The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet is an American sitcom, airing on ABC from October 3, 1952 through March 26, 1966, starring the real life Nelson family. After a long run on radio, the show was brought to television where it continued its success, running on both radio and television for a few years. The series stars Ozzie Nelson and his wife, singer Harriet Nelson, and their young sons, David and Eric "Ricky" Nelson. Don DeFore had a recurring role as the Nelsons' friendly neighbor "Thorny".
Type: tv
Season: 14
Episode: N/A
Duration: 30 minutes
Release: 1952-10-03
Rating: 5.8
Season 1 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Ozzie quickly regrets advising David against allowing people to take advantage of his good nature.
On Halloween night, Ozzie and Thorny make plans to attend a non-costume party as Satan and a Scotsman. Meanwhile Ricky and David attend a Halloween Party at school and the Nelson household is besieged by children demanding candy - or else.
Ozzie has tickets to the Riviera Ballet, but Harriet doesn't want him to go because the actresses will be wearing skimpy bathing suits.
David gets a babysitting job and Ozzie is worried about David and the baby.
Ricky receives a perfumed letter from his neighbor, Julie Thornberry, inviting him to his first dance.
Having come home the previous day from Aunt Ellen's without any Thanksgiving leftovers, Ozzie and the boys become obsessed with a craving for more turkey
Ozzie is outraged after he doesn't receive a timely 'thank you' for the birthday gift he sent to Thorny.
Harriet decides to try a new hair style but it doesn't go over well with the Nelson men. Ozzie gently tries to suggest he wants her to go back to the look he's used to.
The boys want to earn extra money for Christmas, so Ozzie gives them permission to look for work.
Ozzie and David receive Christmas gifts after Christmas from Grandma Nelson.
Ozzie becomes upset, and increasingly obsessed, by a newspaper tribute to him that messes up his name.
Ozzie and Thorny's discussion about basketball escalates until they challenge each other to a game. They include their sons in the grudge match but then begin having second thoughts.
Ozzie discovers his family worrying about different things, and admonishes them, as well as rationalizing them out of their concerns. But later he reads a magazine article and seems to have trouble fighting off worry himself.
Ozzie wants to establish that he's head-of-the-household, and Harriet wants to be a good wife. Marital strife ensues.
While discussing The Rover Boys' books with Thorny, Ozzie takes off to check out a book at the library, hoping to prove Thorny wrong. But when he's caught with a big book, one of his boys' teachers is convinced he knows a lot about the Peloponnesian War and asks him to lead a book discussion. Ozzie is just too proud to admit the truth and decides to learn everything he can before the PTA meeting.
David and Ricky finally get their own separate rooms - with hilarious results.
Ozzie and Harriet are concerned that David will blow all the money he's saved on a new girl he's taking to a Valentine's Day dance.
There's a new traffic signal, and no one knows who should take the credit or get the blame.
Ozzie soon regrets a flirtatious moment shared with his dentist's new southern belle receptionist.
While in Herb Dunkle's empty office, Ozzie teaches Ricky how to crack a safe.
Andy Beesley gives Ozzie a new outlook on life: Enjoy life, while you can. Ozzie takes this philosophy to heart and sends the family on a spending spree down at The Emporium - a spending spree he soon regrets.
Fearing that Ozzie is coming down with a cold, Harriet orders her husband to spend the evening convalescing and then goes shopping with a friend. Ozzie manages a rapid recovery when Thorny reminds him of a date they made to go bowling.
It's spring, and love is in the air, so Ozzie wants to surprise Harriet by having a bunch of violets delivered to her. When orchids show up, instead, Ozzie suspects they're from an old rich boyfriend of Harriet's.
Hasty Tasty Pancake Company is offering a double-your-money-back guarantee, so Ricky decides to apply for a refund.
Ozzie has some fast talking to do, after Harriet falls under the impression that he was taken in by an attractive young door-to-door saleswoman.
To prove a point, Ozzie starts a rumor in the neighborhood by tricking his best friend Thorny into believing that the fish are biting like crazy in Mud Basin.
Ozzie finds out from Thorny that he is taking adult education courses at the local high school in the evenings. So Ozzie decides to take some classes and Harriet signs up too.
Ozzie tries to teach Ricky and David how to get a good deal in the swap trades they make with friends.
Ozzie gets roped into agreeing to fight Thorny in a boxing exhibition match to be held at an evening Boy Scout rally.
David is given his first house key and the responsibility that goes with it.
Ozzie is brimming with enthusiasm about appearing in the PTA pageant's play, until he learns that his role is the front end of Robin Hood's horse.
David and Ricky would like an increase in their allowances so Ozzie develops a point system regarding household chores. He includes every family member but regrets it as it points out that one person is doing very little of the tasks.
Harriet encounters an older man who worked at an amusement park she and Ozzie frequented when they dated. She invites him to dinner where he thinks Ozzie is named Walter, then spends the evening telling stories about Harriet and Walter.
Ozzie is stuck in his conservative routine, until he has a chat with the ever-exuberant Emmy Lou.
Season 2 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Confusion reigns when the local department store delivers two new chairs to the wrong Nelson family and then drops off additional chairs or takes back the wrong pieces of Nelson's furniture.
