Red Dwarf
Smeg Head!
The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space on the mining ship Red Dwarf.
Type: tv
Season: 12
Episode: N/A
Duration: 30 minutes
Release: 1988-02-15
Rating: 8.1
Season 1 - Red Dwarf
Dave Lister emerges from 3 million years of suspended animation to find that he's the only surviving crew member of the Red Dwarf.
The members of the Red Dwarf crew get a glimpse of their respective futures when the ship goes into light speed, and time begins to dilate.
Fed up with Rimmer always pulling rank, Lister decides to take the chef's exam to become his superior -- which doesn't sit well with Rimmer.
When Holly, the ship's computer, reports a mysterious pod floating in space, Rimmer insists on capturing the capsule.
Plagued by a nasty case of space pneumonia, Lister begins to hallucinate.
Tired of sharing space with Lister, Rimmer begins a blissful new relationship with the ultimate roommate: a holographic replica of himself.
Season 2 - Red Dwarf
Rimmer learns that his father has passed away but isn't sure which is sadder: his father's death or that he is now encumbered with an £8,500 tax bill.
When Lister awakens after a night of revelry, he's at a loss to explain how he and Cat broke their legs.
A wrinkle in time takes the crew 3 million years into the past, before the radiation leak killed everyone aboard except Lister.
With Holly on the fritz, the ship's backup computer, Queeg 500, steps in to command the Red Dwarf and its crew of misfits.
After testing Holly's latest invention, the crew ends up in a parallel universe where they encounter opposite versions of themselves.
Season 3 - Red Dwarf
Under Rimmer’s supervision, Kryten takes a driving lesson at the wheel of Starbug, Red Dwarf's newly-revealed scout ship. A chance meeting with a wormhole, however, sends student and teacher to a world that literally has everything backwards.
As the Red Dwarf approaches a minefield of black holes, the crew must evacuate, throwing Lister and Rimmer together on a frozen planet.
Terror reigns on the Red Dwarf when a shape-shifting genetic mutant climbs aboard and subjects the crew to its menacing slobber.
When a haywire scutter meddles with the circuitry on the Red Dwarf, Lister accidentally throws the ship into self-destruct mode.
Kryten's discovery of a liquid that transforms photographs into interactive portals sends the Red Dwarf crew on a series of misadventures.
When the Red Dwarf crew learns that Kryten has only 24 hours left to live, they band together to give the android the best night of his life.
Season 4 - Red Dwarf
After bucking an order, Kryten meets his match while investigating a distress call from Camille -- a female version of himself.
While investigating an abandoned alien vessel adrift in space, the crew discovers a device that can change organic life by altering an object's DNA.
Not knowing if the stasis pod they've found contains a security guard or a homicidal criminal, the crew heads to the capsule's initial destination.
Kryten's attempts to restore Holly's IQ to genius level inadvertently cause the Red Dwarf to shut down its support systems.
After Rimmer comes face-to-face with his alter ego, the craven hologram decides he can't stand the sight of his counterpart.
When a matter transporter sends the crew to a theme park populated by wax androids that have overridden their programming, they get ensnared in a war.
Season 5 - Red Dwarf
Rimmer is beamed aboard the computer-generated ship Enlightenment and finds that all his wildest dreams have come true.
The crew crosses paths with a dark figure who calls himself the Inquisitor.
After being captured by a "psy-moon," Rimmer becomes a prisoner of his own thoughts.
When the crew goes exploring on a snowy planet, they cross paths with a hologram scientist infected with a nasty virus.
Lister and Kryten inadvertently blow up the Red Dwarf with a new invention that makes two copies of any object.
While exploring an ocean planet, Lister, Kryten, Rimmer and Cat discover an abandoned ship whose entire crew committed suicide.
Season 6 - Red Dwarf
After realizing that the Red Dwarf has been stolen, Lister, Rimmer, Kryten and Cat go looking for the missing ship.
With the Starbug running low on supplies, the crew goes hunting for rations and finds an abandoned spaceship with a wish-granting being on board.
The crew heads to the Wild West when Kryten contracts a deadly computer virus.
When the Starbug crashes on a planet inhabited by a devastatingly ugly GELF tribe, Lister is forced to marry the chief's homely daughter.
Rimmer finds himself on a strange planet where the only other inhabitants are the clones he's made of himself.
After experimenting with an abandoned time drive, the crew of the Red Dwarf comes face-to-face with an exact replica of the ship.
Season 7 - Red Dwarf
The crew goes back in time to get food but inadvertently lands in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was assassinated.
Ace Rimmer -- Rimmer's charming alter ego from another reality -- revisits the crew to ask Rimmer an important favor.
The Red Dwarfers pick up a new crew member -- Lister's old flame, Kristine Kochanski -- when they encounter a wormhole.
