Step by Step
Step by Step is an American television sitcom with two single parents, who spontaneously get married after meeting one another during a vacation, resulting in them becoming the heads of a large blended family
Type: tv
Season: 7
Episode: N/A
Duration: 20 minutes
Release: 1991-09-20
Rating: 7.717
Season 1 - Step by Step
A divorced contractor and a widowed beautician impulsively marry, but their broods are in no mood to meld.
Al is in the dumps after being dumped by a boy, so who's to undump her but lovable Steve Urkel.
Carol's new house rules are meant to bring harmony, but they drum up howls instead.
The newlyweds' one-month anniversary is marked by a misunderstanding over gifts and the arrival of Frank's nephew.
Frank's in a lather: J.T. doesn't seem cut out for carpentry, but he bubbles as Carol's shampoo boy.
Frank's kids are eager to compete in the rowdy Family Games--and Carol's are happy to let them.
Frank and Carol aren't clowning around when they retie the knot--at Brendan's birthday party.
An answering machine can be a lifesaver, but Karen doesn't get the message and, as a result, neither does Frank.
While discussing families on TV, the Lamberts and Fosters are told to forget the cameras and just be themselves--and unfortunately they do.
J.T. "borrows" Carol's car for a date, and someone "borrows" it from him; Penny dates a mortician who likes to talk shop at dinner.
Frank and Carol end up in a dumpster in search of the files Carol dumped; Dana and Karen pull a UFO trick on Cody and J.T.
Frank and Carol plan a weekend at a quiet retreat while Dana minds the kids at home. Is that how it works? No.
Mark is doing the homework for a bully named Max; what's worse, Max is short for Maxine.
J.T. and Cody are dragged into replacing two of the four flu-stricken members of Al's all-girl rock band.
Carol returns to college as a student, but she's also a committed mother, wife, and beautician, and soon everyone's ready to be committed.
A country-club invitation works out nicely for everyone but Dana, who could club Frank over his hayseed ways.
Frank's dad, a widower, has a girlfriend who's a lot like Frank's mom--except she's a stripper.
Carol gives Frank flying lessons for his 40th birthday, and he gets a crash course when the instructor turns suicidal.
Carol and Karen enter a beauty pageant at Frank's Mallard Lodge, but can't cope with the judges' foul behavior.
Season 2 - Step by Step
Dana is beside herself when Cody outscores her on the SATs; the kids help themselves to Frank's clothes.
Frank teaching Shakespeare? 'Twould indeed be nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
To outdo the "superdad" of Al's friend, Frank enters a Human Fly contest in which he has to bounce off a trampoline and stick to a wall.
J.T. and Cody team for "J.T.'s World" on TV, but when a guest bats her eyes at Cody, J.T. gives him the boot.
The family dog-sits a Saint Bernard that keeps Frank away from Carol, and terrorizes Mark.
As assistant manager of the 50's Cafe, Dana runs the ship like Capt. Queeg--and drives the help to mutiny.
Karen's modeling job rouses the mother hen in Carol; the flu hits at home, testing the nurse in Frank.
Frank goes out on a limb--a tree limb--to keep an eye on Dana and her date, a teenage make-out artist known as Mike the Mover.
It's J.T. vs. Dana for student-body president, pitting schmo against smarty--and Frank against Carol.
J.T. is mystified: Cody's still a virgin; and he plans to stay that way for the "dudette of his dreams."
Brendan feels responsible for a crackdown on family spending after he loses a rented video.
A visit by Frank's boorish bud sends Carol into orbit; Cody becomes attached to a live holiday turkey he won in a raffle.
Cody's not sure how to spend the fortune left to him by a friend at a rest home, but it's not for a lack of suggestions.
Dana's plans for her birthday party don't include Carol, but Frank's plans definitely do.
Carol may be a '90s woman, but she can't see Frank's gorgeous co-worker as one of the guys. Meanwhile, the kids gamble their savings on the commodities market.
J.T. sees himself a star when a producer likes his TV show; in art class, Carol sees a lot that Frank doesn't like.
Dana's been dumped, Frank burns one of Carol's customers, and J.T.'s limo date backfires.
Adventure and romance abound on a family trip to Maui, where Dana's swept off her feet by a far-from-typical beach bum.