Ricky and David are upset about not being invited to Will Thornberry's party. Later, they discover it’s a misunderstanding. But then, Ozzie finds out he wasn’t invited by “Thorny” (Will’s father) to a party occurring that same evening, and he becomes irritated with his best friend— unwilling to take the same advice he gave his kids and talk it over with him.
The boys just got a newspaper route, but it's Ozzie who winds up having to make the rounds on their first morning.
Ozzie is falling behind on his list of chores around the house, so the rest of the family pitches in and helps out.
An old friend of the family mails a monogrammed pipe to David, not realizing he isn't even college age, yet.
It's David's 17th birthday, and he's trying to do anything he can to look older because he has a crush on Sally Patterson, a girl who is only interested in older men.
Herb Dunkle talks to Ozzie about a new organization in town, "The National Anti-Noise Society". But is this new club ready for Ozzie & Thorny to join?
Ricky intends to make extra money selling a spot remover. He's very successful but when things go wrong to entire family pitches in to help.
David and Will Thornberry's school essays give them both a chance to be mayor for the day during "Civic Day". Now if only Ozzie and Thorny will quit arguing about which son is going to be the honorable mayor.
The Nelsons decide to start using a suggestion box for family matters.
David wants to start weightlifting and working out early in the morning, while Ricky wants to start staying up late and watching movies on the late show. Ozzie decides to let the boys have their way.
Harriet loses a gold pin Ozzie had given her. It was insured, and they collect on it. The check comes made out to both of them, and they disagree on who should endorse it over to the other person and what the money should be spent on.
Thorny needs a reference about his fiscal worthiness and asks Ozzie to write one for him. Ozzie as a joke writes a negative one but goes into a panic when he thinks Ricky mailed it.
Ozzie tells his family a story from his childhood of when he wished for a white Christmas.
The wife and kids give Ozzie the night off from helping them with their chores and homework, so with mixed feelings, he tries to amuse himself by spending a night out on the town.
Ozzie buys cameras for everyone in the family. It doesn't take long for him to get caught in a compromising position on film.
Ozzie takes the courageous step of gathering enough nerve to return some of Harriet's lingerie.
After promising to double whatever money his youngest son has left over at the end of the week, Ricky's collection of old pop bottles may cost Ozzie a pretty penny.
Harriet decides to give a dinner party but runs into problems when she learns her friend has already planned a dinner party and the Thornberrys are not invited.
David's been spending time at Thompson's Garage. Ozzie thinks David may want to become a mechanic when he gets out of school. This is a great idea, until Ozzie talks to Thorny about what his son Will wants to do when he graduates.
Dave is in charge of his club's initiation committee, and Thorny's son Will is among the pledges that must undergo the process.
Ricky wants to send a letter to a cute girl who wrote to him, but Ozzie has accidentally destroyed the envelope containing her return address.
Both Dave and Ricky want Ozzie to partner with them for the Father And Son Table Tennis Tournament. The dilemma is that he can only play with one son.
The school's Backward Dance is tonight. The girls invite the boys to this event. Fearing that David doesn't have a date to the dance, Ozzie meddles in his son's affairs.
David has a school assignment to write an article for the school paper. Unable to think of a subject to write about. Ozzie suggests writing an article about the school's baseball team's latest slump.
Ozzie and Harriet anguish over whether or not to allow 13-year-old Ricky to take a 150-mile train trip on his own.
It looks like Ozzie's going to be late to a luncheon where he's scheduled to deliver a speech on the importance of being on time.
Ozzie and Thorny stage their version of "Hamlet" in the Nelson's living room.
After meeting his new neighbor at the bank, Ozzie beliefs he's a thief and stole his penknife. When hinting to his new neighbor didn't solve the problem, Ozzie decided he needed to warn Thorny and put his valuables in the bank.
Ozzie needs to have the roof gutter repaired before the next rain, but a bird's nest is holding up the works.
Harriet writes to 'Aunt Martha', who gives advice through her 'A Friend of the Family' column in the local newspaper.
David is excited about an upcoming dance and it's going to be formal. But Ozzie thinks buying his son a new tuxedo is too expensive so carious options are explored. Ozzie discusses it with Thorny whose boy Will also needs a tux.
After giving David a lecture on saving his money, Ozzie and Thorny indulge in some impulsive buying at the local sporting goods store.
Everyone in the neighborhood wants to use Ozzie's new backyard pool. The trouble is - it hasn't been built, yet.
Season 3 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Ozzie and Harriet must decide whether to celebrate their 19th wedding anniversary with a night on the town or to stay at home and chaperon a party for Ricky.
In order to make closet space, Harriet insists Ozzie get rid of his multitude of neckties.
It's hot versus cold, as Ozzie and Harriet battle over setting the furnace's thermostat.
Ozzie gets upset when the gravel Thornberry ordered is dumped in his yard instead. After a phone call, things get worse. Worse yet, Thornberry is down on his back and can't deal with the problem himself, which leaves only one person to take care of the mess.
Ozzie is bursting with pride when David is chosen over several boys as an usher at the local movie theatre. Ozzie's pride is tempered when he learns why David was chosen over the other boys.
