The Legend of Vox Machina

They're rowdy, they're ragtag, they're misfits turned mercenaries for hire. Vox Machina is more interested in easy money and cheap ale than actually protecting the realm. But when the kingdom is threatened by evil, this boisterous crew realizes that they are the only ones capable of restoring justice.

Type: tv

Season: 4

Episode: N/A

Duration: 27 minutes

Release: 2022-01-27

Rating: 8.239

Season 1 - The Legend of Vox Machina
The ragtag group of adventurers known as Vox Machina are commissioned by Sovereign Uriel to find out who (or what) is decimating villages in the outskirts of Emon.
Vox Machina tells Sovereign Uriel of the monstrous culprit behind the devastating village attacks, and manage to track the creature back to its hidden lair. For the safety of Emon, Vox Machina must rise to the occasion and go face-to-face with a beast that is seemingly impossible to kill.
Vox Machina is invited to the palace for a formal dinner, where Percy encounters murderous figures from his past: the mysterious Lord Sylas and Lady Delilah Briarwood. While gathering more information about the Briarwoods, a battle ensues. In the aftermath, the team discovers Percy’s tortured past has left something dark brewing inside of him.
After ruining Sovereign Uriel’s diplomatic dinner, Vox Machina is confined to their Keep under house arrest. While they stave off boredom, Keyleth convinces Percy to open up about his dark history and Pike fears she has lost her connection to her deity. Meanwhile, a looming new threat is on its way to confront Vox Machina.
Vox Machina journeys to Whitestone to confront the Briarwoods and help Percy reclaim his family home. As they travel, Scanlan studies Delilah Briarwood’s mysterious spell book to uncover clues. But the team’s first road trip is interrupted when the Briarwoods send horrific monsters to retrieve their missing book.
Vox Machina finds Whitestone's holy leader, Keeper Yennen, who tells them of a growing rebellion. The team realizes that to defeat the Briarwoods they will need the help of rebel leader, Archibald Desnay. But first they must stage a daring prison break and confront the Briarwoods’ sadistic jailer, Kerrion Stonefell.
As Vox Machina discovers more about a revenge pact Percy made years ago, Keyleth tries to magically connect with the Sun Tree. She senses its pain as well as a dark force deep below the city of Whitestone. Feeling underappreciated, Scanlan volunteers to infiltrate Duke Vedmire's mansion as a distraction while Vox Machina attempts to rescue Percy's sister Cassandra.
Vox Machina battles the vicious Professor Anders and his unique magical abilities, while Delilah Briarwood uses magic to summon a demonic army to rise against our heroes. Meanwhile, Pike searches for a way to reconnect with her deity, even if it means risking her life.
The Briarwoods' evil past connects with the present as Delilah reveals her pact with the Whispered One. In the bloody Whitestone streets, Vox Machina wages the fight of their lives against an undead horde. But just when all looks lost, the team gets help from an unexpected source.
After Percy confronts his old nemesis, Dr. Anna Ripley, a tenuous partnership is struck. Despite Percy’s protests that she can’t be trusted, Vox Machina brings Ripley along. She leads them through the traps under the castle, but soon the team is double-crossed by one of their own.
Vox Machina launches a final assault against the Briarwoods atop the Ziggurat. Battling the dark magic of Delilah and the vampiric strength of Sylas, a worried Vex and an unhinged Percy try to save their siblings. But their best efforts may not be enough as the Briarwoods near completion of their secret ritual.
Vox Machina has stopped the Briarwoods’ evil ritual, but at a heavy cost. As they flee the Ziggurat to save one of their own, Percy is eager to take revenge on their prisoner, Delilah Briarwood. When Vex implores him to let go of his vengeance, Percy must confront the darkness within himself.

