Peak Practice

Peak Practice is a British drama series about a GP surgery in Cardale — a small fictional town in the Derbyshire Peak District — and the doctors who worked there. It ran on ITV from 10 May 1993 to 30 January 2002 and was one of their most successful series at the time. It originally starred Kevin Whately as Dr Jack Kerruish, Amanda Burton as Dr Beth Glover and Simon Shepherd as Dr Will Preston, though the roster of doctors would change many times over the course of the series. Cardale was based on the Staffordshire village of Longnor for the final series, but was previously based in the Derbyshire village of Crich, although certain scenes were filmed at other nearby Derbyshire towns and villages, most notably Matlock, Belper and Ashover.

Genre: Drama,



Country: United Kingdom,

Type: tv

Season: 12

Episode: N/A

Duration: 60 minutes

Release: 1993-05-10

Rating: 6.1

Season 1 - Peak Practice
Dr Jack Kerruish finishes his last day at The Dry River Clinic in Africa. Jack is moving back to England as he not welcome by the African government any longer. Jack feels he has finished the job he came to do and after a farewell from his African friends, he travels to England to find work as a country G.P. Meanwhile in the rural village of Cardale, Derbyshire, Dr Beth Glover; senior partner of The Beeches surgery is greeted by a speeding sports car driven by her flash ex-colleague Dr. Daniel Acres. Dan is about to begin his first day at the new health centre. He wants Beth to join him there but she says no - she's happy at The Beeches. Beth's partner Dr Will Preston arrives for work and tells Beth he doesn't know how will they cope now Dan has gone. As they walk into The Beeches it is a state of chaos with patients everywhere and local pensioner Alice North demanding to be seen quicker than she was last week, practice receptionist Kim Beardsmore says she's she what she can do. Jack i
Ellie tries to help pensioner Douglas Hart with his cataract problem. However he is stubborn and gets by with a lot of help from his close friend Alice North. Will is being constantly nagged by is wife Sarah. She feels Jack's presence at The Beeches will push Will into being a part-timer. Will says 'Roll on the day'.Dan Acres implies to Sarah that Jack and Beth are seeing each other. Jack and Ellie tell Beth that she must be more firmer with hospital in order for Douglas to get the operation he needs. Beth says it's not as easy as that and that patients have to wait their turn. Jack later pops around to Beth's to discuss waiting list procedures. She invites him to stay for dinner. They resolve to have a work free conversation, despite the initial awkwardness they find that they alcohol in common! Sarah presses Will about Jack and Beth, she tells him what Dan said and says with Jack and Beth now 'at it' he will certainly be pushed out of the practice. Douglas falls over whilst trying to
Teenager Gemma Sinclair gets an injury whilst training for a running event. Her father; Alan is convinced that Gemma is the next big thing in running and his constant pushing does not help her recover. Whilst Will is playing squash; Sarah is in bed with Dan Acres. They have been having an affair. She asks Dan to persuade John Reginald to make Will a partner at the health centre. Dan says he will try. Will tells Sarah he is happy at The Beeches. Sarah tells him that Jack doesn't think very highly of him. The Beeches crew attend an opera recital. Jack and Ellie are bored stiff, whilst Sarah spends the evening flirting and exchanging looks with Dan. Jack and Ellie convince Beth to take a weekend off as she is exhausted. Beth says shared nightcalls with the health centre would be the perfect solution - if they weren't at war. Gemma takes a shine to Jack as he treats her injury. After he finishes surgery he finds a package on his car bonnet. It is a tape from Gemma telling him how much she
Chloe's sister Val is desperate for a baby. Will tells her that her only option is IVF treatment. He has found her private clinic that will treat her for £800. Will refuses to take part in the minor ops clinic that Jack has organised. Beth tells Jack she doesn't want to pressure Will as he's going through a rough time at home. However Jack tells Will that he has to do minor ops as he and Beth can't keep covering for him. Isabel spends the day with Gerald - a recent widower. But her forward thinking is too much for him and he tells her he needs time to think. Rhianne Lewis arrives as The Beeches trainee. She is also working at the health centre. Val's husband Ray has an accident at work. His hands sieze up while he is driving causing his tractor to overturn. Jack is called to the scene. Ray is o.k but worried that he will lose is job and the cottage that goes with it. Will tells Kim he's worried about doing minor ops because he is squeamish! She tells him not to worry - Beth doesn't lik
During a medical seminar Rhianne annoys Beth by constantly throwing bits of paper at Jack. After the seminar Rhianne asks Jack if he's free for the afternoon. He says he is and Rhianne takes him to a football match on the back of her bike! Rhianne is on call when one of Beth's patients; Hilda is taken ill. Rhianne diagnoses meningitis and sends her to hospital despite protest from Hilda's friends Liz and John. Beth is furious when she finds out and interrupts a drink between Jack and Rhianne to tell Rhianne that Hilda doesn't have meningitis but the flu. Hilda's stiff neck came from a fall and her other symptoms related to a bout of the flu that she had just had. Beth tells Rhianne that if she had listened to Liz and John she would've been able to spare Hilda going into hospital. Over dinner Rhianne tells Jack that she thinks Beth fancies him. Jack denies it and says there is nothing going on between he and Beth. Jack and Rhianne kiss and head for bed but are interrupted by an emergenc
Jack is called out to Frances Barratts house. He has a heart condition and has collapsed after a night out with best mate Danny. Jack wants Frances to go to hospital but there are no ambulances due to a massive road accident. Danny takes Jack and Frances to the hospital in his truck. Whilst traveling Jack has to administer CPR when Francis stops breathing. Back at The Beeches Beth is concerned about Will. She asks him how things are at home - he tells her that he and Sarah have some things to sort out. Danny thanks Jack for his help and tells him that Francis needs an operation but can't afford it. Jack talks to Dr Reeve; Frances' consultant and asks why Frances isn't down to have the operation. Reeve tells him that Frances' chances after the operation are minimal. Danny gives Jack a lift back to Cardale, however when they reach Frances' house Jack's tyres have been stolen - Danny promises to get them back for him. Will and Sarah go to the bank for a meeting - they need to cut back on
Sarah is concerned when the local shopkeeper returns two of her bounced cheques. Will has a meeting with Peter - a drugs rep who Will is performing a drugs trial for in return for cash. He has 25 of The Beeches patients on the trial unbeknown to Jack or Beth. Alice North wants an appointment with Will but Kim can't fit her in. Beth says she'll see her anytime she wants but Alice says no - she has to see Dr Preston. Will tells Sarah about the drugs trial but tell her no-one else knows as Beth doesn't approve of drugs trials. Alice is taken ill whilst bowling. Douglas insists on calling Beth. Beth diagnoses indigestion due to Alice's bad diet of fried food. Alice tells Beth that Will has changed her prescription and that she has to see him every fortnight for tests. Beth tells Will she was called out to see Alice and he says he'll keep an eye on her. Beth asks Will why he hasn't written up Alice's notes, as the appointment book visits doesn't match up with the number of visits on Alice's
Jack and Beth have spent the night together. Beth doesn't want anyone to know about their relationship so she drops Jack off a mile away from The Beeches. Unbeknown to Jack and Beth - Kim sees them and takes great pleasure in dropping little comments about their relationship at work. Jack gives Beth a spare key to his cottage. Jack goes to see Will who is now back at home. Will tells Jack that Sarah can't bare to be around him. Sarah tells Jack she doesn't know what to do or what to say to Will. Jack spends the day with the mountain rescue crew - he is hoping to be accepted as the doctor for their team. Isabel finds Jack's razor in Beth's bathroom and teases her about it. Sarah shouts at Will and tells him their family is falling apart whilst he just sits there. She walks out on him and goes to see Jack. Jack tells Sarah how his dad used to hit his mum until she walked out on them. Jack explains that when his mum left his dad fell apart - she was the stronger one, and Will is stronge