Wally Dipple invites Ozzie and Harriet to his annual "Come-As-You-Are" party, and Ozzie does his best not to be caught in a robe and pajamas like last year.
Wally Dipple invents an unusual garage door opener. Ozzie and Thorny want to invest in it, but their plans hit a little snag.
Ozzie comes across a mysterious metal bolt, and sets about the house in search of where it's supposed to go.
Ozzie agrees to pay David fifty dollars when he grows to be the same height as his dad.
When one of Ricky's Christmas gifts cannot be located, the entire Nelson family's holiday spirits plummet. However, the ensuing search enables the family to demonstrate the true spirit of Christmas.
When Harriet insists that everyone write thank-you notes, Ozzie struggles to write his to Thorny.
Ricky tries to teach an old dog new tricks. Meanwhile, Ozzie and Thorny take drastic measures to avoid going to a violin recital with their wives, in order to stay home and watch the big fight on television, instead.
As a favor to their wives, Ozzie and Thorny are to deliver sandwiches and potato salad to the women's club. They need to use David's car but he leaves with the food in the trunk. Ozzie takes Ricky's bike and Thorny is on skates as they try to locate the missing refreshments.
Ozzie tries to derail Thorny's scheme to save money by having his house painted with the paint that is leftover from painting Ozzie's home. Ozzie demands that Thorny paint his house a different color than his. Meanwhile, Ricky gets permission to express his individuality by redecorating his half of the bedroom he shares with David.
Ricky wants to turn in his old train set in for a new chemistry set.
Ozzie is distressed by unexpected bills and David always seems to need extra cash. He takes a stand when David asks for $10 while Thornberry has the same situation with his son Will. In the end the two dads undermine each other.
After hearing a speech at the women's club about exciting careers for women. Harriet starts to think about pursuing a career of her own, something "old-fashioned" Ozzie is dead against.
David invites his girlfriend Susan over to his home for dinner.
Doc Williams is selling a fancy sportscar, and Ozzie is tempted to buy it.
David has a problem: he has to find a date for his girlfriend's visiting cousin.
Ozzie and Thorny are under extreme marital pressure to perform their annual spring cleaning chores.
Dressed only in pajamas, Ozzie and Thorny embark on a bizarre adventure.
A little girl is following Ricky around, everywhere he goes. When Ozzie & Harriet try to talk to her, she runs away. Ozzie, Harriet, David, Ricky & even Thorny are trying to figure out what she wants.
Ozzie wants to throw a surprise testimonial dinner in appreciation of Doc Williams.
Though he hasn't had a piano lesson since the age of nine, Thorny bets Ozzie that he can learn to play a complete song within one week.
A stray dog attaches itself to the Nelsons, and they can’t get rid of him to go on a planned trip to Rainbow Lake.
Season 4 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Ozzie and Harriet are concerned when David appears to be heading toward the altar at what they consider much too young an age.
Ozzie decides to make homemade ice cream but it doesn't turn out as well as expected.
Ozzie wants Ricky to play football but Harriet wants him to join the school band.
Ozzie invites an old friend of his to dinner without telling Harriet.
Ozzie and Thorny get into a heated football game with their new neighbor.
David doesn't like Ricky's jazz music records, and Ricky doesn't care for David's classical music records. It's a battle of the phonographs!
The 'Gay Blade' is a new kind of knife sharpener, which Harriet bought, and she expects non-mechanically inclined Ozzie to figure out how to correctly assemble its numerous parts.
No one wants to stay up until 2:37 in the morning to watch the lunar eclipse - except Ozzie. He's determined to snap a picture of the scientific event through a telescope.
Harriet thinks that she and Ozzie are not spending enough quality time together. Ozzie offers to take her golfing but Harriet has other plans.
After receiving a citation for safe driving, Ozzie is asked to drive a vehicle in a city parade. Ozzie then realizes that his drivers license has expired. He tries to get his license renewed before the day of the parade.
Ozzie & Thorny decide it would be a great idea to postpone their chores and go up to Pine Lake for the weekend. Harriet and the boys are busy, so Ozzie promises to look after Thorny's house, while the Thornberry's go up to the lake.
Ozzie is determined to stay in bed all day, but he soon finds out that it's not going to be as easy as he had first imagined.
While digging for worms to go fishing, Ricky discovers an old Spanish Doubloon.
Ozzie greets a beautiful morning brimming with optimism, which soon makes a downhill turn.
Psychology student David checks Ozzie's photograph for criminal tendencies.
Someone keeps sending flowers to Harriet and this begins to fluster Ozzie.
Season 5 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
David holds his fraternity rush party at the Nelson home and the other members of the family try to stay out of the way.
Ozzie finds himself becoming obsessed with a children's television program.
David is taking art and after he brings home a Christmas scene he painted, his parents are impressed. Ozzie and Harriet decide to make it their Christmas card.
Rick and his band get their first engagement to play at a sorority dance. Ozzie and his friend think they might be able to play banjos at the dance.
Ozzie goes to the store to buy filing cabinets for the boys' bedroom - and comes home with a pool table, instead.
David treats his parents and date to dinner at an upscale restaurant, but it's possible he may not have enough money to cover the tab.
