Pat & Mat

Pat & Mat is a Czech stop-motion animated series featuring two handymen, Pat and Mat. It was created by Lubomír Beneš and Vladimír Jiránek.

Type: tv

Season: 8

Episode: N/A

Duration: 8 minutes

Release: 1979-01-01

Rating: 7.791

Season 1 - Pat & Mat
A new wallpaper can change the look of a room. But the wallpaper sticks more to your hands than to where it should.
What do you need if you have books laying around everywhere? Right, a book shelf. But making one by yourself is even better.
The carpet needs to get cleaned. But there is this big blue stain on it. Getting rid of it needs a lot of fantasy?
A rocking chair is a great invention. The only annoying thing is, that it doesn't move by itself. But there is a way.
Framing a photo can be a huge undertaking, especially if you first sawed the frame.
What a wonderful garage. But there just seems no way to get the car into it. Well, there is one.
People need light, especially when it's dark outside. But what are you going to do if the light bulb is broken and you don't have a new one that fits?
There are so many records, but obviously no working player. Best idea is making your own music.
Chicken tastes great! But it needs be grilled first. Too bad if your grill is too small.
Moving can be difficult. Even more if you only have a car.
Gardening is easy, if you have water. But what do you do if the well is dry? You get water from a river.
A garden gnome is a nice centrepiece. But first it's time to clean up the garden.
What do you do if there's a stain on your ceiling? Right, you paint it.
Who doesn't want to fly? But how do you actually do that?
Ironing can be a hassle, especially if you also want to solve a crossword.
Birds are not attracted to humans. But they might come if you build a bird house.
Sometimes it's time to do laundry. But what if your washing machine breaks? Right, you build one of your own.
What do you do if your television dies while watching sports? You do your own sports.
Having a picnic can be great. But finding a good spot can be hard. Sometimes you just want the comforts of home.
A new washing machine arrives. Along with a letter with a nice stamp on it. You will discover that you can use these machines for more than just washing your clothes.
A nice grill party. But then it starts raining. So let's go inside and continue there. But it isn't a lot better inside the house.
After wasting the car while going on an excursion it seems that camping at home is also very exciting.
Your own grape vines. But pay attention that you don't drink too much while making wine out of your grapes.
Long forgotten treasures lie in the attic An a flooded vegatable beet makes skating in summer possible.
A big piano won't fit in the elevator. But what can you do if it also won't fit through the window?
An accident destroys all the crockery. A good way to get new crockery is making it by yourself.
Is there a way to watch the soccer game after wasting the television? Of course!
The apple harvest is good. All the apples are picked, except one. But it seems impossible to reach that high.

Season 2 - Pat & Mat
Always keep your keys in a safe place. And never let them vanish in a drain.
IKEA furniture comes in pieces with a manual how to construct them. But you really should stick to the manual.
There are other ways of cutting the lawn than with a scythe. A do-it-yourself lawnmower.
Spring is the time to clean your house. But what do you do with so much garbage?
The dish antenna on the roof is having issues. Especially when it's raining.
How do you get into your house when you've locked yourself out? There are so many possibilities.

Season 3 - Pat & Mat
No more cookies. All have been eaten. So let's bake some yourself. Let's bake a lot.
The garage door isn't working like it should. Let's come up with some new way to lock the car.
A bike tour can become a nightmare if you want to take too much with a you and if you're not able to ride a bike.
Unloading stones from a transporter is taking forever. But speeding things up can be dangerous.
A stain on the parquet. Getting rid of it, you need one of these cleaning machines. But there are other cool things you can do with them.
The gutter pipe needs repainting. It's easy to paint the bottom. But how do you get so high to paint the upper part?
A convertible isn't just cool to drive, it also has some other great features.
How do you change a flat tire if you don't have a spare tire?
Billiards is a great game if you know how to play it. If not, what about bowling?
The hedge needs cutting. But after cutting it, the height should still be even.
Money needs to be kept in a safe place, like a safe. Just keep an eye on the key to open it again.
The fender is scrap. But with some imagination the new fender may look even better than the old one.
With glue and matches you can make pieces of art. But matches are still highly inflammable.
Even on a calm day, you can have some fun windsurfing, if you have the right car.

Season 4 - Pat & Mat
Puzzle solving is great fun, but a common problem is a lost piece. There's always an interesting alternative.
Grilling sausages in the kitchen is boring. How about building your own big grill?
The roof is having problems again. But where is the rain leaking through?
Old cameras are hard to handle. Especially if you don't want upside down photos.
The wheel was mankind's most important invention. But it was just the beginning.
Before you get a dog you have to make sure you have a dog house that fits the dog.
There's a drop of paint on the parquet. Since the paint won't go away there's only one way: paint the whole floor.
To cultivate your own fruits and vegetables you may need a greenhouse. But how do you build one?
Remembering old times. Wasn't it always fun to swing? Clotheslines can be helpful.
There's a mouse. But today's mice are too clever. More is needed than just some cheese.
To protect against thieves, you have to go to the limit.
The windows need to be painted. But basic painting is boring. Make it better!
Pat and Mat celebrate Easter, but it's not complete without Easter eggs.
Why spend money on a gym when you can create it in your basement? But also remember the right diet.
Pat and Mat get a soft drink machine. Opening the box it came in turns out to be harder than expected, let alone actually getting the machine to properly work.
Racing with toy cars is great fun. But it gets boring over time. Maybe a better idea would be to expand the tracks all over the house.
Everyone would like to have a fish. But you can't have it, if you don't have an aquarium. How about making it yourself?
It's always good to grow your own veggies. But it takes a while for them to grow up. I don't think anything will happen if you speed things up a bit...
To fly you must have a hang glider. If you don't have it, at least make life easier for those who fly without hang gliders.
Christmas Eve is a wonderful holiday. But you have to prepare for it properly. It's worth buying some cake. Unless you sat on it.
Sick people need care. You need to regularly measure their temperature, but remember not to confuse the thermometer with a coffee spoon.
Soon after they've both installed one, Pat and Mat discover the almost endless possibilities of a fax machine.
The strawberries are delicious. But you don't need that many. What will you do with all the rest of it now?
A perfect day to play golf. But maybe golf isn't a game you should play in your backyard, unless you make your own golf course.
Orange juice is tasty. Though, remember to close the bottle, because the cap may get lost somewhere. And catching it won't be that easy.
Having your own pool is very expensive. You can always make it yourself. All you need is a shovel. Or maybe dynamite?
What a beautiful picture. It needs to be hung somewhere. When hanging a picture, you have to watch your fingers, so using a big hammer is out of the question.
A Christmas tree may be big, and bringing it home is a common problem. But that's not a reason to cut the branches.

