
Xplay (previously GameSpot TV and Extended Play) is a TV program about video games. The program, known for its reviews and comedy skits, airs on G4 in the United States and had aired on G4 Canada in Canada (and briefly on YTV during its time as GameSpot TV), FUEL TV in Australia, Ego in Israel, GXT in Italy, MTV Russia & Rambler TV in Russia, Solar Sports in the Philippines and Adult Swim and MuchMusic in Latin America. The show ran between July 4, 1998, and January 23, 2013, and returned in November 2021 as a part of G4's relaunch.





Type: tv

Season: 9

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 2003-04-28

Rating: 8.5

Season 1 - Xplay
Welcome to the first edition of "X-Play." In our premiere we'll take a look at the over-the-top baseball title "MLB Slugfest 20-04." It's arcade-style action on the diamond. We'll also bring you some fists of fury with "Tao Feng" for the Xbox, and we'll review the latest Tom Clancy title, "Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield." Read on for the full schedule of this "X-Play" episode. Features Training Day: Adam learns the secrets of the SWAT at the recent "Raven Shield" event. 'Battlefield 1942' Rant - Fellow "Battlefield 1942" players, come together. Heed our words, and we can achieve the Holy Grail of online gaming - an idiot free multiplayer experience. Reviews 'MLB Slugfest 20-04' (PS2) 'Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus' (Xbox) 'Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield' (PC)
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb in one of their earliest episodes, dedicated entirely to gaming on the Personal Computer. Reviews for Postal 2, Shadowbane, Tropico 2 and Grom: Terror in Tibet abound, as well as a special expose with TechTV's Robert Heron on the best gaming PCs you can buy!
In this episode of "X-Play" we break out the B-ball and the old-school short shorts to play hoops with "NBA Street Vol. 2." Then we travel to the far reaches of the universe to explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate in "Galactic Civilizations."
Adam and Morgan review Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC) and Bloody Roar Extreme (Xbox) and preview Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (GCN) and Rogue Ops (GCN/PS2). Also featured is the infamous "fudge" incident, with Intern Kevin checking out cool cars at Laguna Seca.
On this all-preview episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan check out trailers and game footage for Halo 2 (Xbox), the never-released Starcraft Ghost (PS2), Fable (Xbox), Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PC) and Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2).
'X-Play' Extras Morgan channels Ulala Watch these outtakes from the "Space Channel 5" review. Intern Racing: Uncut Watch a few extras from the intern racing feature. More 'X-Play' Extras Watch more of our screw ups. Plus, download the Maximum Tricycling and Walking Unlimited video. Reviews 'Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided' (PC) 'Warcraft III: Frozen Throne' (PC) 'Space Channel 5: Ulala's Cosmic Attack' (GBA) 'K-1 World Grand Prix' (PS2)
On this episode of X-Play, Adam checks out GenCon, Adam and Morgan preview Dungeons & Dragons Heroes (Xbox) and I-Ninja (PS2), and review F1 Career Challenge (PS2) and Naval Ops: Warship Gunner (PS2).
Adam and Morgan review Charlie's Angels (GCN) and 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Wrath of Darkhul King' (GBA), and preview NFL Blitz Pro (PS2), Civilization III: Conquests (PC) and Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox). 'X-Play' Extras' Morgan the Demon Slayer Morgan does her best Buffy impersonation in these outtakes.
Adam and Morgan review Silent Hill 3 (PS2) and NCAA Football 2004 (GCN), preview Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance (Xbox) and Starsky & Hutch (PS2), and bring us the trailer for Jame Bond 007: Everything or Nothing (Xbox).
In a rare turn of events, on this episode Adam and Morgan review three Gamecube titles beginning with the return of Kinnikuman in 'Ultimate Muscle: Legends Vs. New Generation,' Adam gets an aneurysm from 'MegaMan Network Transmission,' and we return to the mushroom kingdom with 'Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour.' We're also treated to previews for a pair of Playstation 2 titles with Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior and Champions of Norrath: Realms of Everquest.