Ozzie is faced with the daunting task of inflating 1,000 balloons for Harriet's charity affair.
Ricky wants a car of his own. Ozzie agrees but only if he earns enough money to pay half the purchase price.
Doc Williams bunks with the Nelsons while his residence undergoes renovations. Ozzie then begins having aches and pains.
Ozzie volunteers for so many Christmas committees that he has little time to do his Christmas shopping, hang the Christmas lights or buy a Christmas tree.
Feeling nostalgic on the day after Christmas, Ozzie is determined to take the family ice skating up at the lake.
A stranger with a British accent is passing through town, and he looks exactly like Ozzie.
In order to get new fashion ideas, Harriet decides to attend a beauty show.
A series of coincidences start around the Nelson household, starting with David telling his parents that he has just started dating a girl, whose name just happens to be Harriet.
David invites a pretty Spanish girl to a dance knowing she doesn't speak a word of English, but doesn't count on her bringing her duenna as a chaperone.
David, Wally, and Chuck take over management of the campus hot dog stand.
The Tigers are planning on building a clubhouse and Ozzie unwittingly volunteers to let them build it in his backyard.
Harriet is made editor of her women's club newsletter but runs into trouble when she accepts "help" from Ozzie.
The Tommy Jackson Band is coming to town, and Ricky dreams of sitting in on drums.
Ozzie finds a bargain on golf clubs so he buys three sets for himself, Wally, and Doc.
Ozzie is somewhat disgruntled because he believes his work as club treasurer has gone unappreciated.
David invites Miss Universe, Carol Morris, to be his date at a fraternity dance.
Ozzie and Harriet wonder whether or not they should question Ricky and David more closely about their social activities.
Ozzie makes a fishing lure out of a feathered ornament from Harriet's new hat.
Ozzie and Darby are furious with each other over the matter of a questionable ten-dollar debt.
Season 6 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Ozzie and Harriet wind up as babysitters so that young people can attend a dance being held by David and his fraternity brothers.
Ozzie feels that Ricky is neglecting him in favor of his rocker friends.
Ozzie goes to great effort to present the Men's Club treasury report, but it seems no one is interested, until a little side-benefit is discovered.
Ricky and Dave get a gig to play an out-of-town dance but end up in jail.
The Emporium is hosting a contest for customers to name the 'Mystery Shopper'.
Rick wants to go out with a new girl, but she doesn't date high school boys, so Rick uses Dave's fraternity ring and pin to get a date with her.
Ozzie, Darby, and Joe's late night bowling have wives needing apologies. After buying a bouquet Darby changes his mind leading the other two to fight over the blooms. Harriet and Clara become bewildered over the disappearing flowers.
Ozzie has a restless night, after he downs two double-banana torpedoes.
Ozzie has promised to take the neighborhood youngsters on a hike but he also wants to play in a golf tournament. He has a plan to do both but he needs David and Rick's help to make it happen. His trail reading skills though are not that good.
Thoughts and dreams of Tutti-Frutti ice cream prompt Ozzie and Darby to embark on an all-night quest in search of the flavor needed to satisfy their craving.
The boys want to raise money for Christmas presents. They decide on selling Christmas trees, if only they can fund a lot. After receiving a new shipment of trees they find themselves in need of a new lot once again. Ozzie comes to the rescue when he sets up a deal with a real estate agent to give them a building if the boys will take out his nieces, who recently moved into town. But business seems slow at this location so Ozzy suggests that Ricky plays his music to attract customers.
Ozzie is determined that the Nelsons will win the cross-country obstacle race being held at his men's club annual picnic.
Ozzie fixes up an old-time car so he can enter a race against a modern hotrod. Will it be another race of the tortoise versus the hare?
Dave meets a beautiful blonde stewardess on a flight, but constant interruptions and chance run-ins with one of the airline's pilots prevent them from having time alone on several attempted dates.
Everyone is mystified when a picture of a pretty girl falls from Ricky's notebook.
Harriet goes dancing with an old dancing partner, while a nervous Ozzie stays home and plays poker with the guys.
Ozzie buys a large used safe for the home. Problems ensue, so Ozzie hatches a devious plot that causes upheaval among his neighbors.
Invited to a Men's Club meeting by his father, David makes a suggestion which unintentionally snowballs out of control.
Three girls named Betty ask Ricky to a ladies choice dance at his high school.
Ozzie spearheads a campaign to bring back live band music to the park pavilion.
Ozzie and Darby wager on whether Darby can pull a practical joke on Ozzie within one week. With just one day left to go, Ozzie has is guard up, and he decides to attempt to play a practical joke on Darby.
Ozzie, Darby, Doc, and Joe challenge their wives to a scavenger hunt, in order to determine which is the smarter sex.
The competition is fierce when Dave and Wally place a bet as to which of them can first get a date with a certain lovely sorority girl.
Ozzie & Darby both claim they caught a large record making trout for the Men's Club, while fishing. This problem is made worse after they take the fish to the taxidermist.
The Nelsons and their neighbors, the Randolphs, try to play Cupid for a bachelor.