Amid Maui's adventures, will...Dana marry Brian? Carol relax? J.T. and Cody find treasure? Brendan, Mark and Al win a helicopter tour?
J.T.'s woman is a biker who wants to be treated like a lady. Meanwhile, Al yearns for her first bra.
Carol goes to bat for Mark when he wants on the Cubs just before their big game.
A psychic predicts J.T. will be killed by a woman in red whose name starts with K. Meanwhile, Frank and Carol contend with a mechanical bed with a mind of its own.
Frank's hired to raze a house for a new building, but a family's still living there--with nowhere to go.
Season 3 - Step by Step
Dana's new boyfriend, Daniel, convinces her to be in a local play he is directing. Coincidentally, Cody is working on the set of the show and Daniel convinces Cody to join the acting team as well. They become Romeo and Juliet, and Dana is unable to do a good job, because she cannot see any redeeming qualities in Cody. Then Daniel fires Dana saying, ""The show is the most important thing."" Cody then quits saying, ""People are the most important thing""; which Dana finds ""loyal, generous, and giving."" She finally sees redeeming qualities in Cody.
A nearby family is going out of town and they want Dana to ""house-sit."" Carol is extremely uncomfortable with Dana leaving, but Frank talks her into it so when she goes to college, Carol will be ready. Everyone has trouble adjusting. Cody gives his plant, Gordo, to Dana so she will have someone to talk to. JT complains that the remaining Fosters (Karen and Mark) do not slam him good enough. Frank discovers he misses Dana as if she were his own. Most of all, though, Dana discovers after catching herself talking to Gordo repeatedly,that she does not like being alone.
While at church with the Fosters (and NOT the Lamberts), Carol invites the pastor and his wife over for Sunday lunch. The Lambert's notice that he is a normal guy, and Frank promises that the Lamberts will be there next week. Cody and his friends, Slasher and Death, come too because the Pastor is into bikes. The only problem is that a big televised Packer's game is on that week. While at church, JT sneaks away to watch the game, Frank follows him up and falls through the ceiling. Frank agrees to fix the roof and go to church from now on. The very next week he observes Cody, Slasher, and Death singing, ""Pharaoh, Pharaoh""-- a ballad of the Israelites to the tune of ""Louie, Louie.""
JT and his friend Doug find out that they have a book report due on Monday. Mark tells them that he has read and written reports on at least 10 of the books on their list. JT and Doug get into Mark's computer, get the reports, and decide to sell the extra reports to the football team. Dana finds out and convinces Mark to change the reports into bogus reports. Consequently, Dana has to help JT write his real report.
Slasher and his wife, Debbie, go on a trip and leave their baby son Harley with ""Uncle"" Cody. Carol ends up wanting to have another baby and seeing that Cody is a natural father.
JT is struggling with Algebra and Frank will not let him cheat. Dana doesn't like not having power and having to walk places. JT and Dana agree that being a parent is easier, whereas Frank and Carol think being a teenager is a breeze. They agree to switch places and bet a month's allowance on what is easier. After 2 days, all four agree that both are difficult and become satisfied with what they are.
Meanwhile, Cody discovers that Slasher got married by putting an ad in a hot rod magazine. He decides to do the same and gets a response with a personalized License plate.
Mark is depressed about getting an ""A"" on a test, rather than an ""A+."" Frank tries to loosen him up by getting him a video game. Mark does loosen up, but his grades slip, he starts fights, and he becomes addicted to the game. Frank and Carol send him to a support group. There, he recognizes his addiction and begins to work it out.
In the meantime, Cody goes to the health food store to obtain a cure for his cold. In the parking lot, he buys a booklet teaching him how to cure himself with the powers of his mind. Dana mocks him, despite the fact that using his newfound powers enable Cody to think of Karen wearing a turtleneck to hide her hickey. Dana, however, when she is unable to get rid of a cold, tries it herself (when no one else can see, of course).
JT discovers that although Cody is the best motorcycle repairman in town, he charges everyone $9. JT convinces him to start his own business with a bigger shop. Cody has trouble getting a loan until Slasher ""convinces"" the banker by threatening to move his multi-million dollar account elsewhere. Cody, however, does not like the new business because he does not get to work on the bikes himself.