On this episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review NFL Fever 2004 (Xbox) and Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (Xbox), preview Top Spin (Xbox) and bring us a trailer for Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance II (PS2/Xbox). Shane Satterfield also pops in to talk about football games and Adam and Morgan go out into the woods to shoot each other.
On today's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Aquanox 2: Revelation (PC), Tennis Masters Series 2003 (Xbox) and Syberia (Xbox), as well as preview Links 2004 (Xbox) and Secret Weapons Over Normandy (PS2).
Grab your Bawls and get ready for tonight's episode of X-Play. Adam and Morgan review Choplifter: Crisis Shield (PS2) and Aliens Vs. Predator: Extinction (Xbox), preview Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox) and Spy Hunter 2 (PS2), and Morgan visits QuakeCon 2003 to get the inside scoop on Doom 3.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb review Chaos Legion (PS2) and Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (GBA), preview the soon-to-be cancelled Black 9 (Xbox) along with the not-yet-released Gamecube version of The Hobbit (GCN), and check in with TechTV's Lab Rat, Robert Heron, to find out why your PS2 keeps breaking down.
Features Great Games Overlooked Play these three sleeper hits and you won't be disappointed. Morgan at FanimeCon 2003 Morgan looks into the connection between anime and videogames as she does a little anime shopping. Reviews 'Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution' (PS2)
On today's "all all all preview" episode, Adam and Morgan check out Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2), NBA Inside Drive 2004 (Xbox), Roadkill (Xbox), Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox) and Freestyle Street Soccer (Xbox).
On this episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Alter Echo (Xbox) and Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII (PS2), preview Whip Lash (PS2), Adam brings us a exciting expose on animal testing while X-Play Investigates, we check out a game stunt for GTA 3 from Jordon S. of Palm Springs, and catch of glimpse of games that X-Play are excited about.
On today's X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Chaser (PC), Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader (PC), Time Crisis 3 (PS2), preview Ultimate Beach Soccer (Xbox) and Adam find himself trapped at TechTV when bad camera angles strike!
On today's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan check out such nefarious violence-inducing, hooligan-indoctrinating, counter-revolutionary games as Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus (Xbox), Postal 2 (PC), Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (Xbox), Def Jam Vendetta (PS2) and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC).
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan review Soul Calibur II (GCN) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (PS2) and NFL Gameday 2004 (PS2), and preview both Beyond Good & Evil (PS2) and live play Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III - Rebel Strike (GCN).
On today's episode, Adam has another aneurysm playing F-Zero GX (GCN), we get reviews of Tron 2.0 (PC) and Freekstyle (GBA), a preview of Star Trek: Shattered Universe (PS2), we jump into the X-Play Lab for X-Plentions! and Intern Chris stops by.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Republic: The Revolution (PC), Cold Zero (PC) and Ghost Master (PC), preview Celebrity Deathmatch (PS2) and Backyard Wrestling: Don’t Try This at Home (PS2), plus we get some insider info from Sony’s Gamer’s Day.
On this episode… Adam and Morgan review P.N.03 [Product Number 3] (GCN), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA), NCAA Game Breaker 2004 (PS2) and check out trailers for Nosfuratu: The Wrath of Malanchi (PC), Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) and the animated Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan travel to Japan for TGS 2003. Adam sings with a bear. Morgan gets slimed. There is much fun to be had.
