythBusters
MythBusters' 10th anniversary kicks off with a blast from the past, the myth that began the busting: JATO Rocket Car. Back with more rocket power, more gadgets, and a huge rolling bunker called The Beast, will the team bust this myth once and for all?
Deadliest Catch captains Johnathan and Junior join the MythBusters to test if a crab pot will drag you overboard to the bottom if your foot is caught in a coil, if it's better to work a 30-hr grind with no sleep, and if crab pots truly are indestructible.
The MythBusters get down and dirty to test if using a bathroom's hand dryer is better than a paper towel and which public restroom stall is the cleanest. They also shake, rattle and roll to test if it's better to stand in the doorway during an earthquake.
The MythBusters burn rubber at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway testing racing myths. Can man beat machine in a 30-ft, standing-start sprint? Can a driver lose 10 lbs during a race? Can a race tire's suction rip loose a manhole cover during a street race?
It's Round 2 of Battle of the Sexes and the MythBusters test the cliches: Will lost men really not stop and ask for directions? Are women better multi-taskers? Which sex can parallel park with aplomb? And should "throwing like a girl" really be an insult?
Jamie puts his life on the line to test the myth that a motorcycle traveling at highway speeds can drive across the surface of a lake. The MythBusters test whether you can survive a jump from a highrise with a parachute made from a hotel room's contents.
Could a guy sandwiched between two big guys in the backseat of a car survive the car being T-boned by a truck? The MythBusters also hit the road to test three more hypermiling myths. Can these simple techniques really double your car's fuel efficiency?
Lost in the wilderness, Adam and Jamie survive the desert, repel down canyon cliff-faces, and brave Class 5 rapids, all with duct tape and bubble wrap. Guest appearance by Nik Wallenda, famous tightrope walker, who has his own way to traverse the canyon.
After 7 years, it's back to unsolved Myth-teries: Can Adam's snowflake of death or Jamie's special sphere paint a room with a boom? Then, the fans demand the return to the cursed, bifurcated boat myth to see if it can be split in two by a channel marker.
Things get volatile when the MythBusters meet creator Vince Gilligan and star Aaron Paul to check the chemistry behind the hit TV show "Breaking Bad." The team recreates two iconic, acidic scenes to see if the science truly holds up, melts down, or blows.
Adam and Jamie test two myths about the power of the zombie hoard. First, can they really break through a door thanks to working as a team of pushing power? Second, what's the perfect weapon to use against the zombie hoard: gun or ax? Then Kari, Grant and Tory unleash their inner beast too as they find out if it's really inevitable that zombies will catch you even though they only shuffle at 2 miles an hour!

Season 12 - MythBusters
The MythBusters test if Luke really could swing himself and Leia across a chasm with only his belt-rigged grappling hook, could an Ewok log swing crush an Imperial "Chicken Walker", and could Luke survive in a tauntaun's belly?
The MythBusters find out if an exploding still really could blow your house down and if you really could use hooch to fuel an unmodified car on a "moonshine run."
It's wall-to-wall automotive mayhem, as the MythBusters drive through glass, plow through traffic, and fire an RPG at an SUV to take aim at classic Hollywood crash cliches.
The MythBusters test car-chase cliches: Can you really share driving, change places, or dump the driver while moving at speed? Also, from the message boards, the team tests some fan-suggested deterrents for driving away cats, bears and snakes.
After more than 10 years of testing impossible, dangerous and downright crazy myths that you shouldn't or couldn't try at home, the MythBusters investigate a host of myths that maybe you can!
The MythBusters test three impossible idioms: Can you herd cats? Can you catch a greased pig? And, most importantly, can you cram 10 pounds of poop into a 5-pound bag?
The MythBusters take on five filmic firearm cliches: Will a bent-barreled shot gun fire? Can you fire a gun in space? Will a gun dropped in a deep fryer go off? What weird items will stop a bullet? And does a neon sign really explode when hit by a bullet?
In this ballistics bonanza, Adam and Jamie ask if supersonic ping pong can go lethally wrong while Kari, Grant and Tory light the frozen fuse on a cannon made of ice!
The MythBusters tackle some of Hollywood's favorite explosive scenarios. Could a hero really shoot a live grenade in midair and thus render it useless? Could you really contain a TNT explosion inside an ordinary object like a file cabinet or aquarium?
It's YOUR house under the Myths-cro-scope this time. Could a vacuum cleaner explode while sucking up black powder? Could sunscreen scorch your skin? Could a piano crash through your roof? And finally, could an exploding water heater extinguish a house fire?
The MythBusters go to vertigo-inducing heights to test out some commercial myths. Could you actually bob for an apple while jumping from a 100-foot high bungee cord? And from a viral video, could you really play a match of tennis while both players are standing on top of an airplane's wing?
In this episode, three car crimes straight from Hollywood are put to the test: the cliff top push, the two-wheel wipeout (and ... we do mean WIPEOUT, with Adam at the wheel to boot), and, finally, the Corvette barrel roll from "Wanted."
The MythBusters use sexy science to tackle five captivating clich?s about the laws of attraction, including whether men really do prefer blondes, if pheromone sprays really work, if bigger boobs equal bigger tips, and whether a man's wealth really woos women.
The subject is everyone's favorite topic of discussion besides weather: traffic! The MythBusters determine whether a roundabout (or rotary) is better than a four-way stop sign, if it's faster to drive than fly when your trip is under 400 miles, and whether it's better to change lanes or stay put in heavy traffic.
If you travel at all, you'll LOVE this episode, as Jamie and Adam explore the most efficient ways to board an airplane (back to front? window to aisle? unassigned seating? etc.). Then, Kari, Grant and Tory determine whether you can really make a bullet out of a human tooth.