Frank and Carol are celebrating an anniversary and again are fighting over presents. This time they agree to buy a present, but to limit it to $25. Both exceed the limit and end up struggling to buy a more expensive present than the other one.
Brendan makes them an anniversary card, because he did not have the money to buy one. This ends the struggle.
Lucille is in the shop being repaired so Cody stays in the Lambert living room. After Cody does his wash in the kitchen and loses his ant farm on the couch, the family is ready for him to move back into his van. Lucille, however, dies on the greaserack. Frank and Carol are relieved, however, when Cody tells them he is ready to be out as well. He decides to move into a stationary Lucille reasoning that many people live perfectly normal lives in non-moving structures.
At the same time, Karen is interested in a guy who volunteers at a homeless shelter so she goes there one Saturday. He takes his girlfriend out, though, and Karen ends up spending a whole day at the shelter for ""nothing."" After a heart-to-heart with Carol, Karen decides that she needs to adjust her priorities.
After posting an ad in a biker magazine, Cody finally meets his blind date,Bonnie.She turns out to have an adorable 8 year old named, Riley who Cody Immediately befriends.Bonnie and Cody have a great time,but there priorities are different.Bonnie needs a father for Riley so she proposes to Cody.
Al is perplexed at her breast size.
The rest of the family is busy arguing about the house decor.
Karen is interested in Michael, but is too scared to talk to him so she gets Dana to talk to him. Dana talks to him and gets to know him as he gets to know her. He asks her out and she cannot help but say yes. As they get closer, Dana must keep Karen in the dark. The Lambert kids find out by monitoring a telephone call. They convince Karen to start a fight. Karen tells Michael several lies (including the one about Dana only being 14 years old) things about Dana so Michael will dump her. Unfortunately for the Lamberts, Dana and Karen discuss the problem and turn on them instead of each other. In an unprecedented dialogue, Karen tells Dana how she envies her ""book"" smarts, while Dana tells Karen how she envies her ""street"" smarts. Karen and Dana team up to repay the Lamberts for listening in on telephone calls.
After Frank refuses to dance with her, Carol ignores him. It is discovered that Frank does not know how to dance. Cody with excellent dancing skills teaches Frank to dance. Frank
After Carol presents an idea of exchanging fewer gifts, Frank announces he gets a 20% discount at Hartman's Toy Store because of his remodeling work there. Both believe one has picked up Brendan's train set and therefore, neither does. When they realize this on Christmas eve, they use Frank's key to get into the toy store and are leaving money in the register when Deputy Barney Feif notices them. They are taken to jail where they are detained. After the kids open all their presents without knowing where their parents were, Cody points out that Christmas should be about joy and loved ones. The kids realize their mistake, get concerned, and find out their parents are in jail. They bring food and caroling to the jail. Deputy Feif lets them out and they all go back home to celebrate Christmas, even Barney.
Carol has just bought a book named ""Ten Minutes Per Day to a Better Marriage."" The book advised to tell each other a big secret. Carol tells him about a secret bank account with a lot of money in it. Frank feels betrayed and goes to his office to spend the night. Upon seeking support from Cody, Frank discovers that he was unsure in other areas (he had not thrown away his little black book). They realize that in the end they are better off for having told each other.
Karen just passed her drivers license exam, creating three drivers (Dana, JT, and Karen) and no car. They decide it is time to buy their own car, but they can only come up with $400. JT manages to find an old Volkswagen Bug for $400. The car is a disaster and although Cody works on it, it is barely driveable. Cody and JT sell it for parts and get $425, and they keep the 8 track player with a Sonny and Cher 8 track.
The boys at school tell Al they do not want to play with a girl; Frank tells Al to try to get more friends that are girls. Al begins to hang around with the only girls who she feels will be her friends. Al starts to wear combat uniforms, skip class, and stay out past curfew. Frank overreacts and the two get into a big argument. When Al's friends get her to steal Cody's guitar, Cody hears them and lets her take it. Cody points out to both Frank and Al that their relationship is vital.
Carol sees the TV set being temporarily out of order, as a great time to start a desperate attempt at ""Family Fun Time."" The only thing Carol is able to get them to enjoy doing together is leaving. In the end, the TV is fixed and the Lambert boys are watching Baywatch again.