Wally catches Dave in what appears to be a compromising situation with a fellow frat brother's date. He suspects Dave has violated the unwritten code of the fraternity: "No Brother shall attempt to steal another guy's girl away from him."
In order to avoid going on a blind date arranged by Harriet, Ricky poses as his friend Micky.
Oz runs into a teacher that informs him that if his son doesn't pick up his work in chemistry, he'll get a failing grade, so he high pressures Rick into studying harder, and forgoing his social life.
Ozzie volunteers at a women's club banquet with predictable results.
Everybody tries to get into the act after David's fraternity decides to give a Bavarian party in honor of new exchange students at the university.
After a new neighbor moves in, the Nelsons decide they are in a rut and should try different things.
Trying to dissuade Ozzie from taking a stag fishing trip, Harriet announces that she's going to take a vacation all by herself.
Season 7 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
David tries to date a pretty girl, but everything keeps going wrong.
Dave must decide whether to allow a girl to play on the little league football team he's coaching.
Ozzie's birthday is on Saturday, it's also the Randolph's 25th anniversary on Monday. Joe wants to redecorate their home as a present for Clara. He asks Ozzie's help on how to get Clara to go to her Mother's for the weekend.
Someone enters Ozzie's name in a contest as a joke and he wins first prize---a pony.
Ricky might lose his best galpal if it means pledging David's fraternity.
With David and Ricky go away for the weekend, Harriet invites two teenaged girls to spend the weekend at the Nelson house.
The Men's club decides to put on a bean counting contest-and Ozzie gets stuck with the task of actually counting the exact number of beans to go in a large jar.
Ricky gives a pretty riding instructor guitar lessons in exchange for riding lessons.
When David takes up motorcycling, a worried Ozzie tries to talk him out of it.
Ozzie overextends himself while being a helpful neighbor, and each good deed snowballs into one disaster after another.
Ozzie tries to find out why two children were found hiding in the back seat of his car.
Wally uses a psychology test to trick Rick into going on a blind date with his cousin.
Rick is expecting his new girlfriend and her parents over for dinner, but Ozzie fouls things up by mistakenly telling Rick that dinner is at the girlfriend's house, instead. Meanwhile, Harriet goes to the movies, and Ozzie invites his buddies over for a poker game, leaving Rick stuck in the middle.
Ozzie gets roped into trying to take a photo of a flying saucer for a contest sponsored by the Bijou Theatre. The theatre manager, played by Joseph Kearns, awards $1,000 prize money for the best photo.
Joe Randolph becomes jealous when he mistakes Ozzie being seen shopping with his wife as a romantic affair.
A composite photograph of a girl taken by Ricky ends up being selected as campus queen.
The local newspaper chooses Ozzie to be the subject of its Neighbor of the Week column.
When David and pal Wally fall for the same damsel, Wally tricks David into giving her a gag gift.
In preparing for a pageant about the town's founder, Ozzie learns some disconcerting information about him.
Ozzie, Joe, and Darby are literally left out in the cold when they go camping with their wives.
In order to impress a pretty Spanish exchange student, Ricky decides to take up bullfighting.
After Ozzie and Harriet attend a lecture on the topic of 'Togetherness', the Nelsons decide to do more things together as a family.
Ricky suspects that a fraternity brother is sneaking around with his galpal so Ozzie advises him to do the same with the brother's galpal.
After Ricky is elected treasurer of his fraternity, Ozzie gives him advice on financial matters.
Ozzie once again jumps to conclusions when David and his galpal are invited to dinner by a young married couple.
Ozzie hopes to convince his men's club to hold a costumed dance this year.
Ozzie and Harriet take on fourteen unexpected weekend guests when the fraternity is cleared out for termite extermination.
Harriet and Clara bet Ozzie that he cannot keep from opening a little black box before the week's end.
David & Ricky buy an old English car, a Buckingham. Although they enjoy it at first, the upkeep of the car winds up costing them more than they can afford.
Ozzie seems to be protecting Harriet after feeling she is been taken advantage of by people.
After learning from his two sons that he talks in his sleep, Ozzie worries he'll reveal Harriet's upcoming birthday surprise. He takes unusual measures to prevent this from happening.
Season 8 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
One of Ozzie's old college friends, now a sea captain, invites Dave to join him on his next round-the-world cruise - much to Ozzie and Harriet's consternation.
Ozzie invites Darby over for dinner. The simple dinner turns into a big party as more friends are invited.
It seems as though everyone is trying to help David get a job as a law clerk.
Ricky must decide between going to a dance or going up to the mountains with the guys.
The father of David's galpal owns a ranch with a well-stocked lake for fishing so Ozzie and his buddies wrangle an invitation.
Ozzie decides that the family needs to move into an apartment and tries to convince them to follow his advice.
David trails a man whom he believes is faking an injury in order to collect insurance money.
When the women's club takes over a gas station one weekend for charity, Ozzie, Darby and Joe are sure they'll be sweet talked into helping, and resolve to refuse.
The fraternity brothers are short of funds for the swimming pool they want to build in back of the frat house, so they plan to put the squeeze on their fathers by luring them to a Dad's Night steak dinner.
Harriet and Ozzie both make plans to surprise the other on their anniversary.