Season 13 - MythBusters
Finally, the MythBusters meet the Simpsons! Will putting a cherry bomb in a toilet block cause all toilets to erupt with a violent fountain? Can an obese human (sorry, Homer) absorb the impact of a wrecking ball?
Adam LOVED this one, as you can imagine. Can a whip make your enemy drop his gun? Can you wrap a whip around a log and swing across a chasm? Could Indy have outrun a rolling boulder? Could Indy had survived a Mayan temple run through the various booby traps?
Jamie and Adam find out if it's really possible to build a working cannon out of stuff abandoned in a barn, then test whether a sewer explosion can really take out the bad guys without serious injury.
Jamie and Adam -- with the help of UFC fighter Brendan Schaub and the makers of DOOM -- test how many weapons you can really take with you and remain operational. And can you really chop fruit a la Fruit Ninja?
Adam and Jamie tackle two tall tales of mechanical metamorphosis: Is it possible to convert a 2CV into a motorbike? Can you use water bottles to create an amphibious bicycle?
Jamie and Adam tackled two tall tales from the world of street racing. Does drifting really get to your destination faster? And does drifting help you park faster?
Having come to represent the concept of 'overwhelming victory', this saying originally came from submarines in WW2 who were able to use torpedoes to literally blow an enemy ship up and out of the water. But is this really possible? And in the Breaking Bad season finale, Walter White took down every single bad guy with a simple crank shaft, remote control and M60. Potential reality or just fiction?
Drone deliveries are on their way. But are those fast-spinning blades just an accident waiting to happen? And is the U-2 really the toughest aircraft in regular use to fly and land?
Jamie and Adam tackle another gruesome story about a pane of glass falling from a construction site and cutting an innocent bystander completely in half from head to toe. Then Jamie builds a Lawnmower From Hell also find out whether a stone shot from a mower can have the same power as a bullet shot from a .357.
Is it as dangerous to use hands free as it is to use a cell phone while driving? Is it really straightforward to drive at high speed in reverse?
Adam and Jamie take aim at Hollywood's infallible hit men and their seemingly supernatural ability to take down a target. First up, can an armed assassin use a single well-placed shot to kill his victim on the other side of a wall? Do interior walls truly provide such little protection, and can you really track an unseen target this way?
Can you hold onto a grenade for longer than two hours? Can you really change a magazine in a blink-and-you-miss-it moment? Can video games make you better at real-life tasks, like golf? And can you really stop a car by using hollow spikes?
Jamie and Adam revisit Jaws' final scene, which they'd taken on in 2005's Exploding Scuba Tank. Will the results be different with a giant anatomically accurate shark and a bigger gun? Then the duo test two repellents: the sound of orcas and essence of "dead shark."
Star Wars provides further fodder when Jamie and Adam see whether high ground really is important in a duel, and whether it's possible to dive out of the way of laser blaster bullets (well, a Stormtroopers', anyway).