Season 2 - Peak Practice
Jack and Beth give Will a few days off as he and Sarah are moving house. Beth asks Will how things are going he says he and Sarah are trying to sort out their money troubles, hence the house move. Beth tells Jack she wants to spend the evening alone so that she can catch up with herself. He agrees it's a good idea - he's got a tax form to fill in. No sooner have they arrived home to their separate houses they both get bored and lonely. Beth attempts to call Jack but he beats her to it - arriving on her doorstep with a bottle of wine. She is happy to see him. Trevor is having problems 'performing' and keeps giving Leanda the brush off. She is heartbroken and thinks Trevor doesn't want her anymore. Trevor visits Jack but find it hard to explain the sexual problems he is encountering. He later talks to Will who tells Trevor he is suffering from stress. Beth goes to see Will and hands him a housewarming present. He teases her about she and Jack and tells her he should stop stringing Jack a
Sarah is upset that she and Will haven't received and invitation to the captains ball. Will assures her that it's probably just stuck in the post. Beth asks Jack if they can meet for supper. He tells her he's not sure what kind of relationship they have anymore. He's confused as to whether they are friends, lovers, what? Beth assures him that nothing's changed and it will just take them a while to get back to where they were before he proposed. Beth battles with Rob Clulow, a friend of The Beeches staff whom, despite a heart condition can't give up smoking. Beth tries to get Mr. Jenkins to operate on Rob but he refuses seeing as how Rob has made no attempt to quite smoking. Jack and Beth are adamant that Rob should have the operation but Will agrees with Jenkins. Rob's son Harry becomes friends with Tony Preston. They both go to the new school. Whilst playing at the wreck Tony and Harry become involved in a fight with some older lads. In no time at all bricks and stones are being hurl
Will and Sarah host a housewarming party. Beth is not happy that Will has invited fundholding advisor Greg Miller and when Sarah tells Greg it's Beth who's holding The Beeches back from going fundholding, Beth makes sure her views on fundholding are made clear. Brian Drake complains to Beth that Jack won't fit him in for a medical even though he needs it for work. Beth asks Jack why he hasn't fit Brian in and Jack explains that he was keeping to the practice policy - non-urgent medicals are carried out in the third Saturday of every month. Chloe is tired and irritable. James tells Jack he thinks something is wrong with her. Chloe goes to see Jack and tells him she has found a lump in her neck. Jack feels it and doesn't think it is anything serious but send Chloe for a biopsy anyway. The biopsy shows that Chloe has Hodgkin's disease - a form of Cancer. Chloe insists that James shouldn't know that she is sick. Jack tells her he will help her beat this illness. Jack is surprised to see Br
Douglas Hart plans to attend the spitfire flypast with his army pals. Alice doesn't think he should be going as he's not fit to be by himself. Her fears set in when she arrives at Douglas' to find him asleep with his chip pan on fire. Isabel says she will be happy to take Douglas to the flypast, but Alice is till not happy about it. Jack makes some difficult questions during a practice meeting. Will is not sure what point he is trying to make. When Jack leaves the room, Beth tells Will she and Jack have split up. Will is shocked and asks if they will still be able to work together, Beth says she hopes it won't interfere. Isabel visits Jack at The Beeches. She asks him how he'd feel about having her counseling team offer a service at the practice. He says he'll discuss it with Beth and Will. Isabel thinks that will be impossible judging the current situation between he and Beth. Jack confides in Isabel about he and Beth's split. She tells him that sulking around won't help the situati
Chloe goes to see Jack. He is concerned about her - she's not getting any better. The hospital say they will have to change her drugs protocol as the current one isn't working. Jack takes it hard and for a while begins to question the service. Jack treats Matthew Keel; son of Beeches cleaner Sue and her husband Martin. Jack says Matthew has the flu but if his condition worsens Martin should call The Beeches. Sue gives James a hand at The Manor as Chloe is unwell after her treatment. However when Matthew has seizure Sue is called home. Martin calls Kim for help. She explains that Beth is on another call and will be with him as soon as she's finished with that patient. Martin can not wait that long and calls for an ambulance. When they arrive they suspect Matthew has meningitis. Matthew is taken to hospital whilst Martin waits for Beth. When Beth arrives Martin is in a state. She tells him to calm down as they don't yet know for sure whether or not Matthew does have meningitis. He says i
Jack receives a package. It is a key from his ex-girlfriend Karen. She calls him at the surgery and asks him when he is coming to visit her. Jack says it will be soon. Karen tells Jack that she hasn't been taking her medicine, Jack tells her she must - it's very important that she takes her medication. Beth and Kim go horse riding. Kim can't get the hang of it and spends half of the lesson in one place as she's to scared. Beth introduces her to a slower horse who Kim takes quite a shine to. Jack receives a call from Karen's hospital telling him that the police have brought her in. Jack's number was the only number she would give them. Jack tells Beth that he needs to go to London. She is alarmed that he is leaving at such short notice but he won't tell her why. Jack goes to see Karen. She is huddled under a blanket and shouts at him to leave. Jack goes to see her parents. They thank him for coming down and say they don't expect him to drop everything every time Karen gets sick. They a
Will asks Beth if she can cover his nightcalls as he wants to help celebrate the local footie win. She says no, she's meeting an old girlfriend. Beth gets ready and leaves the house, just missing a phonecall from Michael - he leaves a message on her answer phone telling her he is caught in traffic and will be late. Who is Michael and isn't Beth supposed to be meeting a girlfriend? Isabel arrives at the pub looking for Beth. She is disappointed when Jack tells her she went to meet up with an old friend whom she hasn't seen for ages. Beth meets Michael at a hotel, he is late but she forgives him and they settle down to dinner. The atmosphere is edgy with Beth having the upper hand. Beth says she hasn't forgiven him for having her fired from the job she loved. He said he did it because he loved her and couldn't bare to be near her when he knew their affair couldn't continue for the sake of his wife, Antonia. Beth is surprised when Michael tells her he and Antonia have split. Jack and Will
Will and Sarah continue to struggle with money. Sarah tells Will she's run out of access on their card, he tells her to stop buying so much. Jack and Beth have dinner with their friends from Africa, Angie and Drew. Not long into dinner Angie notices the ring on Beth's finger and Jack and Beth announce that at last the big day is on. Will and Kim stay late at work to sort out the paperwork for the fund holding meeting. After they have completed the report Kim presents Will with a bottle of bubbly to celebrate. She says he has worked wonders on getting The Beeches on the road to fundholding. They get involved in a chat about Will's taste in women, he says he shouldn't have always gone for lookers like Sarah, then maybe he would've ended up with someone like Kim - she is flattered. Their relaxed chat is interrupted by Sarah ringing Will's mobile. She has received a letter home from Tony's school about his bad behaviour. Both Sarah and Tony have become angry and in the fall out Sarah gra
Jack, Beth and Will have dinner to talk over the final fundholding plans. Jack and Beth thank Will for all is hard work and apologise for the difficulty they sometimes caused. They are having a pleasant evening until Sarah arrives and the atmosphere dies. Will tells Beth that Stuart Mosely has been in touch. He was Will's best man and a good doctor friend of Beths. Stuart goes to see Will. He tells him he has H.I.V. - Will is stunned as it now looks like Stuart is showing symptoms of Aids. Will is also shocked to find out that the health authority are not aware of Stuarts condition. Stuart assures Will he stopped treating patients as soon as he found out and that none of is patients were put at risk. Will is adamant that Stuarts former colleagues should be informed. Will tell Stuart that he will be asking the department of public health for advice on the matter. But he says he will give Stuart a weeks so that he can tell his his daughter, Sally. Beth becomes involved in he plight of Lo
Chloe collapses whilst doing the ironing. Jack tells her she is doing so much and must take things easy. News travels around Cardale that a new born baby has been abandoned. A young girl steals some supplies from The Manor as James chases her Jack nearly runs into her. The girl gets away and later sits outside the local shop begging for money. The police ask for Beth's help in tracing the abandoned baby's mother. Beth asks Kim and Ellie to do a ring round to see of all their pregnant patients are still pregnant! One of Beth's patients needs some treatment on his knee so Beth calls in a favour from a friend at the rheumotology department. However he tells her that he and his colleagues are not happy to hear that The Beeches may be seeking private treatment in the future. Beth is furious to hear this as she was not aware of that situation. She goes to see Will - he doesn't open the door. He is sitting alone in the dark. Jack tells Beth that they should give Will the benefit of the doubt
Jack and Beth visit Beth's friends Annie and Dominic. Beth sees them as the ideal couple whilst Jack is not so sure. They have a daughter Victoria and Dominic lets it slip to Jack an Beth that Annie is expecting again. Will is looking after Tony and Julien for the weekend. They are bored as he is on call. Annie takes Victoria out for the day, she is not comfortable with her and tells Dominic that she doesn't love her. Annie secretly goes to John Reginald and says she wants an abortion. He refuses her one without talking to both she and Dominic. Annie is distraught and stays out all night. Dominic calls Beth who stays with him whilst Annie is missing. When she finally returns home she is wet and speaks nothing of Victoria. Dominic asks her where Victoria is and Annie says she is in the ford. Dominic drives up to the ford but there is no sign of Vicki, just her shoe and a gushing river. When he returns home Beth calms him down and tells him that Victoria is in bed. He doesn't understand
Beth is called out to Bob Massey who has suffered a mild heart attack. Frank Hooley arrives at The Beeches with a dislocated shoulder. Jack treats him and puts it back in place. He asks Jack for a sick not - Jack signs him off for a week. Beth arrives late for work due to her night calls. When she picks up her files from Kim she finds that she has been left with all the female patient whilst Jack and Will have taken all the men. Jack and Beth discuss nightcalls and how they wake each other up when the other is on call. Jack tells Beth she needn't attend every call - sometimes advice over the phone is enough. Beth once again is left with the female patients whilst Will takes off for an afternoon of golf. Kim hands Jack and Will a letter each. It reads 'Women don't bite you swine' and is written in Beth's handwriting. They are puzzled. Will helps Kim when her bike breaks in the middle of the road. She is upset that she is not in the running for fund manager. Will tells her they need her
The police arrive at Alice's house. They have a warrant for her arrest because she hasn't paid her council tax. They says if she gives them the money now they can leave. Alice doesn't have the money so they arrest her. When she is taken to the station she is put in a cell. Jack and Will are preparing for interviews for the position of fund manager. The interview a number if candidates but are terribly excited at the prospect of interviewing Trevor - they vow to make him squirm. Kim tells them she hopes they find someone soon, hey say they are looking for someone who she can really get on with. Alice is taken into the court for a hearing where Isabel is magistrate. Isabel informs the court that she knows the defendant and they adjourn. Isabel goes outside the courthouse and calls Beth from a phonebox. She informs Beth of Alice's situation but tells her to keep quiet - she shouldn't have said anything. Beth arrives to take Alice home and is disgusted to see how Alice has been treated. As