Season 2 - The Legend of Vox Machina
Vox Machina's victorious return home to Emon is cut short by the arrival of ancient dragons, the Chroma Conclave. Despite Vox Machina's best efforts, the dragons lay waste to the city, forcing the team to find a way to escape.
Vox Machina travels to the mysterious ancient city of Vasselheim to search for allies. They're soon forced to turn to a group of seedy bounty-hunters, called the Slayer's Take. There they encounter an ancient creature who holds critical information that could help them in their fight against the dragons of the Chroma Conclave.
Vox Machina explores an ancient temple to search for their first Vestige of Divergence, a legendary weapon they hope will aid them against the dragons of the Chroma Conclave. As they overcome a series of dangerous encounters to reach the sunken tomb, one of the team makes a terrible mistake.
In a desperate bid to save a team member's life, Vax strikes a fateful deal with the Matron of Ravens, offering his life in exchange. As Vox Machina battles their way out of the sunken temple, Vax wonders what he's just signed up for.
While traveling to find the next Vestige of Divergence, Vox Machina passes by Pyrah, home to the Fire Ashari people. Discovering that the village is in distress, Vox Machina must help them, battling fire creatures that are spilling out into the world through a portal to another dimension. As they try to close the portal, Keyleth learns more about the power that lies within her.
Upon arriving at the location of the next Vestige of Divergence, Vox Machina must face the challenges of the mysterious sphinx, Kamaljiori – the mate of Osysa. But even if they can succeed, a new, unexpected threat lies waiting for them.
After escaping from the black dragon Umbrasyl, Vox Machina is split up. Half of the party find themselves lost in another dimension, the mysterious Fey Realm. They encounter strange dangers as they seek to recover the next Vestige of Divergence. Meanwhile, the other half of the party searches for a way to heal their cursed teammate.
In the Fey Realm, Vox Machina unexpectedly discovers the city of Syngorn and meets Vax and Vex's father. After the emotional encounter, Vox Machina journeys deeper into the Fey Realm, searching for the next Vestige of Divergence – the Fenthras Bow. To acquire it, they must confront an ancient and powerful archfey. Meanwhile back in Tal'dorei, Scanlan and Pike attempt to nurse Grog back to health.
Knowing that the Titanstone Knuckles are in the city of Westruun, Pike and Scanlan come up with a plan to get them from their current owner, Grog's uncle, Kevdak. But Grog, weakened by Craven Edge's curse and haunted by his last encounter with his uncle, questions whether he is strong enough of mind, or body, to confront Kevdak.
Despite his weakened state, Grog confronts his uncle, Kevdak, in a fight to the death. The battle is intense, with Grog taking a beating at the hands of his uncle’s Titanstone Knuckles, another Vestige of Divergence. As Grog is about to fall, the rest of Vox Machina arrives, just in time to join the fray.
While Scanlan makes a fateful and shocking discovery about his past, Vax confronts the Matron of Ravens to uncover the truth about the mysterious pact he made with her. At the same time, Vox Machina teams up with Grog’s Herd and sets their sights on Umbrasyl, preparing an ambush to take down the dreaded black dragon.
As the black dragon Umbrasyl escapes their attempted ambush, Vox Machina pursues him to Gatshadow Mountain. In the fearsome acid-filled tunnels of Umbrasyl’s lair, Vox Machina must make a final stand against the evil dragon.

Season 3 - The Legend of Vox Machina
In disguise, Raishan visits Vox Machina with a promise of aid. She tells them of a vestige capable of defeating Thordak; the Plate of the Dawnmartyr. The team is divided on trusting the duplicitous dragon, but journeys to the city of Marquet to test if she speaks true.
In Ank'Harel, Vox Machina comes face-to-face with Anna Ripley... and Orthax. But only escape her clutches to stand accused of murder! While Vox Machina stands trial, Scanlan runs into his daughter. The clock is ticking as Scanlan tries to save his friends and his relationship with Kaylie.
Go to hell, Vox Machina! But stop in Draconia first. Don't worry - Kima and Allura know someone there who can help. You'll love her, she's great. But first, don't forget romance. Percy has feelings for Vex, Vax has feelings for Keyleth! What could go wrong?
While Vax, Keyleth, Pike, Grog and Scanlan seek magical armor in the Hells of Despath, Percy, Vex, Kima and Allura try to survive against the savage Vorugal. Can each team survive the fires of hell, and the frigid doom?
As Kima is hunted by Vorugal, Allura struggles to stop the beast and save her love. Meanwhile in hell, Pike gambles against a devil for the souls of her friends and the future of the world. Does she have an ace up her sleeve that can save the day?
Welcome friends, to The Chateau Shorthalt! There's singing, dancing, and more chicken than you could ever eat. Not enough for you? How about juvenile dragons attacking Whitestone? Or perhaps Raishan betraying Vox Machina?
In the ruins of Whitestone, Vox Machina makes a startling discovery - a clue from Ripley luring them to her remote island lair. Before they can resume the fight against the Chroma Conclave, they must deal with the serpent who's been nipping at their heels.
After a devastating loss, Vox Machina must take the fight to Thordak with one less memeber. They travel across Exandria recruiting allies to face down the Cinder King in his lair. Will the gathered might of the world be enough? Or will Thordak turn Tal'Dorei to ash?
Thordak strikes back! The combined armies of Whitestone and Syngorn are in trouble as the dragon's ambush is sprung. Betrayed by Raishan and left with nowhere to run, Vox Machina scrambles to find a new plan before their allies are wiped out.
Thordak has fallen - though the price paid was steep. In the aftermath, Raishan absconds with Thordak's corpse. Vox Machina doesn't know her plan, but it can't be good. Fractured, they scatter on their own personal quests: vengeance, solace, and knowledge.
At sea, the twins fight for their lives against Ripley. Keyleth undergoes a dangerous earth ritual to locate Raishan, one that could cost her life. Pike and Grog's quest is no less perilous, as they struggle to convince Kaylie to help save Scanlan.
Merging her soul with a red dragon corpse, Raishan becomes an unkillable, undead monstrosity. She battles Vox Machina in her lair, trying to erase them before they can foil her plans.

Season 4 - The Legend of Vox Machina