Cody reads so much that he ruins the stories (by telling the ending) for JT, Al, and Carol and desserts (by crushing it with a big box of books) for Dana. However, it does yield him a job as a story time reader for the little kids at the library. He makes the reading time tons of fun and even teaches one of Brendan's friends to read.
While filling out their taxes, Frank realizes Carol made more money than he did the previous year. He gets frantic over not being the ""provider"" of the family so he looks for a part time job. He looks everywhere but ends up passing out coupons for a local fried chicken restaurant while dressed as a chicken. Carol is, however, able to convince him that he is a great companion and father and she is perfectly satisfied with that.
It's Mark's 13th birthday.While frank introduces him to the fine art of shaving,and Carol arranges a real party for him with music and girls.One of the girls is a lovely girl named Marissa,with who Mark falls in love with.But he's soon brokenhearted as he finds out her feelings for him are not quite the same as what he thought.
J.T. passes his mechanics exam.But Dana feels if he can do it so can she.So she challenges him to a bet,that she can do it.
Cody acquires this strange ability to see things in the future accurately (although unclear and misleading at times). He goes to Chicago to protect Dana, and although he ruins her interview, he does help her out.
Carol begins what Mark describes as ""aging"" by snoring- VERY loudly. She keeps everybody up several nights in a row, until Frank finally comes up with a plan (airport earmuffs for him and soundproofing the door for the kids).
Karen is having an interview at the mall for a jeans ad. The photographer is looking for a girl to promote the jeans ""with an attitude."" Al actually gets the job, which drives Karen crazy. Karen gets mad at Carol because she is not showing favoritism to her daughter (over her step-daughter). Carol is hurt and says that the whole Lambert/Foster family should be thought of as one family. Karen gets the point and is able to calm down Al with a ""family"" pep talk.
Cody thinks he is the victim of some mysterious curse that makes him lucky at whatever he does, thus taking all the fun and excitement out of life. When Frank makes him play poker, the curse is re-activated. Cody wins $1,000 and a trip to the Bahamas, but breaks the curse by having an industrial accident in his van.
Frank and Carol decide to celebrate the anniversary of thier first encounter (on June 20, 1993),by taking a weekend trip,thus leaving the kids alone.Carol and Frank get stuck at the hotel where Frank once spent a weekend with a red-headed ex-girlfriend of his.Ofcourse Carol gets mad several times before they finally make up and head home.
Mark laughs at the horror film (Chainsaw Slumberparty II) J.T.,Al and Brendan are watching.They decide to take revenge by making Mark think the house is haunted.
Urged by his parents to either apply to college or find a job, JT gets a part-time position as an assistant salesman in a used-car lot. Not only does he actually enjoy his new job, but it turns out that he's incredibly good at selling cars. He thanks Carol for getting him off his keister and making him get a job. He dreams of one day owning the car lot and gets in a commercial for the place.
Dana is assigned to write an essay for her psychology class. After Mark and Karen's refusals, she has to hire Cody as a subject for her study. She writes that Cody is a nutcase, but her teacher claims that she is close-minded. She gets a ""D"" on the paper and has to do a makeup assignment on one person's dreams for a week, and although Cody volunteers, she refuses.
Worried about turning forty, Carol exercies and diets with Karen. When Karen steps out, Carol sees a commercial for Skinny Tabs and orders them. She loses three pounds, but possesses so much energy that she drives everybody crazy and is constantly talking and working. Frank tells her that he loves her for who she is, not just her body.
Al has to write a report on Abe Lincoln, but all the books on him are checked out. Cody takes her to Madame Sonya and he encounters Lincoln. Al does not believe and therefore, she does not see Abe, but she has a great idea for her report-- Abe in the 20th Century. Cody gives Abe's golf scorecard to Carol for her birthday.
Cody is writing a 40's style mystery for his creative writing class. He gets an idea when Karen proclaims her diary is missing. His pun-filled story is played out by the Lambert/Foster family. Kitty Meow (Karen), who sings in the famous trio the Andrews step-sisters, lost her diary. The suspects are as follows: the other two Andrew's step-sisters (Dana and Al), the establishment's piano player (Brendan), comic (JT), and other singing act, Miss Honey Dew (Carol). With the help of the lab technician (Mark), Sam Spud (Cody) discovers it was Honey Dew. In real life, Al turns out to be the one who misplaced Karen's diary.