Fearing he'll someday be replaced by Kristine Kochanski, a jealous Kryten "accidentally" shuts down the Starbug's engine.
Lister is conflicted when he discovers that he actually misses Rimmer, who's been away protecting the universe for far too long.
The crew reluctantly explores the works of Jane Austen when Kristine Kochanski takes them on a virtual reality tour of Pride and Prejudice World.
After being seduced by a 3-million-year-old corpse, Lister discovers he's contracted a deadly STD.
After losing his arm in a battle with the Epideme virus, Lister enlists the help of nanobots to reconstruct his mangled body.
Season 8 - Red Dwarf
Thanks to the nanobots, the Red Dwarf is back in business with its original crew on board, which means Rimmer is alive and well.
Armed with a stash of confidential files, Rimmer proceeds to brown-nose Capt. Hollister in hopes of receiving officer status.
After being slapped with a two-year prison sentence for committing crimes against the Space Corps, the Red Dwarfers are desperate to escape.
Lister thinks he's signing the gang up to sing in a prison choir but learns that he's enlisted them in an army of convicts used for suicide missions.
After being cornered and reprogrammed by restless, sex-starved prisoners, Kryten launches his own television station called Krytie TV.
After infecting the prison guards' basketball team with a sexual-enhancement virus, Lister and Rimmer are sent to the hole.
In an attempt to bring Pete the sparrow back to life, the Red Dwarfers inadvertently cause him to devolve into a tyrannosaur that stalks the ship.
The series concludes as a mysterious life form invades the Red Dwarf courtesy of an escape pod and starts eating away at the ship.
Season 9 - Red Dwarf
Nine years later the Red Dwarf crew are older but still none the wiser. Lister's busy day of annoying Rimmer is interrupted by the discovery of a dimension-hopping leviathan in the ship's mile-deep water tank.
Rimmer's replacement, Katerina, is determined to guide Lister back to his home planet. But Earth in 2009 is not everything the boys had expected, and Rimmer has no intention of being replaced.
When Lister's busy day of annoying Rimmer was interrupted by the discovery of a dimension-hopping leviathan in the ship's mile-deep water tank, transporting the crew back to Earth, all Lister's dreams appear to be coming true.
Season 10 - Red Dwarf
The Dwarfers' mining ship is still creaking though the wastelands of unchartered deep space, but the posse soon stumble upon the mysteriously abandoned SS Trojan. As they inspect the ship Rimmer receives an SOS distress call from an old foe, and is suddenly faced with the dilemma of his life.
The posse find themselves marooned in 23 AD where they rescue a famous historical figure with a beard.
Kryten and Cat become quantum entangled forcing them to do everything in unison.
The series final episode finds the boys surrounded by a Simulant War Cruiser and its fleet of attack ships. Armed with only two forks and a pencil sharpener, the Dwarfers begin to wonder whether this is the beginning of the end. Only one man can save them. Unfortunately that man is Arnold J Rimmer.
Season 11 - Red Dwarf
The Dwarfers find themselves in an alternative version of America where modern technology is prohibited, making Rimmer and Kryten illegal. The Dwarfers infiltrate the tech savvy underground and try to bring down the authoritarian regime.
When the Dwarfers investigate a crashed ship at the bottom of an ocean moon, Lister and Cat become trapped together and Lister's nightmare begins. Meantime Rimmer and Kryten discover the ship is controlled by a dark force.
After an altercation with a deranged droid Lister has his kidneys organ-napped. The only solution is to ask Cat, the most selfish creature in the universe, to give him one of his.
After a scandalous piece of good fortune Rimmer saves the life of a bio-printed Captain and is promoted, fulfilling his life-long dream of becoming an Officer. He immediately opens an Officer's club, which is out of bounds to the lower orders, and uses the bio-printer to fill it with versions of himself.
Kryten has a mid-life crisis and changes his body cover from Mech grey to Ferrari red. The posse try and show him how much he's achieved in life by taking him to visit a mechanoid from his old fleet.
Cat takes time off from being in love with himself to fall head over heels in love with a lady Cat with a big secret.
Season 12 - Red Dwarf
The crew stumble on a science centre where vile historical figures have been 'cured' of evil.
A ship full of rogue androids who broke their programming want to help Kryten do the same. The M.I.L.F can only spell trouble for the remainder of the crew.
The boys from the Dwarf discover a ship where all forms of criticism are illegal.
The machines of Red Dwarf go on strike. Kryten and Rimmer campaign against each other for their votes in an election to represent them.
A long overdue software update spells trouble for the crew when they discover that the Jupiter Mining Corp has been sold!
With the aid of a Quantum Skipper, Rimmer leaves the Red Dwarf to travel the multiverse in search of a dimension where he isn't such a loser.