Ozzie tries to interest Harriet in his activities so they can be together.
It's up to Ozzie to get Ricky's galpal to a surprise party in her honor without ruining the surprise.
David is borrowing money from everyone he knows to help out a friend. When Ozzie misinterprets a letter from a finance company to David, (it's an advertising flier), he thinks that David's car in being repossessed. Oz and Harriet think that David is in deep financial trouble.
In order to impress a girl who works at a circus, David and Ricky put together a trapeze act.
The local Women's Club needs a guest speaker, and Ozzie is nominated.
If Dave and Rick don't return their dates to the dorm by eleven o'clock, they will be locked out by their strict housemother.
Ozzie and Harriet are receiving a visit from a couple they met when away for a weekend through mutual friends but are having trouble remembering who they are.
A girl has a crush on Ricky and her friends devise ways to bring them together.
Rick volunteers to assist a professor with his chemistry experiments on Saturday night to avoid having to take two girls to a fraternity dance on the same night.
One of the founders of the Men's Club is returning to town and Ozzie's in charge of getting T-shirts welcoming him back.
Ozzie is determined to ride his rented bicycle all the way uphill to Blueberry Rock.
David strikes up a relationship with an old elementary school classmate, who has now grown up to be a beautiful elementary school teacher.
Ozzie and Joe try to duck out on a promise they made to their wives that they would attend an upcoming lecture with them.
Rick and his fraternity brothers get roped into painting their girlfriends' sorority house.
When Harriet gets disappointed because Ozzie forgot to tell her anything about his day, neighbor Joe Randolph suggests that he make things up.
Ozzie wants some peace and quiet on a weekend vacation but Harriet has other ideas.
Season 9 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
A newspaper article mistakes the fraternity's intentions regarding disbursement of funds raised from their junk drive. The frat brothers must scramble to set things right.
After Dave's boss, Mr. Kelley, asks him to do several menial tasks, Dave feels like he's not getting anywhere in the law profession, so he considers quitting his job and entering the advertising field.
Ozzie lets nieghbor Joe Randolph store his new boat at the Nelson home.
Dave falls for Rick's girlfriend, Jane, and the feeling is mutual. Dave invites Jane to a dance and can't decide how to break the news to his brother.
Galpal Joyce begins knitting a sweater for beau Ricky but when it takes up too much of her time he begins seeing another damsel.
Ozzie's friends play golf instead of helping him fix the plumbing at the Nelson house.
Ozzie and Harriet think David is planning to get married when they get invited to dinner at his galpal's house.
David hires a pretty girl to be his boss's secretary when the regular gal takes a vacation.
Ozzie and Ricky break into Joe Randolph's garage to retrieve a borrowed lawnmower.
After meeting a girl who works in an emporium, Ricky applies for a Christmas job there.
David and Ricky's fraternity decides to throw a Christmas party but there's no piano to be found.
It's time for the Campus Queen contest and Rick gets assigned to count the ballots.
Rick's girlfriend becomes jealous when he keeps bumping into a klutzy girl.
Ozzie & Harriet volunteer to be chaperone's at a party for Rick's fraternity. But there seems to be some confusion as to where the party is going to be held.
Ozzie inadvertently invites the wives to come bowling with the guys.
Ricky's frat brothers think he's been giving out information about fraternity activities to a school newspaper gossip columnist.
David plays the judge over the rightful owner of a dog when two boys claim it to be their's.
A pretty college student paints a portrait of Rick, but Ozzie and Harriet are afraid that Dave will become jealous.
In David's absence, Ozzie and Harriet decide to deliver some important papers for his boss.
Dave has a great golf story, but Wally submits it to the attractive campus newspaper editor as his own.
Wally stands up his galpal using the excuse that he was visiting a friend with a broken arm---Ricky.
Ozzie and Harriet babysit for a neighbor's son when his mother goes to the hospital to have a baby.
Ozzie, Ricky, and David disagree over which form of self-defense is best and they might get a chance to find out when they take jobs as guards for a detective agency.
Members of a sorority refuse to have anything more to do with David and Ricky's fraternity until they improve their dressing habits.
A pen and pencil set is among some old items found at the Nelson household.
With the help of Bruce, Dave schemes to secretly sell Rick's old drum set to a pretty girl, who both he and Rick want to meet and ask out on a date.
Ozzie and Joe make a bet with their wives that they can prove men have greater extra sensory perception than women.
Rick's late Great-Uncle Walter left an envelope for Rick to be opened on his 21st birthday, and the entire Nelson household can hardly wait to find out what's inside.
Getting a free used television set from neighbor Joe becomes a very expensive proposition for Ozzie.
Season 10 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
After their wives insist that they escort them to the women's club dance, Ozzie and pal Joe decide to take dancing lessons.
Ricky and his fraternity brothers find the cost of dates with their damsels getting higher and higher.
While Dave and June are on their honeymoon, Harriet decides to unpack their wedding gifts and fix up their new apartment.
The fraternity brothers rent out a room to one of their professors.
David returns to the office from his honeymoon and promises to keep in touch with June but his assignments might make it a hard promise to keep.
A neighborhood youth club calling themselves the Tigers asks for Ozzie's help in fund raising.