Cody's father comes to see him on his 21st birthday. He gives him a job as executive VP of his successful real estate business. Cody comes into the first meeting and disturbs everyone even coming up with an idea to build a mall on the beach that looks like a sandcastle. Upon advice from Frank, Cody decides to quit realizing,he will not be happy.
Carol keeps setting up Dana and Karen with blind dates. They are all bad especially the latest one where the guys are dressed up like Beavis and Butthead and bring fake snot. They plot with Frank to pay Carol back. Afterward, they all agree to not have anymore blind dates. Carol reneges, though, and tries to get them to date a cute guy, but they refuse before seeing him and later try to get him.
After a little bad luck, JT is deceitfully set up with a 13-year-old. Dana, on the other hand, was able to get a date with the just broken up, best looking guy in school. At the prom, however, Dana is dumped for his ex-girlfriend. Dana is heartbroken-- not only because she lost her date, but also because she must dance the spotlight dance (as Student Body President) all by herself. JT comes to console her and offers to dance with her. Although the two walk out insulting each other under their breath, they gain an appreciation for each other.
Brendan belts a boy who cheated off his paper at school. Carol, feeling terrible, invites the boy and his family over. The situation is not reconciled when the boy's parents cheat at monopoly. In fact, after Carol hears them insult Frank and Brendan, Carol belts the boy's dad.
Season 4 - Step by Step
Mark feels his friends don't respect him, and his mother babies him. In order to earn respect he joins a Karate class. His teacher kicks him out for being too wimpy. Cody agrees to help Mark prepare for the big karate tournament (Cody is a black belt) in a month and Mark becomes a totally new man. He faces the best person in the first match and falls behind quickly. Cody, however, notices his weakness and Mark uses it to catch up and force the guy to the final point. Mark loses the match, but wins respect from everybody except the coach of the other guy who mocks him and Cody and then challenges Cody to a karate match. Cody beats him badly.
Frank is tired of all the yelling in the house so he installs an intercom that has a radio in it, but he is forced to destroy it when it wakes everyone up in the middle of the night.
Carol adds to her vast collection of ""first"" pictures by taking one of Dana's first day at East Wisconsin University. Dana feels she is being shafted when she receives a ""D"" on her English paper. That evoked varying responses including an ""Another first-- get a picture Carol"" from Al and an ""I'm the smartest now"" from Mark. Carol tells Dana her ego is too big and although she is smart she only had to look to her driveway to find someone smarter (remember SATs). Dana later apologizes and promises to correct her attitude. Immediately after this she finds out Cody was accepted at ""Cheese Wis U"" and enrolled in all her classes.
Meanwhile, JT receives a credit card and despite a warning from Frank, he charges $20,000 worth of stuff, including a mink coat which Carol adores. When everything is returned Carol has a hard time parting with the coat. Frank puts the next credit card JT gets in the blender.
Cody joins a college fraternity (Delta Delta Beta),to be cool.But finds the way they treat woman disgusting after Karen attends a party with him.
Meanwhile joins the schoolband.
When a part time Sportscaster job becomes available, Frank's old visions of being a great announcer come back. He chokes and Carol gets the job which bums him out seeing himself stuck in an endless life of average. He snaps out of it when Carol tells him that to her he is a superstar. Ironically, when Carol denies the job, Cody ends up with it.
Carol's health food kick has the kids buying their own junk food. This causes JT and Al to patrol the kitchen and endless fights over stealing each other's junk food. Finally, a food fight breaks out and when Cody tries to break it up, he is attacked from all sides. As a funny side note, in the middle of all this JT put glue in Dana's conditioner.
Karen tries to become Homecoming Queen, and discovers it's not worth the effort.Cody suffers an identity crisis.
Cody makes the world's largest Jack-o-Lantern and Mark discovers an alien life.
Al has a date with Kevin Philips,so she seeks advice from her step-sisters.Dana tells her she needs to stand up to him and make sure he doesn't push her around.While Karen's advice is completely opposite,saying that the only way Kevin will like her is if she agrees with everything he says.Al decides unwisely to take Karen's advice.The date doesn't go fairly well,but Kevin says he doesn't want to see Al again,as he thought she was more of an independent thinker.