Season 14 - MythBusters
Since 2002, the MythBusters have used science to separate fact from fiction but now, after an epic 14 years, that wild ride is coming to an end. In this special episode, Jamie and Adam reveal what's in store for their go-big-then-go-home final season, while also pulling back the curtain to showcase how this epic series got made with behind-the-scenes exclusives.
The MythBusters celebrate their explosive history with two spectacular big bangs. In MacGyver Cement Truck, our mullet-wearing hero discovers a mail truck full of TNT. Thinking quickly (as he does), MacGyver has a nearby cement truck dump its load onto the truck to smother the bomb. But would it work in real life? Then in Hovercraft Hijinks the guys tackle the one explosive technology they've yet to come across: landmines. Can a minefield really be safely traversed in a hovercraft?
This season, Jamie and Adam try something they've never done before: an implosion caused by a vacuum. The tall tale goes that a freight train tank car was being steam cleaned when a rainstorm let loose. The engineers made the mistake of sealing the container full of hot steam and headed home. The rain cooled the tank car, the steam condensed and contracted, and the resulting pressure differential caused the massive steel car to crumple like a soda can. Is it possible? The MythBusters devote an entire episode and embark on the biggest logistical operation in their history to find out.
This episode takes on two viral videos. First, is it possible to fire shrimp from an air cannon through a cloud of flour, shower of egg wash, then breadcrumbs before a fireball crisps them into the perfect tempura on a plate? Second, can an underwater explosive charge juice the inside of a piece of fruit or vegetable while leaving the exterior completely undamaged?
When it comes to destroying cars, the MythBusters are experts, and in this episode, they're going out with a bang! First, Adam sees if you can really lift up a car with nothing but a humble vacuum, before Jamie then tries to flatten a car using nothing but an absolutely massive load of C4!
In their 14 years, the MythBusters have used more than 3,500 human guinea pigs, and in this special, they pay homage to each! First, Jamie and Adam summon up an army of 200 zombies to determine the ultimate weapon when the apocalypse comes. Then, using 120 shopping volunteers, the MythBusters find out the best way to wait in line at the store: Is it the "pick a lane" method or the more modern serpentine?
In this last revisit, Adam and Jamie attempt to right their wrongs. First they bust out their drifting moves to find out whether drifting is faster than driving -- on dirt! Then they return to the ultimate fan favorite -- what is bulletproof -- and put lighters and fish tanks in the firing line. Finally, the guys test whether it's possible to survive two explosions by standing directly between them.
Adam and Jamie tackle the all-time fan favorite: Are gummy bears a viable rocket fuel?! To find out they get to grips with some genuine rocket science and sweet chemistry and then hit the Mojave Desert for testing. It's a challenging story with plenty of ups and downs, and it finishes with a trademark Hyneman curve ball: swapping gummy bears for poop.
Adam and Jamie put MythBusters in the hands of redditors, choosing from several thousand of their suggestions. In Farting on FLIR Jamie and Adam address the reddit community's request to know if a viral video purporting to show a flatus show up on an infrared camera is real or fake. Then in Ball Fall, Buster has a tough day at the office, testing whether a person would survive a 1,000-foot drop inside an inflatable ball. Paper Bag Punch sees Adam explore how easy it really is to punch your way out of a aper bag. And finally the most popular request was a gratuitous spectacular explosion. So in Snoo Boom the MythBusters oblige by blowing up reddit's mascot.
Since 2002, Adam and Jamie have used science to separate fact from fiction in spectacular style! But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end and MythBusters is no exception. Luckily, the guys are going out with a bang and then some: an RV gets blown to kingdom come, Buster goes supersonic, Adam takes the most wild ride imaginable and ... well, Cement Truck. It all boils down to a cement truck filled with 5,000 pounds of ANFO as the MythBusters sign off in style.
For this final hour of the television icon that is MythBusters, the five hosts are reunited for one last hurrah! Deep within M5, Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, Kari Byron, Tory Belleci and Grant Imahara join forces once more to together give a suitably epic, enlightening and emotional finale to the best science show on television.

Season 15 - MythBusters
Mythbusters returns with new hosts Jonathan and Brian. The MythBusters put an exploding airbag to the ultimate test and tackle an epic movie myth using a rocket-powered sword.
The MythBusters investigate if a burglar can be shot out of a chimney when the fireplace is lit. Then they power up a chainsaw to test if a bullet embedded in a tree will have fatal consequences.
The MythBusters investigate if a water-heater can turn into a destructive torpedo, and reveal the explosive power of flatulence.
The MythBusters take on Hollywood's greatest invisible assassins with a trio of tall tales of ingenious booby traps.
Can a human body be used protect you in a gun battle? Can oobleck be bomb-proof?

Season 16 - MythBusters
The MythBusters investigate two arrow-themed myths: Will a flaming arrow fired into a car's gas tank cause it to explode, and is a deadly-looking tribal initiation really is as dangerous as it seems.
The MythBusters take on a glass-shattering movie myth, and search for cure to stop crying while chopping onions.
The MythBusters tackle more myths in a wild west themed episode.
The MythBusters test ways to beat police road spikes using DIY ingenuity and Hollywood driving skills. Secondly, they investigate if a high-powered fountain can actually lift and suspend a human being.
The MythBusters tackle more myths using their own signature style of explosive experimentation.
The MythBusters test if a fugitive could actually outrun the law while driving from the back seat, and whether it's really possible to knock someone over with a feather.
It is possible to escape from a burning car crashed into a power pole, without getting electrocuted? Is it better for a pedestrian to jump up when a car is about to hit them, or stand still?
Can dropping molten salt into a toilet unblock it? Is 3rd-person perspective better than 1st-person in a real world video game obstacle course?