Season 3 - Peak Practice
Jack is observing with the cave rescue team when they are called out to an emergency. A group of schoolchildren and their teacher have become trapped inside. Beth and Kim have a mid morning break. It's Jack and Beth's first wedding anniversary and Beth is convinced that Jack has forgotten. Kim assures her that he's probably got a big romantic surprise planned. Jack calls Beth at The Beeches. She is concerned when he tells her he will be taking part in the rescue. His mobile cuts out as he is about to wish her 'Happy Anniversary'. Isabel visits Paul; and old friend and a doctor. Isabel has cancer of the pancreas. Paul informs Isabel that she could have several months of good living before her condition worsens. The news isn't of any comfort to Isabel who confides in Paul that she has yet to tell anyone of her condition - not even Beth. Despite opposition and bad weather; the cave rescues leader Tommo insists that the rescue go ahead. He takes a team underground including Jack as the onl
New practice nurse Laura Elliott starts work at The Beeches. She's soon thrown out of her depth when Alice demands an appointment during full surgery. Will tells Laura he'll pay Alice a home visit. When he sees Alice he tells her she shouldn't have snapped at Laura like she did and prescribes rest and warmth. Jack and Will clash when Trevor pushes Will to stand for a seat on the local council. Jack isn't convinced that Will could be 'champion of the people'. However Will decides to give it a go and attends a council members dinner and dance with Trevor and Leanda. Pat Hargrove who is on the council board talks to Will and intends to boost his council campaign. Jack and Beth move into their new house with help from Isabel who is putting a brave face on her illness. Alice's nosy neighbour, Mrs Roberts, alerts Will that she hasn't seen Alice all morning. Will becomes concerned when he gets no answer from Alice's house. He breaks in and finds her unconscious. Alice is taken away in an amb
Jack, Beth, Will and Isabel have dinner together. However Will is left in the dark over Isabel's cancer. Isabel tells Beth she's coping well and refuses Beth's offer of a Macmillan nurse. A group of people arrive in Cardale. They have a history of mental health and their presence splits the Cardale community in half. One patient is convinced that his poorly child is the result of the groups unhealthy living. It is discovered that the child has Weils disease and more and more patients become convinced that the rats which cause the disease are coming from the groups home. With mental illness close to his heart, Jack finds himself fighting the mental health patients course. Beth is concerned that he is becoming too involved. Jack investigates the claim against the group and finds dead cattle near a stream where the infected children has been playing. Jack, Beth and Laura attend a meeting to ban mental health patients from residing in Cardale. They are on the side of the mental health pati
Its' the day of Isabel's funeral. The residents of Cardale turn out in force to say their goodbyes and to support Beth. During the wake Jack is called out to an emergency. There has been a car accident and the female passenger, Amanda has gone into labour. Jack delivers the baby by the roadside but there is a complication; the baby has the cord caught around it's neck. Jack follows Amanda and husband Mark to the hospital where the baby boy is put on a monitor, Jack explains this is because of the complication with the cord. Jack returns home to find Beth sitting alone in the dark. She breaks down in tears when he hugs her and says she thought her job would somehow make her immune to death and its effects. She says that Isabels death has set her adrift. Jack does his best to comfort her but Beth is shattered. At the hospital the doctors are concerned that the baby may have suffered brain damage before or during the birth. Mark decides that Jack must be to blame. Jack receives a letter
Jack has returned to Africa with Francine. Kim calls Beth who has overslept and alerts her to the fact that it's 9am. Will and Kim arrange lunch together to look over some paperwork, however when drugs rep Janey Cooper invites Will out for lunch Kim finds herself dealing with the paperwork and eating lunch alone. Chloe and James invite their friend Tim Shardlow to dinner. He has recently lost his wife and is still coming to terms with her death. The dinner turns into a late night when Tim drags out all his old photo albums and shows Chloe and James all the photos of he and his wife. Chloe and James go to see Beth. It is time for Chloe's check up. Beth tells Chloe that all of her tests have come back clear - she has fought the cancer and has returned to her former health. It's an emotional moment as Chloe thanks Beth for all of her help, yet Beth is wishing Jack was here delivering the good news. Janey turns up at Will's flat - promotional video and champagne in hand - she later emerges
Whilst Beth is out shopping she helps a woman; Barbara, who has fallen over and cut her leg. Beth gives Barbara and her daughter Joanne a lift home. Will visits Beth at home. Beth asks him about Janey. Will says Janey is a very 'no strings sort of girl'. Beth tells him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. Will asks Beth if she resents Jack going back to Africa, she tiptoes around the question by saying how Jack needed time out and how they are both very independent people. However in the end she admits that yes, part of her does resent Jack leaving. Joanne causes a scene in the surgery, throwing things and kicking her mother. Beth asks Barbara if she can talk to Joanne. After a chat Beth discovers that Joanne caused her mothers injury in the supermarket by kicking her. Beth and Janey discuss new drugs schemes, Beth is unimpressed and tells Janey to return to her when the drug is universally used by the hospitals. Will continues his job as the boxing teams doctor. One of the fighters; Pete
Jack arrives home and is unable to get into the house. He has to climb through the window. He arrives at The Beeches and greets a shocked Beth. She apologises for the fact he couldn't get into the house, she lost the keys and had to get the locks changed. She says she's a bit tied up right now as Will has the day off. They resolve to meet for lunch. Will persuades Janey to join him for a school function at Tony's school. She doesn't really want to but Will explains that he is a family man and has to be there. Jack becomes involved in the plight of Nancy who has Huntington's disease. He is concerned about her when she tries to take her life. Jack tracks down her sister who hasn't visited Nancy for years because she is scared she too may have the illness. Jack is alarmed when Nancy's sister reveals that Nancy has a son who doesn't even know he's at risk from having Huntington's disease. Will and Janey watch Tony play for the schools ruby team. Wills delight at seeing Tony score a try tur
A freak storm hits Cardale. The Beeches crew head to The Manor for a pub quiz minus Will who is playing happy families for Julian's birthday and Kim who has broken her leg! The Beeches team of Jack, Laura and Trevor take on The Farmers and fail miserably. Meanwhile Will and Sarah enjoy a family party with the boys. Both events are disturbed when the the storm cuts of Cardales power. The church plays shelter to people who have had houses flooded. The police tell Beth the phone lines are down as well as the power cables. Jack tells Beth that they should recruit a trainee for The Beeches to allow her to take maternity leave when she gets pregnant. She tells Jack he is counting his chickens to soon and states that they will bring up the baby 50/50 - she won't be giving up her job. James and Chloe hear noises coming from the bar. James goes to investigate and finds his barmaid Marion's son; Shaun stealing the takings. Shaun panics and hits James on the head, James collapses. Chloe goes dow
Beth makes herself an ovulation chart; full of 'red star days' so that she and Jack can find the best time to conceive! Will and Kim visit the local school to give the BCG vaccination. Kim's former head master, Roy Shearer says he hopes he will see her at the school reunion. Will is concerned when schoolgirl Josie Davis creates a fuss when he tries to give her the injection; he arranges to see her at The Beeches so he can give her the vaccination there. The Beeches crew discuss the Beeches taking on a trainee. All are in favour except Will who thinks having a trainee will just cause extra work for everyone. In the end he backs down as he is in the minority against. Laura convinces Kim to go to the reunion. She goes with Trevor and Leanda. Leanda tries to set Kim up with school geek, Neil but Kim is more interested in school rebel Alec Kitson. When headmaster Roy turns ill at the reunion Kim helps Alec look after him and Alec gives Kim a lift home. Will calls in Josie and her parents to
After the local football match which the sees the Cardale team defeated, Will joins Jack for a drink at The Manor. They discuss the new trainee who is arriving tomorrow. Will is still not convinced that a trainee is the right thing for The Beeches. Chloe and James welcome their new lodger to the pub; Dr Andrew Attwood - The Beeches trainee. Jack arrives home to find Beth has prepared a lovely meal for them both. As Jack tucks into his food, Beth sits nervously until Jack asks her if she's aright. The look in her eye says it all and Jack guesses that she has the news they have been waiting for - she's pregnant! They are both gloriously happy but agree to keep it secret for a little while. Chloe asks James to collect Sarah-Jane from nursery, she is worried about him as he doesn't appear to be completely 'with it' at the moment. Andrew arrives at The Beeches. Will introduces him to Jack and Beth who are caught having a romantic moment mid baby natter! Trevor calls a meeting to welcome And
Beth and her friend Rose Godfrey go horse riding. Rose guesses that Beth is pregnant. Beth tells her that both she and Jack are delighted. Trevor is worried when he is informed that he is getting a visit from the Independent Drugs Committee. Beth assures him the committee exist to advise not to criticise. Will says he will be fine so long as he hasn't been 'cooking the books' - Trevor does not find that comment funny. Will stuns The Beeches crew when he announces he's got himself some work at the ear, nose and throat department at the infirmary. Jack and Beth are surprised as Will didn't even tell them he was interviewing for such a post. Andrew sees Rose Godfrey and changes her prescription. Jack is not happy about it and doesn't think Andrew examined Rose well enough. He suggests they go and see her to carry out a more detailed examination. They discover Rose has an aneurysm. Jack uses his 'softly softly' approach with Rose and Andrew criticises him for it. He thinks Jack should've t
Joe Rawlings returns to Cardale and declares to his parents that he has come home to get better; to kick his drug habit. Joe visits John Reginald at The Health Centre and asks him to help him get off the drugs. Reginald refuses as he's tried to help Joe many times before. Beth is trying to write a speech for the impending G.P's dinner; despite his jokes Jack assures her she'll be fine. Will asks Jack and Beth if he can have tomorrow morning of as the Ear, Nose and Throat unit are down a consultant. Jack and Beth agree but are concerned that Will is growing away from The Beeches. Alice slips in her back yard and hurts her arm. Andrew treats her and puts her arm in a sling. Alice tells Andrew that she is trying to find someone to help her catch a fox that has been terrorising her hens - he asks her not to kill the fox and says if she gives him 48 hours he will sort the fox out himself. Chloe asks Jack if she and James can come and see him in the surgery tomorrow. Its nothing medical, Chl
Distance grows between Jack and Beth as he tries his best to reach out to her. He tells Will that he's planning to take her away for he weekend. Will and Andrew are happy to look after the surgery in their absence. However Jacks plans are thwarted when Beth and Andrew take overdose patient David Frankland to the hospital. Beth praises Andrew for keeping calm in the situation and says he can take David on as his patient as he is good with him. Beth and Andrew return to The Beeches where Jack swiftly whisks Beth away. David's wife visits Andrew and asks him to help David as she has left him. Andrew lends more then just a a hand when he pays to stop David's furniture from being repossessed. Beth asks Jack why he has brought her away. He tells her it's because they haven't done much talking since they lost the baby. Their thoughts are interrupted by Beth's mobile - it's Andrew asking for advice on David. Jack walks away but Beth catches up with him and says she is glad they are here. Andr
Will meets up with Greg Miller for a round of golf. Greg tells Will that he's too good for The Beeches and should consider leaving. He asks Will if he'd be interested in a job as medical advisor in Yorkshire. Greg tells him that now Sarah and the boys are not around as much there is nothing to keep him in Cardale. Will tells him that he's flattered but happy in Cardale. Meanwhile Jack and Beth are thinking of a way to persuade Trevor to fund a project they are planning. They want to add an outreach clinic to The Beeches so that the facilities they offer their patients will increase - it will also give Will a chance to practice the expertise he's been gaining at the hospital. Much to their surprise Trevor thinks its a good idea and thinks The Beeches will be eligible for an improvement grant. Chloe and James attend a foster care course. They are incredibly nervous but Andrew assures them they will be fine and says he will lend a hand behind the bar if things get busy. At the course Chlo
Jack, Beth and Will attend the solicitors to sign an agreement which allows Will to leave the partnership 5 months earlier then the contract states. They later have dinner and Beth is upset by Will saying she's settled in Cardale. Andrew moves out of The Manor and into Lauras as Chloe and James are preparing for their final foster care meeting. They attend the meeting and are overjoyed when the committee tell them they have approved their application to become foster parents. Will pays his last visit to Alice North. She tells him he was just shaping up to being a good doctor and now he is running off to an office job. He says goodbye and reminds her to keep taking her pills. She says yes before she watches him walk down her path...... for the last time? Jack and Beth become caught up in a family scandal. Jacks patient Vanessa Machin (played by Susannah Corbett who went on to become Beeches Physio Kerri) is a Cystic Fibrosis sufferer and is trying to move into her own place. For this