Hung over from their coverage of the Tokyo Game Show 2003, Adam and Morgan check out what's going on in Japan, visiting game stores and Polyphony Studios. Morgan gets addicted to Pachinko. Adam discovers dating sims and anime porn games. Both get mesmerized by a machine that can wash and dry clothes. And horny bunnies return.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, the sequelitis bug hits when Adam and Morgan review Lethal Skies II (PS2), Legacy of Kain: Defiance (PS2) .hack//Outbreak [part 3] (PS2) and Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition (GBA) and preview Amped 2 (Xbox). Meanwhile, Adam 2.0, the sequel to Adam Sessler, has arrived.
On this episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Xbox), preview Bloody Roar 4 (PS2) and Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly (PS2) and Morgan goes to a gun shop and shoots up some stuff.
On this episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Homeworld 2 (PC) and NASCAR Thunder 2004 (PS2), preview WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain (PS2) and SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs (PS2), and Adam hits the streets (or sidewalks) to find out which games (and potentially girls) THE PEOPLE like.
Reviews 'The Simpson: Hit & Run' (PS2) 'Futurama' (PS2) 'Voodoo Vince' (Xbox) 'XGRA: Extreme-G Racing Association' (PS2) Previews 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' (PS2)
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan bring reviews of Rogue Ops (PS2), SWAT: Global Strike Team (Xbox), Savage: The Battle for Newerth (PC) and preview Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (GCN), and we are serenaded by Morgan to the likes of Karaoke Revolution (PS2). Adam also sings (I think ?) and also gets drunk. Not necessarily in that order.
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan review Neighbors from Hell (PC), Heaven and Hell: Live and Let Die (PC) and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (GCN), preview Rainbow Six 3 (Xbox), and we get a look at some third party controllers and another look at the Final Fantasy: Advent Children movie trailer.
On this episode, Adam and Morgan bring up reviews of Dynasty Warriors 4 (Xbox), Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox) and Starsky & Hutch (Xbox), a preview of Maximo vs. Army of Zin (PS2). Morgan also interviews Tetsyra Nomura, director of Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) and we find out why Adam is happy.
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb return with their most Nazi-smashing, Soviet-striking, Dino-jetpacking episode yet in this SHAKY CAM extravaganza featuring reviews of Dino Crisis 3 (Xbox), Freedom Fighters (GCN), previews of Mission: Impossible - Operation Surma (PS2), Commandos 3: Destination Berlin (PS2), and some all-around good looking games, including Metroid Prime (GCN), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GCN), Silent Hill 3 (PS2) and Syberia (Xbox).
On this spooktacular episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Silent Hill 3 (PS2), Resident Evil: Dead Aim (PS2), Clock Tower 3 (PS2) Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis (Xbox), and Adam gives us the inside scoop on Aliens versus Predator 2 (PC).
On today's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review NBA Jam (Xbox), NHL 2004 (Xbox), Grooverider: Slot Car Thunder (Xbox), WWE Wrestlemania XIX (GCN), Morgan hits the STAPLES Center with the LA Clippers' Quentin Richardson and Laura Swisher gets into a fight.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PC), RoadKill (Xbox), Gladius (Xbox), preview Spawn: Armageddon (PS2) and Morgan harnesses her... uh... what's the thing Spock does again? Anyway...get your Hyperactive powers on.
Coming up... Adam and Morgan bring us reviews of ESPN NHL Hockey (PS2), NHL Hitz Pro (PS2), kill.switch (Xbox) and Anarchy Online: Shadowlands (PC), plus a preview of Counter-Strike (Xbox).
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Jak II (PS2), Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2), Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes (Xbox), DDRMAX2 - Dance Dance Revolution (PS2) and Intern Kevin [The Human Target] tries out for the Global Gaming League at The Standard.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Halo: Combat Evolved (PC)*, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Breakthrough (PC), Sim City: Rush Hour (PC)* and Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox) and preview Jet Li's Rise to Honor (PS2).
