The Devil Is a Part-Timer!

Gaining power, one combo meal at a time.

Foiled by a hero when he’s inches away from conquering the world, the devil finds himself in modern-day Tokyo. With no real-world skills to speak of, the devil is forced to make ends meet flipping burgers at a fast food joint! To stall any further plans of world domination, the hero tracks the devil’s trail and takes on the lowly tasks of a telemarketer.

Type: tv

Season: 2

Episode: N/A

Duration: 24 minutes

Release: 2013-04-04

Rating: 7.5

Season 1 - The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
When the lord of demons and his horde waged war against the humans in their realm, a hero vanquished their army. Cornered, the Devil fled through an interdimensional portal to Earth. He vows to one day reign again, but until then... he needs a job!
Emilia the hero finally tracks down the ruler of demons on Earth. Meanwhile, Sadao receives a mysterious text from Chiho warning that more earthquakes are on the way.
Something supernatural seems to be going on with Chiho. Meanwhile, it's possible Maou seems to have a difficult time understanding certain concepts.
In the aftermath of the cave-in, Emi sees a side of Maou that doesn't jive with the demonic king. Meanwhile, everyone sees a side of the landlady that nobody could have expected.
Lucifer is wrecking the neighborhood in a big way and he's brought along some unexpected friends! Meanwhile, Emi, Maou, and Ashiya do the impossible and try to work together!
Back on Ente Isla, the other high priests find out about Olba's betrayal. Meanwhile, Lucifer's moved into the Devil's Castle.
Maou and company find that a young lady named Suzuno has moved in next door. She is quick to make friends but Emi wonders what her motives are.
Big problems arise when when a new fast-food restaurant opens up. Meanwhile Emi and Suzuno have many miscommunication problems.
Maou tries to handle the loss of business caused by the opening of a new restaurant. Meanwhile Emi and Suzuno need an impartial third party to resolve their dispute.
It's a busy day at the local amusement park, with crowded restaurants, animals on the loose, scary ghosts, and a much-needed swimwear intervention. Meanwhile, Suzuno feels the presence of a white-winged being watching her.
An encounter with a stranger has Suzuno reconsidering her position on the Devil. Meanwhile, Yusa begins stalking Sadao and Shiro around town and learns that they are living good, humble lives.
The archangel Sariel is willing to torture people to get what he wants. Soon, Satan and Sariel engage in an aerial battle that destroys half of the city.
Ashiya has something he needs to talk to his master about in private. Meanwhile, Emi also has a strange dream where Satan conquers Sasakuza.

Season 2 - The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
Maou and company face their usual budget crisis while Emi and Suzuno attempt to have a conversation next door. It's the same old, same old... except that today, they sense an ominous presence. Before long, a bloodcurdling scream will rend the night.
Alas Ramus seems dead set on the idea that Maou and Emi are her parents. After a few attempts at babysitting by Maou and Ashiya, though, it's clear that Chiho is the only one ready to cope with the realities of parenting. Her boss at MgRonald's isn't thrilled about all of this, but Chiho may have a future in the Devil's army.
Maou, Emi, and Alas Ramus have an eventful day at the amusement park. Meanwhile, their three stalkers do their not-so-great best to blend in.
Emi attends a sleepover at the Devil's Castle. But in the morning, the fight for Alas Ramus and the sacred sword begins. Will Maou and Emi win? Will Gabriel take what's precious? Will there be a magical girl transformation sequence?!
Alas Ramus may be safe, but Maou and his roommates have a few more crises to face. Luckily, they have strong allies on their side.
With Ohguro's new and improved look, business is booming! In fact, there are more customers than Maou and his team can handle alone. And at night, there are ominous shadows in the fog...
Emi, Maou, and the gang learn the source of the recent demon invasion, as well as some surprising facts about Choshi City and their boss.
Maou, Ashiya, and Urushihara get a farming job on Chiho's recommendation. Emi seems to have some feelings about it.
Thieves and demons and bears, oh my!
Maou thirsts for a TV, Emi learns some shocking news, and Urushihara schools us all on how to be proper NEETs.
Buying the Devil's TV is more exciting than anyone expected. Unrelatedly, Maou is wiser about human relationships than anyone expected.
The whole gang prepares for their showdown with Raguel. But the fight has a lot of unexpected twists and turns, thanks to meddling from more than one immortal.
The Sasazuka MgRonald's remodeling is complete. New toilets! Better coffee machines! Maou and Ashiya's worries would be over, if it weren't for the girls' suspicious new habit.
The battle with Gabriel and Raguel is over, but the transition back into daily life isn't all smooth sailing.
Maou has been thinking about dreams ever since his conversation with Kisaki, and he knows exactly what to do next. Of course, whether he can get the necessary parties' buy-in on his dream is another matter...
Alas Ramus deserves a safe and comfy place to sleep! Emi and Maou go on a futon-shopping quest while Ashiya and Urushihara try to figure out what's going on with Suzuno.
Emi takes a trip to Ente Isla. Those left behind in Japan spend a lot of time arguing about whether or not they're worried.
Urushihara and Suzuno rush to Chiho's aid, but Maou lags behind thanks to his lack of magic and his confusing new acquaintances. Meanwhile, Ashiya has the toughest job of all: explaining all this to Rika.
Who's holding Emi hostage? Why are so many humans, demons, and angels after Ashiya? Maou needs to find out all this and more, but first he needs a new source of power to defeat the invading army with.
Emi is freshly struck by all the differences between Ente Isla and Japan. Then Alas Ramus reveals more about herself, causing Emi to reevaluate several things. Meanwhile, Maou is just trying to coexist with Acieth Alla without losing his mind.
Maou and Suzuno make their way through Ente Isla's forests. Emi and Ashiya each learn what they've been brought to Efzahan for.
Are we about to finally learn the landlady's secret?! Also, Ashiya takes control of the Malebranche while Maou struggles with his magic and Emi struggles with the stress of her position.
Suzuno and Albert's plan hits a snag, but Emi and Ashiya's plans are going oddly well. The big questions of the day are: Can Maou merge with Acieth again? And does he have enough gas left in Powered Dullahan III?
At last, all the players are in place for the final battle in Efzahan. What happens next?