Season 4 - Peak Practice
Erica Matthews is lost in the peaks trying to find her way to a house call. On her travels she overtakes a car; on looking in her rear window she is concerned to see that the car is no longer behind her. She goes to investigate and sees the car half in the river. Erica offers her assistance to the driver; Mick who is sitting on the river bank and is alarmed when he says his daughter; Debbie us still trapped in he car. Erica rescues the girl from the car and performs CPR on her. They are taken to the hospital where Erica is questioned by the police. Meanwhile at The Beeches Will is having problems with the FHSA. They are unhappy with the way The Beeches is performing. Will explains that in the past two months he has lost both his partners and his fund manager and that he is doing his best to hold things together. The FHSA explain that The Beeches is losing patients and state the fact that there still no new partners to replace Jack or Beth. Will tells them that a Dr. Webster has express
The folk of Cardale take part in a fun run to raise money for some hospital equipment. Chloe, Erica and Kirsty join in the crowd cheering on Will, James and Andrew. Tony and Julian spend their last few days in England with Will. Erica joins them for dinner and Tony and Julian suggest that she move in next door to Will. Will explains to Erica that when he brought the house the cottage next door was part of the deal. Kate returns to The Beeches to talk to Will. She tells him she's not happy with the current night cover policy. He tells her she should come back and discuss it with him when she's been in Cardale a little longer. Erica is alarmed when Will, Kim and Andrew turn away a patient who claims his wife is unwell. She is appalled by their matter of fact approach to towards the situation. She soon understands their reasons when she pays the man a home visit and finds his wife is nothing but an empty quilt cover and a figment of his imagination. With Will's help Erica pronounces invis
Erica loses her keys. She goes round to Wills to get the master set. He is missing Tony and Julian and asks her if she'd like to stay for a drink but she says no, she has paperwork to catch up on. Kim asks Will how he is coping without the boys - he tells her he is slowly getting used to it. He is touched by her concern. Erica asks Andrew for a favour. She has flooded the bathroom at the cottage and managed to blow a fuse. She doesn't know how to fix it and doesn't want to tell Will. He agrees to go to the hardware store with her. Will tells them he is off to have lunch with Kate. Andrew asks if relations between them have improved after the night cover disagreement – Will says actually Kate is alright once you get to know her. Andrew helps Erica fix the fuse. He tells her he has noticed that she likes Will, he says she should hold a housewarming party in order to woo Will! Whilst out Andrew and Erica attend to Jill, a pregnant lady who has collapsed in the town. They find out her G.P
Chloe's short temper alarms Gary who doesn't know why she is acting so strangely. Chloe has found a lump and is scared that her cancer has come back. Andrew tells her that he will perform a test first thing tomorrow morning. Will lends Erica his car to go shopping. He is horrified when she picks up a a hitchhiker who is on his way to Cardale. Will is not happy when at home he unpacks his shopping and finds his bottle of whisky gone! Laura finds the hitchhiker asleep on the side of the road and takes him to The Beeches for a shower on condition that he sees a doctor. Will sees him and diagnoses a chest infection. He advises he keep of the booze - especially the whisky! Erica gets a shock when her ex boyfriend Dan arrives. He asks her to have dinner with him and she reluctantly agrees. Chloe gets the all clear. The lump was a cyst. Andrew tells her she was right to be concerned because of her history. She tells him she and James haven't told Gary about her cancer because they don't w
Laura has an accident on her way to work when two OAP's run her off the road. Erica puts her in a neck collar and Laura tells her that the drivers she saw shouldn't be on the road. Andrew and Erica are surprised when they see Will is advertising for a new partner as he hasn't spoken to either of them about staying on. Andrew is fine about it but Erica is upset and her attitude towards Will is frosty. Kim tells Will that Erica feels he should've told her that he was advertising for the partner position. Will visits Erica and apologises over the advert. She says it's fine; she'll be moving on soon anyway. She tells him she's happy to cover for as long as he needs her. Will and Kate have lunch. He tells her that he thinks Erica could be partner material given time. Kate tells him he should've asked Erica to apply. Will asks Kate if they can have dinner together tomorrow night. Andrew interrupts and is surprised when Kate kisses Will goodbye. Andrew is concerned about Stuart Reynolds; son
Will tells Andrew he's been thinking it over and thinks he needs to get a female partner. Andrew is gutted and Erica thinks it's discrimination. Erica confronts Will about his decision and says it has put her in an awkward position with Andrew. He says it was a difficult decision to make and asks for her help with a dialysis patient as Erica has spent 6 months working in a renal unit. Kirsty notices Andrew is down and asks him what's wrong. He says The Beeches are not considering him to be a partner in the practice. She asks why they would as he didn't apply. Andrew tells her that he did apply - 2 weeks ago. Will asks Kate what she wants to do at the weekend. She tells him Charlie is home for the weekend and Will assumes that that they will all do something together. Kate says Charlie can be very protective of her and she's worried about how they'll get on. Will tells her they will never know if they don't give it a go. Kate agrees he can meet Charlie at the weekend. Kirsty is hurt tha
Andrew's best mate Phil from Liverpool comes to stay with he and Kirsty. Andrew tells Kirsty that he and Phil don't have that much in common anymore. He says they have drifted apart. Will, Kate and Erica have supper together. Erica is obviously envious of Will's growing affection for Kate. Pat Hewland returns to The Beeches. She tells Will and Erica that the FHSA have changed their minds about reducing The Beeches to a two partner practice. Since they have taken on a lot of Phillip Ramsden's patients they are pushing them back to a three partner practice. Russ is pushing Kim for a dinner date. She agrees - anything for a quiet life! Will tells Andrew that he and Erica would like to offer him the partnership. Andrew is surprised but says it sounds good. Although he still has to talk it over with Kirsty. Andrew's patient Roy Bennet has a tumor on his liver. He decides he doesn't want an operation that carries a great risk with it. Andrew thinks Roy should have the operation and pushes Ro
Will makes Kate late for work again when he insists she stay in bed for longer. He tells her she should keep some of her stuff at his place so she won't need to keep leaving early in the morning - he says she could at least leave a toothbrush at his place. Linda Manningham visits Will when she hurts her hand. She suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and Will has to tell her that she has now progressed into the next stage of the illness. Linda's husband Des doesn't accept the news and tells Will he doesn't know what he's talking about. Andrew tells Erica that he's spoken to Kirsty. It's not good news, she doesn't want him back. Will tells Andrew he needs a decision about the partnership. Andrew says he can't give him a definite answer yet. Des goes to The Health Centre to see Kate. He complains about Will. Kate says she thinks he should listen to what Will has to say about Linda. She gives him he number for the MS society who can provide counseling for him and Linda. Chloe and James hold a
Will and Erica fear for Andrew's career as he tries to help a young medical student. Kate and Will consider taking a gamble
Will blames himself for a simple misdiagnosis, but Kate has an even bigger bombshell to drop. Erica puts down roots in Cardale, while Andrew faces up to his future in Liverpool