Meanwhile, Dana and Cody try to out compete each other in college
The kids kick up a fuss about the baby's room and Cody comforts an old friend.
Al brings home her new boyfriend to meet Frank,but he has some major issues about the way the boy dresses.
Carol and Frank go on a romantic getaway, but Carol can think of nothing but the baby. Mark meets a girl, but is surprised by her appearance.
It's christmas time at the Lambert/Foster's and J.T. decides he's to old to spend Christmas with the family and he wants to go skiing with his buddies.Frank doesn't want him to, but doesn't object.J.T. realizes the minute they arrive at the cabin that he made a mistake and would rather go home.He calls Cody and confesses, but refuses to call Frank.Cody talks Frank into going to see J.T. and he admits he would rather be home with the family and Frank says he wants him home too.
J.T. and Cody are out riding around in J.T. boss's car.When J.T. meets a pretty girl,at a cafe.She thinks he's rich and so J.T. lies and says he is, to impress her.He then finds some money on the street and decides to keep it.Not knowing it actually belongs to Shelly's Dad who owns the cafe she works at.Cody finally makes J.T. tell her the truth and J.T. fines out about the money and returns it and apologizes for lieing.They decide to try and start over.
Carol starting binging on odd combo's of foods at her pregnancy wears on.While Cody makes a film about a goldfish and Dana comes to terms with her older boyfriend.
Al is learning to drive, but she gets into a predicament when JT lets her drive while Frank and Carol are away at the doctors. Meanwhile, Dana has her wisdom teeth removed, but the drugs get to her head.
Everyone begins to help Carol so she will not be stressed out too much and harm the baby. Carol, however, is so fussy about how they help that she drives them all crazy and seems to be just as stressed. Brendan, however, stays up all night cleaning to help.
Dana and Cody are selected to teach a bunch of remedial high school students about the Civil War. Cody signs them up for a hit TV game show, ""It's Academic,"" and wants a more hands-on kind of teaching. Dana fights Cody on both until the competition, where she gets so into it, she threatens her team. The students respond to both Cody's teaching and Dana's coaching.
JT realizes that he can not find a good job, unless he goes to college. He struggles to study and fails his first test, but with the help of Mark and Cody discovers that he has dyslexia.
Carol wants to get the future baby into The Sutton Academy, a prestigious pre-school, and sets up an appointment with a couple of representatives from that school. They insult the Lamberts, and Frank and Carol throw them out.
Mark and Gabrielle have a hard time controlling themselves while playing Ping-Pong and even while walking.
Cody's speech teacher tells him he says the word ""dude"" too much. He creates a device whereby someone can press a button and give him an electrical shock every time he uses the word. Dana volunteers and takes her job seriously, ""zapping"" him as much as possible. Cody decides that the word ""dude"" is part of who he is and how he communicates and therefore, quits.
Carol is 8 months pregnant and VERY large. Frank gets a job with a beautiful ex-girlfriend and neglects to tell Carol, feeling she is insecure. Carol finds out about the job, but more importantly finds out that she can trust Frank.
JT and Dana are in the same Ethics class, and JT gets an ""A+,"" while Dana gets a lower grade. Dana goes to inquire about her grade and discovers that the only reason JT got his grade is the teacher is interested in him. Dana warns JT and tells him that his first time should be special. When JT goes over to the Professors, he abstains from any wrongdoing, and in Dana's words, ""deserves an 'A+' in Ethics.
Frank buys the Meat Master 5000, but does not assemble it correctly, and it starts a fire.
Cody is having trouble sleepwalking and talking like a 5-year-old, warning Carol to get to the hospital. He discovers it is related to seeing his sister be born in the back of a cab, when he was five.
JT and Frank make a bet with Dana and Carol to wear a pregnancy outfit to see if they can cope and see how it is to be pregnant for 48 hours, but JT and Frank soon learn it's not easy being pregnant. They lose the bet and must get down on their knees and kiss Dana and Carol feet while they repeat that men are the weaker sex.
Meanwhile, Brendan is stunned when his favorite baseball player turns out to be a ""dilweed.""
J.T. applies his greed to babysitting,with Al's help.But they agree to sit for too many kids and can't control the group.