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan review Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PC), WWE Raw 2 (Xbox), Backward Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home (PS2), Links 2004 (Xbox), Amped 2 (Xbox) and show you how to find naked ladies
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan review Kirby Air Ride (GCN), Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (GCN), Kya: Dark Lineage (PS2), Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour (PC) and Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance (PS2).
Adam and Morgan Review 'Viewtiful Joe' and 'Ratchet & Clank Going Commando,' and More
Which games did X-Play think were the best sports games of 2003? Well, buddy, you either have to watch the episode to find out...ummm...or you can read the list that follows this blurb. But trust us, it's MUCH better on the TV.
'Tis the season on this very special episode of X-Play, where Adam and Morgan tell all you selfish bastards what their top picks for the Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube, GBA, PC and multi-platformers for the holiday season are.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Star Wars: Rebel Strike - Rogue Squadron III (GCN), Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Xbox), Beyond Good & Evil (PS2), Tak and the Power of JuJu (PS2) and SSX 3 (PS2).
On this episode, Adam and Morgan review Tony Hawk's Underground (PS2), NBA ShootOut 2004 (PS2) and ESPN NBA Baseketball (Xbox), preview Need for Speed Underground (PS2) and X-Play Investigates the darker side of professional gaming.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, we venture into the first annual X-Con Convention with Adam and Morgan as they look back at QuakeCon 2003, Gen Con 2003, Comic-Con 2003 and FanimeCon 2003.
Today on X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Xbox), Call of Duty (PC), Top Spin (Xbox), SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs (PS2) and True Crime: Streets of LA (Xbox).
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Xbox), Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup (PS2), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PS2), The Sims: Makin' Magic (PS2) and Secret Weapons Over Normandy (Xbox).
Adam Sessler plays dress-up to talk to Adam West in Hollywood. Once your sight returns, you'll be treated to reviews of XIII, WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain, Conflict Desert Storm II, The Sims: Makin' Magic and Armed and Dangerous.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (Xbox), Mario Party (GCN), Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GCN), and Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (GCN). Also, Adam hits the streets to find out what THE GAMERS like to play and we discover that you too can play Mario Kart ONLINE! Just head over to TechTV.com to find out how!
On today's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Project Gotham Racing II (Xbox), Whiplash (Xbox), The Hobbit (GCN), Crash Nitro Kart (GBA) and Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly (PS2).
Today on X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Need for Speed: Underground (Xbox), NFL Blitz Pro (PS2), Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown (PS2), Spy Hunter 2 (PS2), and Adam goes drifting.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan bring you reviews of SIX games, including Manhunt (PS2), I-Ninja (PS2), Legacy of Kain: Defiance (Xbox), Splinter Cell (NGage) and Red Faction (NGage) and Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2).
On tonight's episode of X-Play, we look back at the year that was with some of Adam and Morgan's favorite moments. Adam joins up with Ubisoft to tactically shoot people, then Adam and Morgan hit the beach for the hot volleyball action, Adam goes kart racing, Morgan hits the basketball court, and Adam goes LARPing.
On tonight's season finale awards special, Adam and Morgan present the Best Games of 2003.