Season 5 - Peak Practice
Andrew returns to Cardale, six months after leaving Will and Erica in the lurch. Can he persuade them to take him back? And a bereaved husband fights for custody of his epileptic daughter
Will suspects that Kate has post-natal depression. But as their baby daughter's health deteriorates, they have to face a much greater threat
As David's family join him in Cardale, he has to give the parents of a young boy he delivered 11 years ago some shattering news. Andrew has his powers of persuasion tested by a needle-shy patient whose exotic trip of a lifetime is put in jeopardy by his fear of jabs. And baby Emily's illness continues to put Will and Kate's relationship under strain
Erica battles with hospital incompetence and Andrew's penny-pinching to save Alice North's life. Will finally ties the knot with Kate, and then says an emotional goodbye to Cardale. And Andrew and Joanne fall out over where their relationship is heading
On his way to Erica's birthday party, Andrew is involved in a car crash. Although he is seriously wounded, he battles to save the others. But will any of them survive the night? Erica is ruffled when she is called out to treat an unusual patient
David helps an old friend - now a paraplegic - and his wife to conceive. But will a baby heal the rifts in their marriage?
A lonely mother's cry for help leaves her young son's life hanging in the balance as Andrew and Erica struggle to find the real cause of the boy's constant medical problems. Meanwhile, David continues to act as guardian angel for a boy newly released from hospital after receiving chemotherapy for leukaemia
David helps bus driver Stan keep his job. But is Stan really as fit as he pretends? Andrew's relationship with accountant Gina Johnson goes beyond strictly business
Andrew's old friend Phil arrives in Cardale with devastating news which will turn both their lives upside down
A young girl stumbles into Cardale in search of a new start just as Andrew decides to tell Erica how he feels about her and what find out her respond.
When Clare endangers one of David's older patients, it is time for David to face facts about his wife's erratic behaviour
Erica's commitment to the Beeches is tested by her treatment of a single-minded career woman, her stormy relationship with Andrew, and an exciting job offer
David struggles to cope with a stubborn pilot suffering from dizzy spells, and also with Clare, just back from hospital. Can their marriage stand the strain of her mental illness?
When Emma and Tom go missing David and Claire are forced to face up to the reality of her illness - can they get past this difficult stage? Meanwhile a fire at Erica's house brings she and Andrew to a decision over their relationship.