Carol decides that they need to get rid of all of Frank's old junk. They have a yard sale where Frank tries to sell things for $15-$50, but a guy smoking a cigar will only offer a quarter in return. At the end of the day, they have only made a nickel when the guy with a cigar comes back and offers a quarter for everything left. Carol quickly accepts his CHECK.
Dana is going to a college party. After a great deal of coaxing, Karen and Al convince Dana to take them with her. Karen surveys the room and picks a guy, Jeremy. Jeremy, however, chooses Al. Despite being asked to dance by 12 other guys and receiving a marriage proposal, Karen considers the whole party a waste. She and Dana then find out that Jeremy's intentions were less than pure. They rush to Al's rescue and help her get revenge.
Carol finally goes into labor. Frank rushes everyone to the hospital while Cody is taping everything on videotape. Carol had decided to have the baby without any anesthetic, but every time she has a contraction, she changes her mind (changing it back after the contraction, of course). The doctor convinces her that it is just as healthy for the baby to take drugs. JT, who was supposed to drive the kids, leaves the Foster kids at home. When the Fosters arrive, they begin fighting again with the Lamberts. Cody steps in and shows them how they have been happier when they have assisted one another. Lilly Foster Lambert is born!!
Season 5 - Step by Step
J.T. and Rich are excited about going on dates, but J.T. didn't expect Al to be invited.
With Frank and Carol out for dinner, Dana, Karen and Al are left to watch their new baby sister.
Cody, J.T. and Mark suspect their new neighbor is a jewel thief. Meanwhile, Dana moves out and loosens up a little too much.
While working on the Family Helpline, J.T. and Dana mishandle a call from a troubled teen.
J.T. hires an aspiring model to be the family's maid; and Carol gets overly involved in Karen's cheerleading tryouts.
Tired of the kids acting "either lazy, selfish or brain-dead," Frank and Carol order them to fend for themselves.
Al takes a job at a cookie store and has to work alongside the company mascot, Mr. Chips the chimpanzee.
Cody's a roadie---"the coolest job in the world"---for singer Christi Rose, who asks him to become her bodyguard.
Mark scores points for the guys on the "geek wall" at a dance; Dana attempts to stir interest in a feminist study group; Frank and Carol experience a day at a health spa.
J.T. and Al have dollar signs in their eyes when they take Lily to audition for a commercial.
Frank and Carol set up Al on a blind date with their friends' equally reticent son.
J.T. receives an offer he can't refuse: the chance to go out with a gangster's daughter.
To win Super Bowl tickets, Frank and J.T. dress up as cheerleaders and face off against a pair of women wrestlers named Assault and Battery.
When Frank's mother and Carol can't agree on child-rearing philosophies, Frank's caught in the middle of the power struggle.
Al feels compelled to check up on Matt when she learns he'll be on a ski trip with Stephanie "Love Boat" Leifer.
Carol gets really ticked when Frank buys her a fake designer watch for Valentine's Day.
A flirtatious girl disproves J.T.'s claim that a guy "would never trash a friendship over some stupid chick."
Dana brings her boyfriend Fleming home, and he promptly psychoanalyzes Frank.
J.T. decides to rely on brain power to boost his grades rather than use a cheat sheet procured by his friend Rich.
Dana, Karen and Al meet a prince and his two assistants on a ski weekend, but the girls don't know which is the real royal.
Dana, J.T. and Rich take career-placement tests; Frank deals with an overly eager employee.
Frank's mom treats everyone to a trip to Disney World, but there's some unexpected baggage---Rich and Flash.
During a trip to Disney World, Flash tries to break a record for visiting every attraction.
When the local bar goes belly-up, Frank buys everything so he can turn his basement into a lounge for his guy friends.
Season 6 - Step by Step
Jean-Luc celebrates a lonely birthday; Dana tutors Rich and romance blossoms.
JT, Rich and Dana take a trip to Mexico and wind up in jail; Jean-Luc takes driving lessons from Carol.
19-Year-old JT dates a 29-year-old woman with an ulterior motive; Mark and his buddies are caught watching an adult video.
Al is tempted to toke at a rock concert; Carol's married friend Patti is tempted by Jean-Luc.