Rick is put in a position where he must grade his girlfriend's English exam.
Ozzie needs to go to sleep, so he can get up early in the morning to go fishing, but a barking dog is making sleep impossible.
Rick and his date get invited to Dave and June's apartment for dinner.
Rick feels pressured into pinning a girl he's been dating for only a few weeks.
June bakes a special cake for Dave, in hopes he'll remember the first anniversary of his marriage proposal.
The niece of Joe and Clara Randolph arrives for a visit and Ricky is asked to show her around.
June badly wants a new lamp for their apartment but David says they don't have enough money in their budget.
Harriet hires on as the new cook for Rick and his fraternity brothers.
Ozzie tries to ease the fears of young Barry who's scheduled to have an operation removing his tonsils.
Ricky's fraternity house is in danger of being put on scholastic probation.
Fraternity brother Wally confesses to Ricky that he can't afford a fancy dinner at a plush restaurant.
Ozzie and Harriet become lonely when they don't hear from David and June.
David talks Ricky into a blind date for the daughter of an important client of his firm.
Young Barry pesters Ozzie and Joe into taking him on a fishing trip with them.
After re-doing their sidewalk, Ozzie and Harriet try to find a place to keep the cement block with the handprints of young David and Ricky.
Season 11 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Rick serves as best man at the wedding of his friend Jimmy and has to deal with a flirting maid of honor.
Mrs. Bradford, a long-time client of Dave's boss, Mr. Kelley, wants to sue a local bakery. She claims they stole her favorite cake recipe.
When David and June leave town for the weekend, Ozzie gets the idea to use the place during their absence.
At an art exhibit, Ricky spies a very attractive item but it's not one of the pieces. It's a sculptress.
Ozzie and Harriet plan a trip down to Mexico. Then the Randolphs announce that they want to come along too.
Harriet accepts the chairmanship of her women's club's annual children's dance.
The women's club elect Ozzie to be in charge of organizing the annual children's play.
Rick's in a jam after he accidentally sends a photograph of himself to a girl he hardly knows.
Rick wants to spend some quiet alone-time with a beautiful new girl on campus, but Wally keeps getting in the way.
Dave and his boss, Mr. Kelley, are at a loss when Miss Edwards unexpectedly hands in her letter of resignation.
David invites June's old beau to dinner but then ends up stuck at the office with his new secretary.
The Nelsons start a company to promote Wally's new idea of a children's game.
Rick gives his girlfriend's brother a boat model, and then he has to help him build it.
David wants to test a camper he'd like to buy but June's idea of roughing it is to stay at the Holiday Inn.
Ricky and his frat brothers play a prank on Wally when they tell him that a pretty skier wants him to take her to a dance.
Ozzie and Joe try to play a practical joke on Harriet and Clara. But the joke backfires when the girls run out of gas in the desert.
New neighbors have moved in down the hall from Dave and June's apartment. Their 14-year-old daughter quickly develops an annoying crush on Dave.
To prove that they're real sports, Ozzie and Joe have decided to do a parachute jump for their club's annual sports show.
At a rural picnic, a farmer gives Rick and his girlfriend a cute baby goat, and they promptly unload it on Ozzie and Harriet.
Rick and Wally find themselves frantically juggling two pairs of dates at a fancy new restaurant.
Dave consults a professional decorator after June suggests that his office could use some sprucing up. When Dave learns that June plans on doing the work herself, he becomes afraid of hurting her feelings by using a professional.
Accidental publicity stunts make Rick and his frat brother's instant celebrities.
Harriet and Clara draft their husbands to help put on a bazaar for their women's club.
The fraternity's house lease has expired, and a sorority wants to move in, so the frat brothers look to Dave for legal advice.
Ricky hosts a musical festival that includes his own band with David interviewing the guests backstage.
Season 12 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Rick desperately wants to impress a coed named Trudy, but the harder he tries, the more he fails.
Ozzie and Joe go fishing and complications develop in the form of two fashion models.
Newly married Ricky forgets to wear his wedding ring on campus and gets asked to a sorority dance by a pretty girl.
Getting Wally into shape gets a bit out of hand, as Wally's self-confidence inflates to the size of his waistline.
The frat house is in sore need of a fresh coat of paint, so Wally devises a risky scheme to get another fraternity to do the work for them.
David takes a client to dinner at a restaurant while back at home June has already prepared a meal.
Wally's penpal arrives in town desperate to meet him but it turns out the picture he sent her was a picture of Rick.
Because of the cost, June won't be able to accompany David when he goes to a lawyers' convention.
Harriet and Clara aren't exactly thrilled when they're chosen to safeguard the proceeds of their women's club's charity bazaar.
June's penchant for being late may cause trouble for David who has a dinner date with a client who's always punctual.
Ozzie and Joe go bowling instead of gathering items for the women's club charity drive.
Rick is forced by Wally to make a business loan using Fraternity Treasury Funds.
David is in an ocean of trouble with June when he goes missing with a beautiful mermaid.
Ozzie disguises himself as a swami fortune teller at a University Woman's Club function.
Ozzie, David, and Rick try to convince their wives to let them go fishing.