Season 6 - Peak Practice
A meningitis outbreak throws Cardale into chaos. Andrew, Erica and David work around the clock trying to avoid further cases of the disease and convince the health authority that all the children need to be vaccinated. Meanwhile Andrew and Erica discuss their relationship
Dawn's outlook on life is suddenly changed when she finds a lump on her breast. Terrified she will die from the same disease that killed her mother; Dawn refuses to have any medical treatment. It's down to Erica to try and convince her to seek medical help, but it will it be Dawn's children who give her the real incentive to live?
The stability of Claire's mental state is in jeopardy when her tablets start providing her with side effects. But when she goes to see Andrew tests reveal that it's not the tablets for her illness that are making her sick........
Andrew is avoiding calls from his family in Liverpool, when he finally gives into Erica's demands and calls them he receives some news that draws him back to his roots. Meanwhile David and Claire anxiously await their test results.
Andrew arrives back in Liverpool and is meeting fierce objection from his mother over his treatment of her. Erica is involved in a highly sensitive child abuse case that splits Cardale in half. Joanne takes her authority at the surgery too far and locum Nick Goodson arrives......
Erica arrives in Liverpool ready to spend the weekend with Andrew and his family but she has her work cut out when the Attwood family seem intent on making things hard for her. Alice finds herself in a spot of bother after meeting up with an old acquaintance and Nick continues to wreak havoc on The Beeches staff and patients.
Back from Liverpool Andrew is ready to look to his future with Erica but questions arise over her commitment to him. The situation is not helped by Nick's intervention. Meanwhile David is concerned when Claire's behaviour begins top spiral out of control – is she getting sick again?
The Beeches staff are slowly alerted to Nicks' web of deceit. It appears his stories and his actions have fooled them all. Back in Liverpool it's a sad day for the Attwoods when Rose passes away.
The safety of Emma and Tom is David's main priority when Claire's erratic behaviour reaches boiling point. Dawn is slowly recovering from her illness but is finding the physical scars from her operation hard to deal with.
When the new doctor from The Health Centre takes a shine to Andrew, Erica realise her true feelings for him. It's time for her to bite the bullet and let him know how she feels. How will he react?
It's time to say goodbye to a much-loved regular as Laura departs for pastures new. Meanwhile Andrew and Claire's involvement with a schizophrenic patient takes a dramatic turn when she holds them both hostage. Erica and David can only wait as news filters through and a gunshot is heard........
Sparks fly between Erica and David when clash over a surrogate case. But is there more to their disagreement then meets the eye? Meanwhile Alice gets the whole of Cardale involved in her campaign to stop a new supermarket being built.
Erica's hen night is a wild affair, which leads to Claire going into labour! However with Erica drunk and David miles away an unlikely source steps into deliver baby Shearer.
Cardale prepares for the wedding of Andrew and Erica but a long line of disasters provides them with the perfect pre wedding initiation test. The pop band turns into a group of line dancers, the caterers pull out and the grooms suit doesn't fit, but surely the most pressing issue is the last minute doubts looming over the bride.......

Season 7 - Peak Practice
Andrew and friend Ronnie are involved in a serious accident whilst rally car racing. Andrew escapes with minor injuries but Ronnie is in danger of losing his life if he doesn't receive urgent medical assistance.....Enter Dr Joanna Graham.
Alice welcomes home daughter Patricia and granddaughter Nikki who have come to Cardale to get medical treatment for Nikki's leukaemia. Andrew has his work cut out with Ronnie and the community hospital whilst Joanna makes an interesting career move and it's time to say goodbye to Kim.
Joanna becomes over involved with a patient and soon regrets her actions. Alice and Nikki wait to see if their transplant has been successful and old flames reignite between David and Patricia
Despite knowing what they stand to lose David and Patricia continue their affair. Unbeknown to them Alice is aware that something is brewing between them. Meanwhile Joanna surprises everyone with her DIY skills and Andrew takes a trip out of Cardale to help out at a friend's clinic.
David's affair with Patricia begins to affect his work at The Beeches. Andrew doesn't understand what is wrong with him but Joanna is well aware of the fact he is cheating on Claire. Elsewhere Claire begins to have her own suspicions about her husband when he fails to attend a family emergency whilst on call.
As Patricia prepares to leave for America David agonises over where his future lies. However the decision may be taken from his hands when he is involved in a serious accident. Will Andrew and Joanna, who are tired of his recent behaviour, be able to save him?
Cardale is shaken by the news of David's death. Andrew and Dawn rally round a devastated Claire whilst Joanna tries to hold the surgery together. As the funeral arrangements are underway Claire learns of David's affair and comes face to face with Patricia.
Dr Sam Morgan arrives in Cardale as David's locum. He is thrown straight into the deep end when he has to tell a pregnant patient she has cervical cancer. Joanna has dinner with old flame Martin Henderson and gets a lot more then she bargained for when it is clear he is still in love with her. Meanwhile the romantic tension between Andrew and Dawn is brought to the fore.
The Beeches staff decides to help the fight to save the community hospital. They find a true allie in Ronnie who uses his experience to their advantage. Sam continues to stand by the Sinclair's in their time of need and Andrew and Dawn try to hide their feelings for each other.
Dawn throws herself into organising a barn dance to raise money for the community hospital. Andrew and Joanna lend a hand and the evening looks set to be a big hit. Elsewhere there are complications for the Sinclair's when Alison develops a blood clot. Sam prepares them for the fact that their baby has to be delivered now. However not even Sam is prepared for the shock that lies around the corner.
Joanna is caught up in a dangerous situation when she visits a patient who is on the run. Sam is still grieving over the death of Alison but Andrew has some news that will brighten his day. Meanwhile Andrew and Dawn finally give into their feelings.
Dawn is affected when a patient requests a referral for breast implants. She is unnerved when Andrew agrees with Joanna's referral and wonders how he would fell if her breast cancer were to return.
Claire arrives back in Cardale and announces she is selling David's share of The Beeches. As David owned the larger share, The Beeches looks set to fold unless Andrew can convince Joanna to become a full partner in the practice.......