Rich tries not to be jealous when Dana's old boyfriend arrives; Frank and Jean-Luc go on a disastrous camping trip.
JT finds romance with a female tow-truck operator, but his fear of commitment may stall the courtship.
JT moves out of the house--and into Jean-Luc's. Meanwhile, Carol tries to spend more time with the girls.
Carol and Jean-Luc vie for Lilly's attentions; JT and Rich are evicted from their new apartment by their new landlord--Frank.
Rich's gift to Dana turns out out be a locket he'd given another girl years earlier; meanwhile, Frank begins to feel his age.
Frank falls asleep in front of the TV, prompting a dream of the Old West in which he's a drunken sheriff.
Jean-Luc gets to cut Fabio's hair; Carol bets Dana that she can't supervise a children's birthday party.
Mark's big date backfires and makes him the laughingstock of the school; Karen's collagen injections make her lips huge.
Al has a date with the pizza guy; Dana, Rich, JT and Sam go to a concert in Chicago; and Jean-Luc dumps his lenses.
Rich and Dana feel matrimonial pressure after attending a friend's wedding; Jean-Luc and Frank get zonked on homemade medicine.
Frank and his buddy challenge Carol and Jean-Luc to a bowling contest; JT and Rich fancy themselves sports agents.
Karen's ego takes a hit when the boy she's after goes for Al instead. Meanwhile, Carol and Dana crave attention from Frank and Rich.
Sam beats JT at every game they play, causing him to question his manhood and the future of their relationship.
JT is jealous when Sam finds a roommate; meanwhile, Jean-Luc is in trouble with taxes, so Frank and Carol try to help.
Frank and Carol tell Lilly about the facts of life, she then tells her kindergarten classmates; JT and Rich play the horses.
Frank's birthday gift to Carol is a dud; Rich teams with a cheerleader for a science contest.
Mark is embarrassed by Carol's cheering at his basketball games; Rich takes heat from JT for kowtowing to Dana.
Jean-Luc panics when he discovers he'll be cutting the First Lady's hair; Frank finds a guy for Al.
Carol fixes up Jean-Luc with a blind date; the kids use the salon as a make-out parlor.
Carol introduces Jean-Luc to Frank, who dislikes him immediately; JT tries to learn to dance.
Season 7 - Step by Step
With the kids at school, Carol decides to take some college courses--the same ones Karen is taking. Meanwhile, Dana tells Rich to get serious about his education.
Al lands a part in a movie and dreams of a career in Hollywood; Carol gets in a bake-sale battle.
Rich secretly takes dancing lessons to impress Dana at a wedding, but she thinks he's cheating on her.
JT's job at a garage is an accident waiting to happen; Frank is obsessed with restoring a boat docked in the backyard.
The teaching assistant who's been giving A's to Karen now wants something in return; Mark dates a slacker girl.
Carol tries to convince an old classmate, now a rich developer, to hire Frank; Karen wants Dana to join a sorority.
Two Halloween parties result in a lesson about being scared for Lilly and a ghostly encounter for JT.
Dana feels compelled to compete with an old female buddy of Rich's; Frank's troublesome cousin Bert reappears.
Rich and JT feud; meanwhile, Karen takes advantage of boyfriend Chip's easy nature.
Lilly has a crisis of faith when she discovers that the department store Santa is really JT.
Al gets a job modeling on a TV commercial, only to discover it was re-dubbed as a phone-sex ad.
JT falls for an aerobics instructor; Carol has a fight with Dana, who decides to get even by eloping with Rich.
Dana talks Rich into taking a pottery class; Carol and Frank's "role playing" is misinterpreted by the kids.
Frank and Carol attend their 25th high-school reunion, along with Frank's old rival; Rich and JT charge pals to watch a bikini contest on TV.
JT and Rich enter a male-stripper contest for quick cash to take their girlfriends on a promised ski trip.
A truck giveaway causes friction between Frank and JT; a women's safety seminar is a big hit thanks to a hunky cop.
Al, angry about being an understudy at a local play, refuses to learn her lines--something she regrets when the leading lady gets sick opening night.
Cody returns and gives Frank and Carol $50,000, which causes nothing but trouble as they decide how to spend it.
Everybody is excited about the prospect of moving into a brand-new house--except Lilly.