Season 2 - Xplay
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan kick off the new year with reviews of Deux Ex: Invisible War (Xbox), 1080° Avalanche (GCN), Battlefield 1984: Secret Weapons of WWII (PC), Mega Man X7 (PS2) and Counter-Strike (Xbox).
On tonight's episode, Adam Sessy is EXCITED. Could it be due to Final Fantasy XI or a woman that will talk to him?!?!? Find out on this episode of X-Play. Games reviewed include Final Fantasy XI (PC), FIFA Soccer 2004 (Xbox), Fugitive Hunter (PS2), Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior (PS2) and Adam and Morgan show off American Idol (PS2) with former finalist Kimberly Caldwell.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Monsters 4x4: Masters of Metal (PS2), Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (Xbox), NCAA Final Four 2004 (PS2), Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring (PC), and Morgan goes for a ride and fantasizes about murdering Adam... again.
On this exciting episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Mission: Impossible - Operation Surma (Xbox), Nosferato: The Wrath of Malachi (PC), NCAA March Madness 2004 (Xbox), Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (PS2) and check out the Sony EyeToy for the PS2.
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan preview Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain (PS2), check out the Sexiest Gamer Competition and review Once Upon a Knight (PC), FIFA 2004 (GBA) and Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom (GCN).
On this exciting episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 (PS2), NBA Inside Drive 2004 (Xbox), Gothic II (PC), Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (Xbox) and Dance Dance Revolution: Ultramix (Xbox).
On tonight's 100th episode celebration, Adam and Morgan review Spawn Armageddon (PS2), PlanetSide: Core Combat (PC), Dragon Ball Z: Budokai (GCN), The Haunted Mansion (GCN) and we see the return (and possible final appearance) of The Griefer.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Bloody Roar 4 (PS2), Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu (PS2), Frogger's Adventures: The Rescue (PS2), Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA) and Morgan checks out what the cool people, like Chris Leary, are doing.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review AirForce Delta Strike (PS2), NHL Rivals 2004 (Xbox), SpellForce (PC), serenade us to the likes of Karaoke Revolution (PS2) and sit down with Kiyash Monsef of the Counter-Strike documentary "G4M3RS: A Documentary."
On tonight's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Hidden & Dangerous 2 (PC), Dungeons & Dragons: The Temple of Elemental Evil (PC), Pokemon Channel (GCN), Freestyle Street Soccer (Xbox), we're presented with Uncomfortable Moments in Gaming featuring Naked Raiden and Yoshi DeHerrera from the ScreenSavers creates a paradox involving the future of wireless gaming controllers.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review R: Racing Evolution (Xbox), Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis (PC), Magic: The Gathering Battlegrounds (Xbox), preview The Suffering (PS2) and in a very special segment, check out Sexy Beach 2 (PC).
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Xbox), ESPN College Hoops (Xbox), Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (PC), Railroad Tycoon 3 (PC) and preview Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GCN).
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan review Silent Storm (PC), Maximum Chase (Xbox), Empires: Dawn of the Modern World (PC), Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (GBA) and Pac-Man World 2 (GCN) with Pac-Man Vs. (GCN).
In this episode, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb bring us a preview of Spy Fiction (PS2) and reviews of Disciples II: The Rise of the Elves (PC), R-Type Final (PS2), Mission: Impossible - Operation Surma (GBA) and NBA Live 2004 (Xbox).
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Sonic Heroes (GCN), Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2), World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 International (PS2), Top Gear Rally (GBA) and preview All-Star Baseball 2005 (PS2).
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review NFL Street (Xbox), .hack Part 4 Quarantine [hack//Quarantine] (PS2) and King of Fighters 2000/2001 (PS2) preview Cy Girls (PS2) and Morgan is in Houston for the 9th Annual Game Before the Game, setting up Superbowl XXXVIII with NFL GameDay.
On this retro edition of X-Play, Adam and Morgan kick it old school-style with reviews of classic game compilations including Activision Anthology (GBA), Atari: 80 Classic Games in One (PC), Midway Arcade Treasures (PS2) and Intellivision Lives! (PS2).
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review The Sims Bustin' Out (GCN), The Sims Bustin' Out (GBA) and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 (PS2), preview the trailer of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, we get another installment of Games 4 Cheap Bastards and Morgan Strikes Back!