Season 8 - Peak Practice
Joanna runs into the middle of a medical emergency whilst on her day off. Rita Barratt arrives back in Cardale and back at The Beeches there's a special delivery for Dawn and Sam.
Cardale is thrown into a state of shock when Alice is brutally attacked in her own home. Can the pillar of the community recover from this devastating intrusion. Meanwhile Joanna, who is torn apart with guilt over the attack, turns to Martin for comfort.
After disaster strikes at their home, Dawn and her children move in with Andrew. But as relations between Andrew and the children are frosty, family bliss looks unlikely. Alice struggles to come to terms with memories of her attack and Joanna and Martin reach an understanding over their relationship.
Andrew and Dawn face a tough time when Trent becomes seriously ill, however the arrival of Trent's dad Keith signals that their problems have only just begun. Elsewhere Alice returns home and Sam takes part in the community tug of war.
Sam's interest in MS sufferer Anna becomes less then healthy when he lets his heart rule his head. The situation blurs his medical judgement and causes friction with Andrew. Trent returns home from hospital but the after effects of his illness begin to take hold
Joanna makes a big decision about her relationship with Martin after he starts work at The Beeches. Meanwhile Rita has a health scare and reveals the reasons behind her positive attitude.
Joanna and Martin take on the sensitive case of a terminally ill teenager. Andrew and Sam go out of their way to help a couple stranded on a riverbank but things take a turn for the worse when Andrew is badly injured. Unconscious and unresponsive - is this the end for Andrew?
Joanna and Sam plead with hospital medics and ask them not to give up on trying to revive Andrew. Dawn keeps an anxious vigil by his bedside whilst Keith returns demanding to look after the children. Elsewhere Martin's vulnerability is shown after his high profile case ends in the worse possible way.
Joanna tries her best to get Martin to face up to his true feelings after the loss of his patient. Whilst Sam takes on as much work as possible in Andrew's absence.
When Martin is offered a fantastic job in Sussex, Joanna has to make a hard decision. Stay in Cardale with a community and job she loves, or move to another place with the man she loves. Proposals and patients help her to decide the fate of she and Martin.
Back from their holiday but not rid of their problems, Andrew and Dawn return to Cardale and have some uncomfortable questions to answer about their relationship. Elsewhere an old friend causes problems for Sam.
The end looks nigh for Andrew and Dawn when Keith's presence cracks their already fragile relationship. Will Andrew lose Dawn to a man she feels little for. Meanwhile Alice, Joanna, Sam and Kelly rally around Rita when she has a fall.
Andrew finally comes face to face with Keith after Dawn decides to leave Cardale - will he let her walk away? Sam is knocked sideways when Anna returns - does her future lie with him? It's new beginnings all round as Andrew, Joanna and Sam face the future without their partners.

Season 9 - Peak Practice
As Andrew decides where his future lies, Joanna and Sam struggle to hold The Beeches together in his absence. A virus outbreak does nothing to help their situation especially when The Beeches is targeted as the cause.
New arrivals in Cardale as The Pullen family arrive to take over The Black Swan and Physio Kerri Davidson starts work at The Beeches. Meanwhile Joanna meets an old friend at a school reunion and Andrew solves Sam's housing situation.
Sam helps Rob come to terms with his parental responsibilities on the anniversary of Allie's death, whilst Kerri tries to persuade Andrew to keep an open mind about her alternative health remedies
A tough time for the Pullen family when Maisy is taken ill. Despite their support towards her recovery, Maisy confides in Joanna that she'd rather be dead. Will Joanna follow her heart or her head?
Kerri becomes increasingly jealous over Sam's budding relationship with Serena. Meanwhile Andrew becomes involved in the plight of Lucy Turner and finds himself growing fond of her mother Kate; wife of PCG chairman Richard Turner.
Joanna is drawn into an emotional minefield when one of her patients appears to have been mistreated by one of her G.P friends. Serena begins to show her possessive side and Joanna receives some big news.
Andrew and Sam are forced to call on their medical expertise when a lorry carrying toxins crashes into The Black Swan, trapping themselves and many other Cardale residents. The situation brings feelings to the surface for Andrew and Kate and Sam and Serena. Meanwhile Joanna's secret is revealed.
Joanna visits Tom in order to break her news to him, however things don't go according to plan when his wife Meg arrives back in their marital home. Meanwhile Sam and Kerri clash over a patient.
Liz is shocked to find out she is pregnant, however as she and Mike begin to accept a new addition to their family, a twist of events leads them having to accept a loss. Meanwhile Sam breaks up with Serena and Andrew and Kate grow closer.
Carol is faced with some tough decisions when her son returns from the marines full of secrets and shocks for her. Alice takes part in a dodgy scheme and Andrew and Kate can't fight their feelings any longer
As Andrew and Kate find their relationship more and more difficult to deal with, Sam and Kerri begin to take theirs a step further. Joanna begins to make plans for life as a single mother, but a visitor in the middle of the night puts things in a different perspective.
Joanna and Tom lay their cards on the table and discuss their commitment towards each other. Whilst Andrew gets cold feet about his relationship with Kate.
As Joanna's future starts to take shape, Andrew's is falling apart. However when Joanna is caught between a Father and Daughter conflict, fate intervenes and everyones lives look set to change forever