Kris is upset because there were no wedding pictures taken of the cake cutting.
David's wife June fills in at his office while his secretary is on vacation.
Ricky and Wally thow a surprise birthday party for the college dean of students in hopes of getting him to rescind his ban on fraternity dances.
Wally installs his television set in Ricky's house but then he stays and stays and stays.....
Harriet and Clara plan a romantic hayride with their husbands but it conflicts with their poker game.
Rick gets hired as a law clerk at David's firm when the work starts piling up.
Harriet and Clara get their husbands to enter a newspaper contest entitled "Why I Love My Wife."
Season 13 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Kris becomes jealous when Rick gives a few rides to Sheila, who works across the hall, while her car is being repaired.
When Ozzie gives Ricky's old printing press to some neighborhood children they use it to publish a gossip sheet.
Rick and his fraternity brothers plan on holding an all-night poker game at his in-laws' mountain cabin. However, unknown to Rick, Kris thinks that Rick is planning a getaway for just the two of them.
Wally asks David to write him a letter of recommendation for a job but David can't think of anything good to say.
Kris decides to join Ricky at college so they'll have more time together but she eventually becomes a nuisance to his balancing a job and classes.
The neighborhood kids entrust Ozzie with their jar of pennies but he decides to borrow it for an evening of poker unaware that the jar contains a valuable coin collection.
Harriet enlists Kris, Rick, and his fraternity brothers to help out with entertaining the kids at the Women's Club Annual Children's Show. Ozzie wants to get into the act, too.
The college dean gets Ricky and his pals to help the school set a record for staying in bed for the longest time.
There's double-trouble after Kris tries to play Cupid with Wally and Ginger.
Kris thinks she'll appear more feminine to Ricky if she plays weak and helpless.
Ricky and his frat brothers think that an exotic dancer would make a great housemother.
Ozzie discovers that a precocious neighborhood child is winning money playing chess.
Ozzie, David, and Ricky find themselves in an awkward situation when they're discovered alone in a restaurant.
David becomes the advisor for Ricky's fraternity and discovers that the members are living well beyond their means.
When Ricky grows a beard it set off a chain reaction among his male friends and relatives who all decide to grow beards too.
Will Rick wind up in the doghouse, after he surprises Kris with a Great Dane on her birthday?
Hoping to find hidden treasure, Ozzie and Joe purchase a locked mystery trunk at auction.
Kris's old girlfriend comes back to town to live permanently in Hillsdale but stays with Kris and Rick instead of searching for her own apartment.
Ozzie and Harriet find themselves caught in the middle when Ricky begins badgering employer David for a raise.
Ozzie cancels a golf date to stay home and make breakfast for Harriet, who is in bed with a cold.
Kris and Harriet have photos taken for Rick and Ozzie to put on their desks.
Rick's fraternity throws an illegal party to recruit a high school football star.
A painting from Rick's past comes back into his life and causes contention between him and Kris.
Season 14 - The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Ozzie is on the spot when Clara introduces him as Joe to a visiting friend.
A rose a day from a secret admirer is being delivered to Harriet, and it's driving Ozzie crazy trying to find out who it is.
Ricky tries to patch up a spat between Wally and Ginger only to have it backfire.
June decides to help David in his law office by becoming his unofficial private eye.
While hiding out from the Randolph's, Ozzie is mistaken for a prowler in his own home.
The fraternity brothers throw a party in Ozzie and Harriet's honor.
Rick and his fraternity brothers use a secret tunnel in a scheme to retaliate against the Betas, who stole their blue moose head.
The Nelsons and Rick's fraternity brothers panic when they learn that Wally has included embarrassing tidbits about all of them in a book he is trying to sell to a publisher.
Kris has left an important message for Rick. The trouble is, Wally has torn it into six pieces to use as paper to write IOUs, which he has issued to several fraternity brothers.
Ozzie and Joe impulsively accept an invitation to have lunch in Mexico City. Will they be able to make it home in time to make a planned dinner date with their wives?
Using reverse psychology, Ricky tries to cure Kris's extravagance by threatening to buy a horse
June talks Dave into taking some time off but Dave can't relax and worries that Rick might not be able to handle things by himself.
June volunteers David's services as a pie taster for a TV cooking show but can he pick out his wife's pie?
Kris is worn out from doing favors for Rick and his fraternity brothers.
Ozzie and Harriet are chosen to entertain a visiting Arabian prince and one of his wives.
The neighborhood Tigers Club gets Ozzie a gift of appreciation for all that he has done for them.
Ozzie wants to show up his neighbor Joe, so he asks Kris to teach him the steps and moves to the latest dance craze.
With Harriet's help, June tries to trap Dave into taking a trip to Hawaii, and with the help of Ozzie, Rick, and Wally, Dave tries not to trip into her trap.
Ozzie helps a neighborhood boy get a job in David and Ricky's law office.
Repair work in David's office building causes him to move his office into his own living room.
Ozzie accidentally damages a surprise birthday present for a nine year old boy he's been babysitting.
Ozzie and Harriet desire to convert the boys old bedroom into something else. Harriet suggests a guest bedroom, but Ozzie secretly wants to buy a used pool table and convert the space into a game room.