Season 5 - Pat & Mat
A tree felled on your roof, preventing you from living at home. You have to go to your friend's place to sleep, but is there room for your bed?
A new cupboard will be useful. A good place will be where the washbasin is. But how to route the pipes so that everything works?
The sausages are tasty. But what about those paper plates? You're right: wash them in the dishwasher.
It's great to remember the old days. But what to do when there is no suitable place to display old films? The answer is right outside the window.
When a cable gets in the way while vacuuming, you can connect it to the lamp. Maybe automate the vacuum cleaner at the same time?
Just playing cards won't cool you down. You can cool off in the cold water. And where is the cold water? Sure, in the swimming pool.
Putting in a new floor is very difficult, especially when there are problems such as not being able to open the door.
It is dangerous to have a dead tree next to your house. You have to cut it down somehow, but how do you do it without damaging the house and garden?
When your juicer breaks, you should come up with some alternative. It may be a machine made out of a cupboard.
The usual exercise on the bike is boring when it can't move. But that's what imagination is for.
Transporting a huge cactus is complicated. You have to be careful not to stumble. It's pretty heavy, too.
It's time to change the style of the bathroom. Blue tiles will be perfect. Just don't make a mistake when placing them, because you will have to lay them all over again.
Playing chess is a challenge when the sun is shining in your eyes. You need something to block the sun.

Season 6 - Pat & Mat

Season 7 - Pat & Mat
When making a Christmas card, it's worth being original. How about a photo with a dummy Bethlehem shed in the background? Made of your own furniture?
Just great. How do you take out the garbage when the whole sidewalk is covered in ice? You can always combine the unpleasant with the useful and fun.
If you bought a carp for Christmas Eve, you need the right conditions to prepare it. Just remember, the water in the tub should not be too hot and not too cold.
Wow, it's snowed up to the windows. You need to clear the yard of snow somehow to get out of the house. As a reward, you can make a snowman out of the snow.
New Year's Eve is tonight, got to get ready. The food is there, the decorations are there. But what to do until midnight? You can always change the hands of the clock.
What solution do you see when the baby Jesus figurine is missing from the Bethlehem nativity scene? You're right: make a new nativity scene.
Wrapping a gift in paper is not so easy. Turns out you're not the only one with this problem.
Home should be decorated for the holidays. But remember moderation. Too much power consumption makes the electricity shut off.
Preparing a salad is a lot of work. Chopping up all those vegetables, and then mixing them up. Wait, why do you need so much of this salad?
The gingerbread house is a beautiful and delicious decoration. But what to do when it keeps falling apart? The use of tools will certainly be advisable.
It's snowed again. It would be nice making something out of it. An igloo is a pretty good idea. You can turn it into your second home at any time.
Gotta keep your cold friend warm somehow. A sauna would be a good idea, but where to get a one?
When your artificial Christmas tree has been destroyed, you should cut down a real one. But to save time and money, cut it from your garden.

Season 8 - Pat & Mat
Today for dinner, chicken, sausages? Why not pancakes? What are you waiting for? Let's do it.
Want to learn to fly? Well, it won't be easy, but you might have a chance if you build a working machine.
There is definitely an easier and more effective way to pop popcorn. Just give me a pot, a funnel, and aluminum foil.
Is your kitchen in a deplorable condition? No worries. You can always buy new furniture. You just need to be able to assemble it.
Don't waste your time by washing your car the normal way. It's better to spend a little more time building a reusable car wash, unless it breaks down.
Today is a hard day. You have to pick all the apples from the tree, then crush and squeeze them for juice. What can go wrong?
Why are you making such an effort when someone is stealing your apples? You have to catch the thief in some kind of trap. By the way, would you like an apple?
A grill isn't a grill if it can't be fired up. But remember: fire is dangerous.
Moving items from point A to point B is not hard. It turns into a hassle when you have to do it all the time.
On such hot days, you need to cool down in every way. From cold drinks, to swimming pools, to — wait a minute, the ice has melted.
It's not good when bread is too stiff. In such a situation, you can bake your own—just don't overdo it.
So you lost your pizza. Well, this is the perfect chance to make your own. But first make sure your oven is big enough.
It's hard to drive a car into a garage that keeps closing. But there is a way to construct them to open at will.