Season 10 - Peak Practice
The Beeches staff struggle to pick up the pieces after Joanna's tragic death. Andrew continues his dangerous liaison with Kate, Sam learns a secret about Kerri, whilst Tom has to decide whether there is a future from him in Cardale. Meanwhile new doctor Alex Redman makes a dramatic entrance.
Alex finds the countryside is not as peaceful as she imagined when she is pushed by a patient and breathalysed on her way to work. Richard discovers Andrew and Kate's affair and breaks the news to The Beeches staff in spectacular fashion.
The Beeches staff are torn as the repercussions of Andrew and Kate's affair takes hold. As the new partnership agreement is about to be signed, will Sam, Tom and Alex agree to stay at a practice which is at loggerheads with it's PCG chairman?
Tom realises it's time to get a nanny for Joe. But will any of the applicants live up to his expectations? Meanwhile, Andrew begins to question Kate's commitment and Sam and Kerri get involved in the case of a close friend.
Alex is faced with a big decision when her husband arrives in Cardale looking for a reconciliation. Kate has to decide whether to stay with Richard for Lucy's sake or to make a life with Andrew for her own happiness. Meanwhile Julie Pullen learns a tough lesson in love.
Carol finds romance, but will her morals get in the way? Meanwhile it's the beginning of the end for Andrew as a patient makes a serious allegation against him. However it's soon clear that the patient has an unlikely source of support.
The Beeches staff make their way to London for the hearing against Andrew. But when even his closest friends fail to be able to get him out of trouble, help comes in the form of a much loved and much missed Cardale figure. It's revolving doors in Cardale as we wave goodbye to Andrew but welcome back........
Will finds it hard to settle back into Cardale when he and Sam don't see eye to eye and awkward questions are asked about the whereabouts of his family. Meanwhile Alice and Alex deal with the complex case of the local TV repair man.
The pressure from brewery is too much for Mike who discovers he has angina, however he doesn't take the illness as a warning sign and soon ends up in a worse state. Meanwhile Sam is not happy about the practice set up and Tom tells Alex Will's daughter has Cystic Fibrosis.
The plight of a disabled child brings back sad memories for Will. When the case affects his work his partners begin to ask questions, resulting in Will revealing the sad truth about Emily, and his marriage to Kate, to Tom.
Alex comes under a fire when a patients mother disagrees with the treatment of her daughter. Sam cheers up Alice after she loses a precious momentum of her husband. Seeing Alice's devotion sets Sam thinking about his future with Kerri.
Kerri finds out the secret that those dear to have been hiding, the discovery that Sam has also kept her in the dark adds to her pain. Watching the downfall of a patient leads Will to realise how lonely he is, but how will Alex react when he turns to her for comfort?
A horrific car crash puts The Beeches on red alert and requires all hands on deck, however the case is closer to home when they find out Sam and Kerri are the victims of the accident. As the day goes on, events bring Tom and Alex closer, and there's a surprise visitor for Will.........

Season 11 - Peak Practice
Determined to save her marriage, Kate tries her hardest to get through to Will - but how will he react when he finds her move to Cardale is a permanent one? Meanwhile Tom and Alex have some unfinished business to sort out and Sam and Kerri begin to cope with the aftermath of the accident.
Bridget oversteps the mark when she gets too close to a patient. Tom and Alex brush of their previous kiss, however Tom's true feelings may be revealed as Alex goes on a date with a GP from a rival practice. Meanwhile as Kerri struggles with her physio, Sam makes a decision that could put their future in jeopardy.
Nick risks his health to pursue his cycling career, whilst Sam gets himself into deeper trouble to pay for Kerri's physio and their impending wedding. Meanwhile Will and Kate clash when their personal problems begin to cloud their work judgement.
The situation between Tom and Alex comes to a head when Tom and Mark clash over a patient. As Sam and Kerri's wedding day approaches, Sam's secret is discovered. Will he stay in Cardale to face the music, and if he leaves will Kerri join him?
Alex becomes unsettled at The Beeches when she continuously falls out with Will and Tom. However is it her surgery partners making her unhappy, or a partner closer to home? Elsewhere, can Kerri's friends help her to recover from the mess Sam has left behind?
As the anniversary of Emily's death approaches, Will and Kate are forced to face some past demons. Can this poignant time bring them closer? Meanwhile Tom gets a new neighbour who is a little more friendly then he'd like.
A charity ball held by the local mayor unites Will, Kate, Tom and Alex. As relations thaw between Will and Kate, is there a chance he could be having second thoughts about their impending divorce? Meanwhile Tom makes his feelings for Alex perfectly clear.
Will offers Kate a place to stay when her house is flooded. Being so close to her again makes Will realise that he is still in love with her - does Kate feel the same? Meanwhile Tom and Alex find it hard to keep professional differences separate from their private lives.
Whilst Will and Kate settle back into married life, Tom and Alex clash over a patient's delicate situation. Meanwhile, Alice comes to the rescue of old friend Billy when his health begins to fail him - is this the start of a beautiful friendship?
Alex's birthday and a visit from her Dad resurfaces some painful memories from the past. Will she and her father be able to rebuild their bridges? Meanwhile is Billy taking Alice for a mug, or is he really very fond of her?
Will faces a tough time when his actions are blamed for a patients death. Alex fears she has the same illness that killed her mother, however as she refuses to let her friends help her, will she have to face the situation on her own?
As news of Alex's illness spreads, Tom finds it increasingly hard to convince her to follow her consultants advice. Will the pressure from friends and colleagues force her to seek solace elsewhere? Meanwhile there's good news for the Pullens when a family treasure brings a little more than luck.
Tom travels to York to find Alex. However she continues to push him away and forces him back to Cardale. The Pullens make a decision about the pub and their future, whilst Will and Kate work hard to stop their jobs interfering with their relationship. Can Will and Kate get over another hurdle and will Alex return to face her illness and Tom?

Season 12 - Peak Practice
New faces in Cardale. How will Alex's army pal Claire and Will's son Tony make their mark on Cardale? Has Alex recovered from her operation and have Will and Kate settled back into married life?
More trouble for Will and Kate as secrets about Tony's life are revealed. The new pub landlord sparks off different reactions and Claire gets too close to comfort for Tom.
A bitter row develops between Will and Kate when they clash over a patient and struggle to deal with the aftermath of Tony. Cardale becomes victim of an epidemic and Claire shows her true colours when she questions the basis of Alex's relationship with Tom.
Claire exacts a vindictive revenge when she is accused of stealing from a patient. Tom and Alex discuss their future together whilst Will sinks further into his depression.
Trainee Dr.Matt Kendal arrives at The Beeches. He instantly makes an impression on Cardale by pronouncing one of it's oldest residents dead. Meanwhile Carol becomes the scapegoat because of Will's shortcomings and Kate finds out Will's secret.
Alex and Claire are forced to relive their time spent in the army when they witness an army helicopter crash. The scenes of destruction leads Claire to reveal some hidden secrets to Alex and take dramatic actions.
Leanne is the victim of a horrific attack. Shaun and Matt share some football rivalry. Carol gets an apology from Will. Meanwhile the extent of Will's depression is uncovered when he fails to act in a medical emergency; leading to a shocking confession to Kate.
Kate has an idea to pull Will out of his depression. Claire's infatuation with Alex leads Alex to make a shocking allegation. Tom throws away the medical rule book to help catch Leanne's attacker and James attempts to take things a step further with Kate.
Kate's initial rejection of James crumbles when Will pushes her away once again. Matt is receiving some unwanted attention. Tom has a proposal for Alex. Meanwhile secrets are exposed as Claire tells Alex about her kiss with Tom, Will and Kate's plan to break up The Beeches is exposed and Kate is caught out with James.
Will offers Charlie advice and guidance in a delicate situation. Tom and Alex look for new premises but does a change of heart from Will mean they won't have to carry their plans through? Meanwhile Claire is on hand to comfort Will when he discovers Kate's liaison with James.
Will is horrified when Claire upsets Charlie and moves into their home. However his rejection of her proves dangerous as she takes revenge in a horrific way. Unable to remember how Claire made her way into his bed, Will finds himself at the centre of allegations and disturbing truths as the full extent of what Claire has done to him slowly unravels.
Shaun's attempts to attract Kerri have disastrous consequences. Alex has a proposal for Tom and it's time for Will and Kate to make some important decisions about their future. Meanwhile Claire is back in Cardale.........
It's the day of Tom and Alex's wedding but many a twist is waiting for the couple as they prepare to tie the knot. The biggest threat of all is the return of Claire who is destined to seek her revenge. Armed and extremely dangerous Claire lures Alex, Tom and Will into a game of cat and mouse, culminating in the ultimate of cliff-hangers...........