On today's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan preview Rallisport Challenge 2 (Xbox), Morgan goes to EA's Madden Bowl 2004 and interviews the likes of Roy Williams, LaVar Arrington, Allen Rossum, Ahman Green, Javon Kearse, Mike Rucker and others, and both review Curse: The Eye if Isis (Xbox), Sword of Mana (GBA) and Arx Fatalis (Xbox).
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan review One Must Fall: Battlegrounds (PC), Star Trek: Shattered Universe (Xbox), RC Cars (PC), Culdcept (PS2) and American Idol (PS2).
On tonight's X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Jet Li's Rise to Honor (PS2), Law & Order II: Double or Nothing (PC), Fire Emblem (GBA), Looney Tunes: Back in Action (PS2), and Jet Li sits down with Adam for a one-on-one (plus one) conversation.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Maximo Vs. Army of Zin (PS2), Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (PC) and Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde (GCN), we experience uncomfortable moments in gaming with The Horror of Song and Adam's crack team of agents kidnap an intern!
On tonight's episode Adam and Morgan preview Resident Evil: Outbreak (PS2) and review Drake of the 99 Dragons (Xbox), Drakengard (PS2), Wrath Unleashed (Xbox) and Blowout (PS2).
On this morning's episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan venture to TechTV so they may review Onimusha Blade Warriors (PS2) and James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing (GBA), preview Desert Rats Vs. Afrika Korps (PC) and check out overlooked game series such as The Legacy of Kain and Shenmue that will have you asking yourself "What, you haven't played that?"
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (GCN), Blade and Sword (PC), Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (PS2), preview Transformers (PS2), and Ryan sends them to interview Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Carmen Electra and Snoop Dogg of the 'Starsky & Hutch' film.
On tonight's mullet-filled episode, Adam and Morgan check out some of their worst games with Devastation (PC), Fugitive Hunter: War on Terror (PS2), Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (PS2), New World Order (PC) and Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis (Xbox).
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest (PS2), Ford Racing 2 (Xbox), The Cat in the Hat (PS2), Uru: Ages Beyond Myst (PC) preview Gangland (PC) and Morgan brings us a trailer for Darkwatch (PS2/Xbox).
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan check out a preview of Samurai Warriors (PS2) and Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (PS2) and review Fairly OddParents: Breakin' Da Rules (PS2) and Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA) and bring us games that make you pee your pants with Resident Evil (GCN) and one again ask "What, you haven't played that?" for the Panzer Dragoon series.
On tonight's episode,Adam and Morgan check out Mafia (PS2), World Tour Soccer 2005 (PS2), Firefighter FD 18 (PS2), Lupin the 3rd: Treasure of the Sorcerer King (PS2) and spoil the ending of Metroid Prime at 100% (GCN).
Adam and Morgan review ‘James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing’ and ‘MX Unleashed’
Adam and Morgan Review ‘Ninja Gaiden,’ ‘MGS: The Twin Snakes,’ and More
Because Shaq Says So: Adam and Morgan review ‘LifeLine,’ plus Shaquille O’Neal, and Games You Should Never Buy
Have it Your Way
Adam and Morgan review ‘Resident Evil: Code Veronica X,’ ‘Cy Girls,’ and More
Adam and Morgan review '‘Far Cry,’ ‘Breakdown,’ plus Spoiler Theater: ‘Conker’s Bad Fur Day’
Adam and Morgan review Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Seven Samurai, EyeToy Groove and More
Adam and Morgan review ‘Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword,’ ‘Lineage II,’ and ‘MLB 2005’
Adam and Morgan review ‘Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life,’ ‘MVP Baseball 2004,’ and More
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review the Jennifer Garner/J.J. Abrams television-series-turned-game, Alias (Xbox), preview Galactic Wrestling featuring Ultimate Muscle (PS2) and MLB SlugFest: Loaded (PS2), take a look at Weird Games with PaRappa the Rapper (PS1) and Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman (PS1) and Boss Battles from Hell with Ninja Gaiden (Xbox), Jet Force Gemini (N64) and Ratchet & Clank (PS2).
Today on X-Play, Adam and Morgan review NBA Ballers (Xbox), War Times (PC), preview Ribbit King (PS2), check out hockey games from 1987 through 2004, visit the Game Developer's Conference and "The B" assaults Intern Chris for explaining the worst idea for a video game ever.
The Sessman's coming with his special blend on the next episode of X-Play, where Adam and Morgan preview Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy (PS2) and MTV Music Generator 3: This is the Remix (PS2), and review World Tour Soccer 2005 (PS2) and MTX Mototrax (Xbox) and bring us a Spoiler Theater ending of Silent Hill 2 (PS2).
Today on X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Tenchu: Return from Darkness (Xbox), The Suffering (PS2), Worms 3D (PS2), Naval Ops: Commander (PS2) and bring up a trailer for Advent Rising (Xbox/PC).
On today's show, Adam and Morgan preview Showdown: Legends of Wrestling (PS2), review CSI: Dark Motives (PC), Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem (GCN), check out the Battlefield 1942 Star-Wars mod Galactic Conquests (PC) and Adam ventures to Planet Hollywood to ask Trish Stratus about the effectiveness of sitting on one's head.
On tonight's episode, Adam and Morgan review Breakdown (Xbox), Lords of the Realm III (PC), Corvette (Xbox), Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) and bring us their second installment of Weird Games, featuring Incredible Crisis (PS1) and Gitaroo Man (PS2).
On the next episode of X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Battlefield Vietnam (PC), Rainbow Six 3 (PS2), Siren (PS2), Space Raiders (GCN) and preview the non-Playstation version of World of Warcraft (PC).
Adam and Morgan review ‘Final Fantasy XI’ for the PS2, plus The Joy of Good Music
On the next episode, Adam and Morgan review Painkiller (PC), Future Tactics: The Uprising (PS2), Pokemon Colesseum (GCN), preview Besieger (PC), and stop by the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts to subject themselves to the PainStation and reflect back on several luminaries and moments of gaming history.
X-Play previews the latest games from E3
E3 2004 - Sony, Square Enix, and more are covered by G4 during E3 of '04.
Xbox, Nintendo, and more are covered by G4 during E3 '04.
The best of E3 as selected by X-Play!
On tonight's X-Play, Adam and Morgan review Onimusha Blade Warriors (PS2) and Fight Night 2004 (PS2), preview Donkey Konga (GCN), Daredevil / Gigli / Jersey Girl star Ben Affleck stops by to talk via the magic of CRT television transmissions, and boobs...lots of boobs.
While waiting for G4 to finish building their new set, Morgan stops by Adam's place to review Doom 3 (PC), MegaMan Anniversary Collection (PS2/GCN), Malice (Xbox) and NCAA Football 2005 (PS2) n this a super low-fi edition of X-Play. And Adam interviews the likes of Mad Man Pondo, New Jack Supreme in celebration of Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood.
On today's episode, Adam and Morgan are caught between an amalgam of varying continuities while reviewing Driv3r (Xbox), Catwoman (Xbox), Way of the Samurai 2 (PS2) and X-Files: Resist of Serve (PS2).
TechTV has been shuttered. Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, dismayed by their Comcastian G4 overlords' inability to craft a new set in a timely manner (and inability to obtain a helper monkey), decide to make a break and find new employment elsewhere. Along their journey, they will preview Men of Valor (Xbox) and Ghosthunter (PS2), and review MegaMan Battle Network: Blue Moon (GBA), Tales of Symphonia (GCN), and Missing: Since January (PC).
X-Play is back... again... with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb with their first in-studio episode of X-Play from Los Angeles following the Comcast buyout of TechTV.
A new week begins with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb settling in at G4.
On this episode, Adam and Morgan review Astro Boy (PS2), Street Racing Syndicate (PS2), Pikmin 2 (GCN), and preview both Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders (Xbox) and Killzone (PS2).
On this episode, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb bring us a preview of Outrun 2 (Xbox), reviews of Astro Boy: The Omega Factor (GBA), Gungrave Overdose (PS2), Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow (Xbox), and something gets lost in translation along the way.
Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb review ESPN NHL 2K5 (Xbox), EA Sports: NASCAR Chase for the Cup 2005 (Xbox), Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne (PS2) and preview Blinx 2: Master of Time and Space for the Xbox in one of their earlier episodes from Los Angeles. Adam also gets to damage his vocal cords with Sucker Punch's Nate Fox (lead designer of Sly Cooper) and Matt Olsen (the voice actor for Sly Cooper's Bentley).
On this episode, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb find themselves in Japan and not lost in translation, previewing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GCN) and reviewing Phantom Brave (PS2), Samurai Warriors (PS2), Gallop Racer 2004 (PS2) Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (PS2).
Adam and Morgan are still in Japan, in search of card battlers, shocking us with interesting translations thanks to Shad Grimgravy, reviewing Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green (GBA), previewing such games as Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (PS2) and Metal Gear Acid (PSP), and bringing an overview of Space Channel 5, Part 2 (PS2).

Season 3 - Xplay
x-box 4.Counter Strike/3.Dino Crisis/2.Project Gotham Raceing 2/winner is halo 2.
reviews Chaos Legion (PS2)3/5 Pokemon Pinball:Ruby and sapphire (GBA)3/5 previews The Hobbit (GCN) Black 9 (PC/Xbox)
An episode that is hosted by your favorite gamer girl Morgan Webb and Adam Sessler is not in this episode. This episode was one of the last Techtv episode of X-play before G4 got the show. Maybe G4 will hopefully show this episode when new episode of X-Play start airing again.

Season 4 - Xplay

Season 5 - Xplay

Season 6 - Xplay

Season - Xplay

Season - Xplay

Season - Xplay